Sociology in Question
First Edition
- Pierre Bourdieu - College de France, France
January 1994 | 192 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Where is sociology headed? Are intellectuals fading from the scene? What of language and culture? The writings of Pierre Bourdieu have made a profound impact on the direction of sociological thought and general social theory. Pierre Bourdieu's latest work, Sociology in Question, offers an accessible yet challenging introduction to his ideas. In a series of discussions, lectures, and interviews, the range of Bourdieu's ideas is laid out and its relation to other disciplines and other sociological schools is explored. The issues developed include the sociology of culture, leisure and taste, the intrinsic reflexivity of social science, and the role of language in society and the social sciences.
Sociology in Question is important reading for students and professionals who want to stay on the cutting edge of contemporary sociology and social theory.
"Like his other writings, this book shakes the theoretical field of social science at its core. It invites the reader to explore a risky but fundamentally humanistic and optimistic sociology."
--Anthropological Quarterly
The Art of Standing Up to Words
A Science that Makes Trouble
The Sociologist in Question
Are Intellectuals Out of Play?
How Can `Free-Floating Intellectuals' Be Set Free?
For a Sociology of Sociologists
The Paradox of the Sociologist
What Talking Means
Some Properties of Fields
The Linguistic Market
'Youth' is Just a Word
Origin and Evolution of the Species
The Metamorphosis of Tastes
How Can Anyone Be a Sportsman?
Haute Couture and Haute Culture
But Who Created the `Creators'?
Public Opinion Does Not Exist
Culture and Politics
Strikes and Political Action
The Racism of `Intelligence'
`Bourdieu offers an easy introduction to some ideas and writing that have made a profound impact on general social theory.... Like his other writings, this book shakes the theoretical field of social science at its core. It invites the reader to explore a risky but fundamentally humanistic and optimistic sociology' - Anthropological Quarterly