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Threats to Science: Politicization, Misinformation, and Inequalities

Threats to Science: Politicization, Misinformation, and Inequalities

Edited by:

June 2022 | SAGE Publications, Inc

This volume of The ANNALS offers a synthetic treatment of three threats to science: politicization, misinformation, and inequality. It brings together leading scholars in each area who present empirically grounded discussions of major research agendas. The essays in each section also build upon one another to isolate the distinct nature of each threat, and, perhaps more importantly, to offer insights on what steps can be taken in response. The hope is that readers are not left feeling deflated by overwhelming challenges, but rather are inspired by guidance on how to address threats to advancing science and improving societal well-being.

In this volume, the first section includes five essays that investigate – across issues – how people use scientific information. The second section of this volume takes up the threat of science misinformation. The final section of the volume explores a distinct type of threat, concerning inequalities and science. These threats – politicization, misinformation, and inequality – have serious consequences. Yet, the ingenuity that has generated transformative science can also be used to address threats and help science play a role in improving societal well-being.

Paperback: $42.00, Sale Price $33.60, ISBN: 9781071887189
Hardcover: $60.00, Sale Price $58.00, ISBN: 9781071887202


James N. Druckman
Threats to Science: Politicization, Misinformation, and Inequalities
Stephan Lewandowsky, Konstantinos Armaos, Hendrik Bruns, Philipp Schmid, Dawn Liu Holford, Ulrike Hahn, Ahmed Al-Rawi, Sunita Sah, and John Cook
When Science Becomes Embroiled in Conflict: Recognizing the Public’s Need for Debate while Combating Conspiracies and Misinformation
Gabriel Miao Li, Josh Pasek, Jon Krosnick, Tobias H. Stark, Jennifer Agiesta, Gaurav Sood, Trevor Tompson, and Wendy Gross
Americans’ attitudes toward the Affordable Care Act: Are Evaluations a Function of Beliefs about the Provisions of the Law?
Austin Hegland, Annie Li Zhang, Brianna Zichettella, and Josh Pasek
A Partisan Pandemic: How COVID-19 was Primed for Polarization
Jan G. Voelkel, Mashail Malik, Chrystal Redekopp, and Robb Willer
Changing Americans’ Attitudes about Immigration: Using Moral Framing to Bolster Factual Arguments
Robin Bayes
Moral Convictions and Threats to Science
Brian G. Southwell, J. Scott Babwah Brennen, Ryan Paquin, Vanessa Boudewyns, and Jing Zeng
Conceptualizing and Measuring Scientific Misinformation
Nicole M. Krause, Isabelle Freiling, and Dietram A. Scheufele
The Infodemic ‘Infodemic:’ Toward a More Nuanced Understanding of Truth-Claims and the Need for (Not) Combatting Misinformation
Briony Swire-Thompson and David Lazer
Reducing Health Misinformation in Science: A Call to Arms
Cecilie S. Traberg, Jon Roozenbeek, and Sander van der Linden
Psychological Inoculation against Misinformation: Current Evidence and Future Directions
Gordon Pennycook and David G. Rand
Nudging Social Media Sharing towards Accuracy
Kimberly R. Marion Suiseeya, Margaret G. O’Connell, Edith Leoso, Marvin Shingwe Biness Neme DeFoe, Alexandra Anderson, Megan Bang, Pete Beckman, Anne-Marie Boyer, Jennifer Dunn, Jonathan Gilbert, Josiah Hester, Daniel E. Horton, Dylan Bizhikiins Jennings,
Numb to the Stench: Waking from Paralysis – A Revitalized Perception of Climate Science
Bruce V. Lewenstein
Is Citizen Science a Remedy for Inequality?
Jonathon P. Schuldt, Adam R. Pearson, Neil A. Lewis, Jr., Ashley Jardina, and Peter K. Enns
How Inequality and Misperceptions of Group Concerns Threaten Science and its Societal Impact
K. Viswanath, Rachel Faulkenberry McCloud, Edmund W. J. Lee, and Mesfin A. Bekalu
Measuring What Matters: Data Absenteeism, Science Communication and the Perpetuation of Inequities
Robin Bayes, James N. Druckman, and Alauna C. Safarpour
Studying Science Inequities: How to Use Surveys to Study Diverse Populations

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ISBN: 9781071887189

ISBN: 9781071887202