Therapeutic Communication
Developing Professional Skills
- Herschel Knapp - Yeshiva University, USA
General Counseling Skills
“Students often struggle with core concepts related to therapy. This book takes those struggles and clears up any doubts about the basics and guides them toward becoming experts in their field.”
“Whether you’re a therapist or a high school counselor, the skills outlined and described in [this book] are paramount to the success of any helping relationship.”
“I was inspired by Dr. Knapp’s ability to capture the emotions, techniques, and skills necessary to have a successful helping relationship in an easy to follow manner . . . the text takes the reader from the beginning to the end of a counseling relationship seamlessly . . . Students will find the straightforward nature of the book a staple of their professional library. This is the type of text you keep close at hand throughout your professional career.”
Author/Editor Disclosure Regarding Changes to a Book Revision
In compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act, as of July 1, 2010, we will be required to provide complete information on all substantial content changes made from one edition of a book to the next. This summary of additions, deletions, and updates (including new chapters, new material covering additional eras of time, new themes, or new subject matter) must accompany the final manuscript.
There are two parts to this Author/Editor disclosure form.
Authors and editors are asked to delineate detailed changes to a revision on a chapter-by-chapter basis. We recommend that you maintain a record of changes over the entire revision process. This report will be kept on file at SAGE in compliance with the legal standards required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act. Please utilize the attached form to report chapter-by-chapter changes.
Authors and editors are requested to summarize changes to a revision in 2 to 5 descriptive paragraphs. This summary will be posted to our website,, and accessible to the public. Please provide this summary on the bottom portion of this page.
Please find the enclosed WORKSHEET WITH EXAMPLES which demonstrate the correct way to complete each part. It is essential that both parts of this disclosure be provided to the publisher, or your manuscript will not be transmitted into production.
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Authors and editors are asked to delineate detailed changes to a revision on a chapter-by-chapter basis. We recommend that you maintain a record of changes over the entire revision process. This report will be kept on file at SAGE in compliance with the legal standards required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act. Please utilize the attached form to report chapter-by-chapter changes.
Please include all additions, deletions, and updates.
Table of Contents: (e.g. Reorganization of chapters, chapter deletions, additions, splitting, or combining)
Included new topic in Chapter 1: Ethics
Pedagogy and Feature Sets:
· Introductory chapter pedagogy
· End-of-chapter pedagogy
· Chapter Features
Four icons now used throughout the book, used to facilitate more efficient navigation (back) to selected portions of the text, specifically, the communication skills. These icons include SKILL ("S" icon) which indicaes a full description of the communication skill; DIALOGUE (Speech Balloon icon) which indicates the printed dialogue demonstration example, along with the associated (new) MP3 audio file available for download from the publisher's website; these brief doctor : patient role plays are presented in stereo, demonstrating an appropriate application of each skill; DEBRIEFING ("D" icon) whch indicates a debriefing, further expalining the application of the skill along with appropriate variations; KEY POINT (Key icon), which indicates an important item.
· Questionnaires/Worksheets
Video Interview Self-Critique Form (Chapter 5) is available for download.
· Glossary
· Tables, Figures, and/or other art
Icon set now included throughout the manuscript. Figure 5.1 (in Chapter 5) has been recrafted; initially it showed two male figures engaged in therapeutic communication; it now depicts a female and a male
Horvath, A. O., Del Re, A. C., Flückiger, C., & Symonds D. (2011). Alliance in individual psychotherapy. Psychotherapy 48(1), 9-16.
Koocher, G. P., Keith-Spiegel, P. (2008). Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (2nd ed.): Oxford University Press.
Norcross J. C., Wampold B. E. (2011). Evidence-based therapy relationships: research conclusions and clinical practices. Psychotherapy 48(1), 98-102.
Sharf J. , Primavera L. H, Diener M. J. (2010). Dropout and therapeutic alliance: a meta-analysis of adult individual psychotherapy. Psychotherapy 47(4), 637-645.
Overall manuscript length:
79,320 (not counting Glossary (2,312), References (2,355) and Index (4,524))
Please list changes to each element, including textual revision, tables, maps, charts, figures, data, readings, etc.
