Simulations and Gaming across Disciplines and Cultures
ISAGA at a Watershed
Edited by:
- David Crookall - Higher Institute for Economy & Management, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, University de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
- Kiyoshi Arai - Kinki University--Fukuoka, Kinki University, Osaka, Japan
June 1995 | 292 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
"This comprehensive and immensely readable volume takes the reader to the cutting edge of the field. Like the conference from which it stems, the book has extremely broad coverage in terms of the topics addressed, the disciplines from which the authors come and to which their papers contribute, and the geographic sites of origin of the ideas and findings. The conference presentations, of a high quality in their initial form, have been wonderfully crafted by the authors with the excellent guidance of the editors. It is a timely addition to the literature and belongs on every gamer's bookshelf."
--Cathy Stein Greenblat, Professor of Sociology,
Rutgers University, New Jersey
With contributions from leading international researchers in simulation and gaming, this book provides readers with up-to-date coverage of simulation and gaming as a professional endeavor rather than just as a set of subject-relevant techniques. Organized into four parts (applications, policy exercises, research, and professional matters), the book covers such topics as the application of simulation/games to specific purposes (such as international conflict, citizen participation, etc.); research in the areas of business performance and discourse analysis; and debriefing, ethics, and the state of simulation/gaming in various countries.
Simulation and Gaming Across Disciplines and Cultures offers readers a cohesive picture of the breadth and richness of the field of simulation and gaming.
David Crookall and Kiyoshi Arai
Richard D Duke
Opening Speech
Hamilton Beazley and John Lobuts Jr
Executive Decision
William C Bradford
Simulated US Decision Making in Arab-Israeli Crises
Douglas W Coleman
An Extended Simulation/Game for ESL Composition
Chris J Cunningham
Evolution of a Bushfire Simulation/Game
Jim Freeman
Modeling Equipment Breakdown in the Electrical Supply Industry
Gene B Halleck
Academic Inegrity
Drew Mackie
Gaming Sustainability
Ivar Männamaa and Terje Tuisk
Computer-Mediated Simulation/Gaming in Estonian High Schools
Mieko Nakamura
Statistics Games for Large Classes
Nina N Nemitcheva
The Psychologist and Games in the Intensive Foreign Language Course Game-Based Course
Diane H Parente
A Large-Scale Simulation for Teaching Business Srategy
Leopoldo Schapira
A Pan-American Network Simulation/Game
Janet Sutherland et al
Cross-Cultural Communication, the Internet, and Simulation/Gaming
Daniel G Andriessen
Policy Simulation and Crisis Management
Cisca Joldersma et al
A Policy Exercise for the Dutch Health Care System for the Elderly
Jan H G Klabbers et al
Climate Policy
Ferenc L Toth
Simulation/Gaming for Long-Term Policy Problems
Ivo Wenzler, Rob Willems, and A M van 't Noordende
A Policy Exercise for the Dutch Power Industry
David Crookall
A Guide to the Literature on Simulation/Gaming
Daniel Druckman
The Educational Effectiveness of Interactive Games
Peter A Raynolds
Jog Your Right Brain (JOG)
Beverly Rising and Walter Cedar
Discourse Analysis of Foreign Language Learners in Computerized Simulation
William J Wellington and A J Faria
The Effect of Time Pressure, Team Formation, and Planning on Simulation/Game Performance
Robert H R Armstrong
Gaming-Simulation in Perspective
Henry I Ellington
The Future of Simulation/Gaming in Britain
Jac L Geurts
Opportunities and Challenges for Gaming/Simulation
Linda C Lederman and Fumitoshi Kato
Debriefing the Debriefing Process
Richard B Powers
Elbow's Methodological Belief
Victor I Rybalskiy
History Lessons and Prospects of Gaming/Simulation in the CIS
Ferenc L Toth
Policy Exercises
Joseph Wolfe
The Use of Simulations/Games to Fill Russia's Managerial Needs