Allan Luke, Judith Green, and Gregory J. Kelly
Introduction: What Counts as Evidence and Equity?
Alexander W. Wiseman
The Uses of Evidence for Educational Policymaking: Global Contexts and International Trends
Samuel R. Lucas and Lauren Beresford
Naming and Classifying: Theory, Evidence, and Equity in Education
Kevin Welner
Education Rights and Classroom-Based Litigation: Shifting the Boundaries of Evidence
James G. Ladwig
Beyond Academic Outcomes
Will J. Jordan
Defining Equity: Multiple Perspectives to Analyzing the Performance of Diverse Learners
Mark Warschauer and Tina Matuchniak
New Technology and Digital Worlds: Analyzing Evidence of Equity in Access, Use, and Outcomes
Gail L. Sunderman
Evidence of the Impact of School Reform on Systems Governance and Educational Bureaucracies in the United States
Dylan Wiliam
What Counts as Evidence of Educational Achievement? The Role of Constructs in the Pursuit of Equity in Assessment
Judith Warren Little and Lora Bartlett
The Teacher Workforce and Problems of Educational Equity
Kevin M. Leander, Nathan C. Phillips, Katherine Headrick Taylor
The Changing Social Spaces of Learning: Mapping New Mobilities