Modified to include guidance counselers and peacekeepers among professionals mentioned. Also indicated that Th. (Therapist) and Cl. (Client) are referred to throughout the text merely for uniformity, however, the helping relationship may involve various paris of individuals (e.g., Teacher : Student, Supervisor : Employee, Parent : Child, etc. The Preface also explains that the Video Self-Evaluation Form is new (Chapter 5), and can be run mor than once in order to identify skill growth / development. Additionally, the forms are printed in the book (Chapter 5) and also downloadable from the publisher's website. Also new to the Preface is the overview of the four icons used throughout the book, used to facilitate more efficient navigation (back) to selected portions of the text, specifically, the communication skills. These icons include SKILL ("S" icon) which indicaes a full description of the communication skill; DIALOGUE (Speech Balloon icon) which indicates the printed dialogue demonstration example, along with the associated MP3 audio file available for download from the publisher's website; these brief doctor : patient role plays are presented in stereo, demonstrating an appropriate application of each skill; DEBRIEFING ("D" icon) whch indicates a debriefing, further expalining the application of the skill along with appropriate variations; KEY POINT (Key icon), which indicates an important item.
Please provide the substantial content changes made to each chapter.
Check all that apply
Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
Under the section heading, "The Therapeutic Process", which contrasts the difference(s) between being a good friend and beign a good (professional) therapist, a section on Ethics has been included, fundamentally communicating that as a friend, one can apply (or not apply) their own personal sense of ethics (right / wrong) when dealing with friends and acquaintances, whereas professionals are expected to comprehend and conduct themselves in accordance with the code of ethcs pertaining to their specified profession. Corresponding addition to the reference section regarding professional ethics are also included. Under the sub-heading "Topic of Conversation", it has been noted that even within professional domains, the topic of conversation can vary depending on the setting (e.g., job interview, customer satisfaction survey, focus group, etc.); not all professional conversations are configured to be therapeutic in their nature. Under Professionalism, subheading Legal, a correction was made regarding the fact that Tarasoff warning legal practice pertains to only some, not all states, and that it is the responsibility of each practitioner to comprehend the laws and ethcs that govern the geographical and professional domain in which he or she practices.
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
In the section Facilitating a Conducive Environment", subsection Rapport, additional information and more (recent) references were added regarding the essential notion of building a quality therapeutic working alliance. In the section Initial Contact, subsection Introduction and Ground Rules, an additional recommendation was added, providing guidance on respectfully handling foreign or unfamiliar (client) names. Icons and sound files are now distributed appropriately throughout the chapter.
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
In the Verifying Perception section, subsection Reflection/Paraphrasing, the Debriefing section now includes the note that Reflection/Parapharasing primarily focuses on validating your perception of the client's facts, whereas communicating your perception of the emotional aspects of the client's message will be covered in Chapter 4 - Emotional Communication, under the topic: Empathy. Icons and sound files are now distributed appropriately throughout the chapter.
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
In the Self-Awareness section, subsection Coping with Prejudices, an addendum is included indicating that if a therapist encounters a client for whom he/she feels possesses attributes that the therapist ultimately cannot effectively work with (e.g., violent offenders, racists), then per professional protocol, the therapist is obliged to refer the client to an alternate healthcare provide. Icons and sound files are now distributed appropriately throughout the chapterr.
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
In the section Avoid Asking "Why?" Questions, further elaboration is provided exemplifying the principle that asking a "Why?" question can set off a defensive or frustrating reaction from the client. which can impede the communication stream. In the Video Interview Self-Critique Exercise, section, Subsection Setup, Figure 5.1 has been recrafted; initially it showed two male figures engaged in therapeutic communication; it now depicts a female and a male. The Self-Evaluation Guidelines subsection now includes the Video Interview Self-Critique Form, which is printed in the book and also available for download as a Microsoft Word (.DOC) file from the website established for this book. Icons and sound files are now distributed appropriately throughout the chapter
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
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Major changes Minor changes Tables/Figures Data & Statistics References/Citations
(Please Add additional chapters as needed here.)
Please comment on all additions, deletions, format, and updates.
Instructor Teaching Site:
Student Study Site:
Students have open access to downloadable resources including MP3 audio files for each communication skill, which parallel annotated dialogue examples in the text. These audio files provide an additional layer of guidance for expertly applying each skill. Additionally, the Video Interview Self-Critique Form (Chapter 5) is available for download.
Authors and editors are requested to summarize changes to a revision in 2 to 3 descriptive paragraphs. This summary will be posted to our website,, and accessible to the public. Please provide this summary on the bottom portion of this page.
Therapeutic Communication: Developing Professional Skills, Second Edition now includes icons (Skill, Dialogue example, Debriefing, and Key Point) to facilitate efficient navigation throughout the text.
Students have open access to downloadable resources including MP3 audio files for each communication skill, which parallel annotated dialogue examples in the text. These audio files provide an additional layer of guidance for expertly applying each skill. Additionally, the Video Interview Self-Critique Form (Chapter 5) is available for download.