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Transnational Organized Crime

Transnational Organized Crime

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

April 2014 | 1 432 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
 Transnational organized crime (TOC) has emerged as a major idea in the conceptual field of global governance. Studies of TOC intersect with disparate criminological issues inhabiting apparently different domains: comparative criminal justice, migration studies, transnational policing and the political sociology of crime, to name just a few. The four-volume structure of this major work enables coverage of the historic development of its conceptualization, critical definitional and socio-political issues, empirical case studies and realist formulations of the problem area as well as theoretical, normative debates, alternative conceptual formulations and policy choices.  Each volume contains an introduction illustrating and contextualizing the main themes in each section.

Volume One: Definitions and Theories
Volume Two: Origins, Resources, Organization
Volume Three: Organized Crime and the Penetration of Markets
Volume Four: Organized Crime and Popular Culture, States and Terrorism  

James Sheptycki
Preface to the Collection
James Sheptycki
War Making and State Making as Organized Crime

Charles Tilly
Economic Consequences of Organized Violence

Frederic Lane
Crime as an American Way of Life

Daniel Bell
Illegal Enterprise: A Theoretical and Historical Interpretation

Mark Haller
The Ethnic Vice Industry, 1880–1944

Ivan Light
The Notorious Purple Gang: Detroit’s All Jewish Prohibition Era Mob

Robert Rockaway
Mafia, the Prototypical Alien Conspiracy

Dwight Smith Jr
The Black Hand: A Study in Moral Panic

Robert Lombardo
History and the Study of Organized Crime

Alan Block
Vice, Corruption, Bureaucracy and Power

William Chambliss
Corruption and Organized Crime: Lessons from History

Margaret Beare
The Decline of the American Mafia

Peter Reuter
Transnational Organized Crime; The Strange Career of an American Concept

Michael Woodiwiss
Transnational Organized Crime; thinking in and out of Plato’s Cave

Petrus van Duyne and Mark Nelemans
The Mafia and Al Qaeda: Violent and Secretive Organizations in Comparative and Historical Perspective

Jane Schneider and Peter Schneider
James Sheptycki
The Symbols of the Mafia

Diego Gambetta
The Secret History of Japanese Cinema: The Yakuza Movies

Federico Varese
Methodological Problems in the Study of Organized Crime as a Social Problem

Donald Cressey
The Organized Crime Continuum: A Further Specification of a New Conceptual Model

Frank Hagan
Problems of Definition: What is Organized Crime?

James Finckenauer
Identifying Counting and Categorizing Transnational Criminal Organizations

Louise Shelley
Mafia Markers: Assessing Organized Crime and Its Impact upon Societies

Jan Van Dijk
Into the Thick of It: Methodological Issues in Studying the Drug Trade in the Golden Triangle

Ko-Lin Chin
Assessing Organised Crime: The Sad State of an Impossible Art

Petrus van Duyne and Maarten van Dijck
The Politics of ‘Transnational Organized Crime’: Discourse, Reflexivity and the Narration of ‘Threat’

Adam Edwards and Pete Gill
Organized Evil and the Atlantic Alliance; Moral Panics and the Rhetoric of Organized Crime and Policing in Britain and America

Michael Woodiwiss and Dick Hobbs
The Media Construction of Financial White Collar Crimes

Michael Levi
Transnational Crime as a Productive Fiction

Jude McCulloch
James Sheptycki
Anticipating Organized and Transnational Crime

Roy Godson and Phil Williams
Unraveling the New Criminal Nexus

Louise Shelley
A Crime-Terror Nexus? Thinking on Some of the Links between Terrorism and Criminality

Steven Hutchinson and Pat O’Malley
Career Opportunities and Network-Based Privileges in the Cosa Nostra

Carlo Morselli
Are We a Family or a Business? History and Disjuncture in the Urban American Street Gang

Sudhir Alladi Venkatesh and Steven Levitt
Going Down to the Glocal: The Local Context of Organized Crime

Dick Hobbs
Economics and Criminal Enterprise

Thomas Schelling
Fragments of an Economic Theory of the Mafia

Diego Gambetta
Is Sicily the Future of Russia? Private Protection and the Rise of the Russian Mafia

Federico Varese
Organized Crime and the Political-Criminal Nexus in China

Ko-Lin Chin and Roy Godson
Organized Crime: A Comparison between the United States of America and Western Europe

Cyrille Fijnaut
Organized Crime and Trust; on the Conceptualization and Empirical Relevance of Trust in the Context of Criminal Networks

Klaus Von Lampe and Per Ole Johansen
Mafia and Organized Crime in Italy; the Unacknowledged Successes of Law Enforcement

