Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control is a fully peer-reviewed international journal. The journal covers all areas of applications in instrumentation and control. Its scope encompasses cutting-edge research and development, education and industrial applications.
Providing a dynamic forum for the international measurement and control community, this distinguished journal publishes peer-reviewed papers designed to appeal to both researchers and practitioners. It presents up-to-date coverage of the latest developments, offering a unique interdisciplinary perspective.
This outstanding journal covers:
- Control Applications
- Devices and Techniques for Measurements
- Control Theory
- Sensors and Signal Processing
- Human/Machine Interface
- Computing for Measurement, Control and Automation
- Advanced Robotics
- Mechatronics
- Processing and Process Control ·Applications
- Applications in Modelling and Simulation
- Artificial Intelligence and their Application
- Fault Detection, Diagnostics and Prognostics
Essential reading for researchers and practitioners involved in research and control.
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
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Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control is a fully peer-reviewed international journal.
The journal covers all areas of applications in measurement, instrumentation, and control associated with feedback control systems. It encompasses cutting-edge research and development, providing a dynamic forum for the international measurement and control community.
This distinguished journal will present up-to-date coverage of the latest developments and will only publish papers that make a significant contribution in either measurement or control. Our aim is to offer a unique interdisciplinary perspective that will appeal to a wide spectrum of researchers and practitioners. All papers are peer-reviewed and will conform to the highest standard of presentation.
The scope of this outstanding journal covers all areas relating to feedback control systems in measurement, instrumentation, and control. Papers with a strong application will focus on the new thing done in relation to either measurement or control. More mathematical papers will demonstrate practical relevance to feedback control system design in either measurement or control. This will include (but is not limited to):
- Control Applications
- Devices and Techniques for Measurements
- Control Theory
- Sensors and Signal Processing
- Human/Machine Interface
- Computing for Measurement, Control and Automation
- Advanced Robotics
- Mechatronics
- Processing and Process Control ·Applications
- Applications in Modelling and Simulation
- Artificial Intelligence and their Application
- Fault Detection, Diagnostics and Prognostics
Essential reading for researchers and practitioners involved in research which requires measurement or control.
Chee Khiang (Justin) Pang | National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Chaouki T. Abdallah | University of New Mexico, USA |
Zhengtao Ding | University of Manchester, UK |
Mehmet Onder Efe | Hacettepe University, Turkey |
John Gray | University of Manchester, UK |
Jie Huang | The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
George Irwin | Queen's University of Belfast, UK |
Frank L. Lewis | University of Texas at Arlington, USA |
Kang Li | Queen's University of Belfast, UK |
Shuzhi Sam Ge | National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Steve Thompson | Consultant, previously with Queen's University of Belfast, UK |
Zhipeng Wu | University of Manchester, UK |
Zafer Bingül | Kocaeli University, Turkey |
Moussa Boukhnifer | University of Lorraine, France |
Xiaoheng Chang | Bohai University,College of Engineering, China |
He Chen | Hebei University of Technology, China |
Seref N. Engin | Yildiz Technical University, Turkey |
Serdar Ethem Hamamci | Inonu University, Turkey |
Juntao Fei | Hohai University, China |
Anthimos Georgiadis | Leuphana Universitat Germany |
Fan Hong | University of Glasgow Singapore, Singapore |
Yanlong Huang | University of Leeds, UK |
Yuchen Jiang | Harbin Institute of Technology, China |
Mirna Kapetina | University of Novi Sad, Serbia |
Hamid Reza Karimi | Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
Burak Kurkcu | Santa Clara University, USA |
Ning Li | Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China |
Bosen Lian | Auburn University, USA |
Guanghui LIANG | Tianjin University, China |
Hao Liu | Beihang University Institute of Artificial Intelligence, China |
Kailong Liu | University of Warwick, UK |
Xiangbin Liu | Beijing Jiaotong University, China |
Guido Maione | Politecnico di Bari, Italy |
Amir Hooshang Mazinan | Azad University, Iran |
Sean McLoone | Queens University of Belfast, Ireland |
Zaharuddin Mohamed | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia |
Cheng Peng | Shanghai University, China |
Yangyang Qian | University of Virginia, US |
Milan Rapaic | University of Novi Sad, Serbia |
Lorenzo Ricciardi | Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy |
Haidong Shao | Hunan University, China |
Yougang Sun | Tongji University, China |
Chao Tan | Tianjin University, China |
Nusret Tan | Inonu University, Turkey |
Achraf Jabeur Telmoudi | The Higher National Engineering School of Tunis, Tunisia |
Krzysztof Tomczyk | Politechnika Krakowska im, Poland |
Steve Tung | University of Arkansas, USA |
Wencheng Wang | Weifang University, China |
Yanling Wei | National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Qingxiang Wu | Nankai University, China |
Hao Xu | University of Nevada, USA |
Jun Yang | Loughborough University, UK |
Qinmin Yang | Zhejiang University, China |
Tong Yang | Nankai University, China |
Shen Yin | Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Xiao Yu | Xiamen University, China |
Deming Yuan | Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China |
Yuan Yuan | Brunel University London, UK |
Chuanlin Zhang | University of Electric Power, China |
Hongwei Zhang | Southwest Jiaotong University, China |
Jianhua Zhang | North China Electric Power University, China |
Menghua Zhang | University of Jinan, China |
Xiaoyu Zhang | Beijing University, China |
Zhibin Zhao | Xi'an Jiaotong University, China |
Jinchuan Zheng | Swinburne University of Technology, Australia |
Shan Zuo | University of Connecticut, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.