The Women's Guide to Surviving Graduate School
- Barbara Rittner - State University of New York, Buffalo, USA
- Patricia Trudeau
Surviving Graduate School
As more women undertake graduate school, their need for guidance increases. The good news is, as the number of women who finish graduate school increases, so do the available resources. The Women's Guide to Surviving Graduate School is an excellent resource for women embarking on this educational journey. It is written by women, specifically for women. It provides information and advice relevant to both American and Canadian women, and focuses on elements related to graduate schools in both countries. The book begins with basic information about selection, applications, and acceptance processes, and goes on to guide women through such issues as determining how much their degree program is likely to cost and how to find funding. The authors also provide valuable advice on determining the best methods for planning a course of study and selecting programs. Finally, this book provides women with practical suggestions for becoming successful students and finding employment after graduation. The Women's Guide to Surviving Graduate School is the ideal, practical, and handy guide for professionals, students, and faculty in all areas.