Letizia Paoli
The Global Impact of Gangs

John M. Hagedorn
A Neo-Marxist Explanation of Organized Crime

Alfried Schulte-Bockholt
James Sheptycki
State-Organized Crime – The American Society of Criminology, 1988 Presidential Address

William Chambliss
The State of the Criminology of Crimes of the State

Dawn Rothe and David Friedrichs
Tanya Frisby
The Rise of Organised Crime in Russia: Its roots and social significance
John Irwin and Donald Cressey
Thieves, Convicts and the Inmate Culture
David Skarbek
Governance and Prison Gangs
Sérgio Adorno and Fernando Salla
Organized Criminality in Prisons and the Attacks of the PCC
Ana Arana
How the Street Gangs Took Central America
The Corruption of Politics and the Politics of Corruption

David Nelken and Michael Levi
The Application of the Framework of Situational Crime Prevention to ‘Organized Crime’

Klaus Von Lampe
Wanted: Mafia Boss – Essay on the Personology of Organized Crime

Frank Bovenkerk
Criminal Careers in Organized Crime and Social Opportunity Structure

Edward Kleemans and Christianne J. de Poot
White Collar Crime, Consumers and Victimization

Hazel Croall
Criminals and Service Providers; Cross-National Dirty Economies

Vincenzo Ruggiero
Global Anomie, Dysnomie and Economic Crime; Hidden Consequences of Neoliberalism and Globalization in Russia and around the World

Nikos Passas
Transnational Organised Cyber Crime: Distinguishing Threat from Reality

Rob McCusker
The Global ‘Epidemic’ of Movie ‘Piracy’: Crime-Wave or Social Construction?

Majid Yar
The Transnational Traffic in Human Body Parts

Gilbert Geis and Gregory C. Brown
Environmental Crime in Global Context: Exploring the Theoretical and Empirical Complexities

Rob White

A Truly Monumental Contribution!

This four-volume compilation of major works on organized and transnational organized crime  (which represent criminological thinking over a span of five decades) is a superb contribution by a scholar who has himself produced an important body works on the subject. Acknowledging his bias towards critical theory and empirical research, James Sheptycki astutely avoids the tunnel vision that might arise from his perspective by adopting a broad interdisciplinary approach in selecting and arranging materials. As a result, readers will be taken to an exciting intellectual journey, which starts with historical perspectives in Volume 1; considers a large body of literature on the two contrasting views (namely, constructionist and critical perspectives) in Volume 2; looks at realist approaches in Volume 3; and ends with an examination of the role of the state in shaping opportunity structures for transnational organized crime in Volume 4.  Each volume has an original and substantial introduction by the editor, which masterfully highlights main points of selected works and includes additional references to other major works on the subject which could not be included in the collection. This compilation is an indispensable resource for research and education on transnational organized crime. 

Setsuo Miyazawa
Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan and UC Hastings, College of the Law

Put together by one of the finest criminological scholars of our time, Professor James Sheptycki’s impressive collection of influential essays provides novice researchers, students, policy-makers and academics with a wealth of knowledge on organized and transnational organized crime. It is truly remarkable to see this inter-disciplinary mixture of works of all sorts - classic, theoretical, methodological, comparative, and contemporary - informed from such a wide range of perspectives from the historical, to the realist, to the critical, which have been included in this collection. Of significance are Sheptycki’s Introductory Essays written for each Volume, which place the selections in a wider context and direct the reader to further readings into these global phenomena.  This is an essential collection which makes an impactful contribution to expanding our knowledge and understanding of organized and transnational organized crime.

Narayanan Ganapathy
National University of Singapore, Department of Sociology

Transnational Organized Crime is a timely and comprehensive collection of the most important and interesting papers in this field. It includes both well-known studies and little-read gems. The Collection comes with thought-provoking Introductions to each volume by the editor, James Sheptycki. Professor Sheptycki places the readings in their historical context, evaluates merits and limits of each one and introduces key debates. The Editor’s Introductions are a most enlightened guide to these complex and ever-changing phenomena. As a whole, Transnational Organized Crime is an impressive achievement.

Federico Varese
Professor of Criminology, Oxford University

Transnational Organized Crime was once a marginal topic, but no longer.  In a field now crowded with summaries, handbooks and compendia Sheptycki has accomplished something significant.  These volumes contain many articles which invite readers to quickly review many well-known contributions to the literature and to re-acquaint themselves with lesser-known essays.  The Introductions to each volume are excellent.  I share Sheptycki's preference for work that is critical, empirical and inter-disciplinary and think that readers' appreciation for the complexity of the issues raised by the concept of ‘transnational organized crime’ will be enhanced through reading this admirable synthesis of the literature.

Margaret E. Beare
Professor Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto Canada

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ISBN: 9781446274040