Social Network Analysis and Education
Theory, Methods & Applications
- Brian V. Carolan - Montclair State University, USA
An applied book designed for those current and aspiring educational researchers learning how to study, conceptualize, and analyze social networks.
The student study site features:
· How-to Guides for social network analysis software applications
· Example Data Sets
· Glossary of Key Terms
· eFlashcards
“I have no doubt that this text is a groundbreaking addition to the knowledge of this particular field.”
“I value the way the author has conceptualized a very broad field and has organized it into a coherent, cohesive text. I think the weaving in of specific examples is key to the work’s success and will make the book stand apart.”
“The writing style makes network theory and methods accessible to researchers who have limited experience in conducting network analysis.”
A book on Social network analysis that shed lights on Education area. Very interesting to those interested on the technique.
Clear and accessible. Useful for those involved in educational research -- perhaps too focused on educational examples for more generic classes on social network analysis.