Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Adam Burgess - University of Kent, UK
March 2017 | 1 288 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
The notion of risk, and the associated concepts of hazard, uncertainty and probability, is a modern one. Such is our preoccupation with anticipating and trying to manage the future living in a ‘risk society', according to Ulrich Beck's famous account. The study of risk - as an at least partially social phenomenon of the modern world - is an even more recent development than the term itself. Risk-related research has increased exponentially since its beginnings in the late 1960s, indicated by the array of specialist journals such as Risk Analysis, Journal of Risk Research and Health, Risk and Society. From original concerns with public perception of risk from technology, food, health, environment and media it has expanded into many new areas, such as terrorism and child safety.
This major work brings together articles that have made an impact and have implications beyond their disciplinary field or topic area, and the literature is organised into the following thematic volumes:
Volume One: Psychological - and American - Origins
Volume Two: Social Turn and Social Theories
Volume Three: Regulation Governance and Applied Studies
Volume Four: Consequences, Debates, Implications
This major work brings together articles that have made an impact and have implications beyond their disciplinary field or topic area, and the literature is organised into the following thematic volumes:
Volume One: Psychological - and American - Origins
Volume Two: Social Turn and Social Theories
Volume Three: Regulation Governance and Applied Studies
Volume Four: Consequences, Debates, Implications
Social Benefit versus Technological Risk: What Is Our Society Willing to Pay for Safety?
Chauncey Starr
Perception of Risk
Paul Slovic
Perceived Risk, Real Risk: Social Science and the Art of Probabilistic Risk Assessment
William R. Freudenberg
How Safe Is Enough? A Psychometric Study of Attitudes towards Technological Risks and Benefits
Baruch Fishchoff, Paul Slovic, Sarah Lichtenstein, Stephen Read and Barbara Combs
Comparative Studies of Risk Perception: A Review of Twenty Years of Research
Åsa Boholm
Risk Perception and Communication Unplugged: Twenty Years of Process
Baruch Fischhoff
Conditions for Intuitive Expertise: A Failure to Disagree
Daniel Kahneman and Gary Klein
Reasoning the Fast and Frugal Way: Models of Bounded Rationality
Gerd Gigerenzer and Daniel G. Goldstein
Judgement under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases
Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman
Probability Neglect: Emotions, Worst Cases, and Law
Cass R. Sunstein
When Lives Are in Their Hands: Dilemmas of the Societal Decision Maker
Sarah Lichtenstein, Robin Gregory, Paul Slovic and Willem A. Wagenaar
American Exceptionalism and the Political Acknowledgement of Risk
Sheila Jasanoff
Genealogies of Risk: Searching for Safety, 1930s–1970s
William Boyd
Gender, Race and Perception of Environmental Health Risks
James Flynn, Paul Slovic and C.K. Mertz
Media Discourse and Public Opinion on Nuclear Power: A Constructionist Approach
William A. Gamson and Andre Modigliani
The Social Amplification of Risk: A Conceptual Framework
Roger E. Kasperson, Ortwin Renn, Paul Slovic, Halina S. Brown, Jacque Emel, Robert Goble, Jeanne X. Kasperson and Samuel Ratick
Risk and Responsibility
Anthony Giddens
World Risk Society as Cosmopolitan Society? Ecological Questions in a Framework of Manufactured Uncertainties
Ulrich Beck
Living in a World Risk Society
Ulrich Beck
Critical Reflections on “Reflexive Modernization”
Jeffrey C. Alexander
Beck, Individualization and the Death of Class: A Critique
Will Atkinson
Environment, Modernity and the Risk-Society: The Apocalyptic Horizon of Environmental Reform
Arthur P.J. Mol and Gert Spaargaren
Moral Panic versus the Risk Society: The Implications of the Changing Sites of Social Anxiety
Sheldon Ungar
The Social Fabric at Risk: Toward the Social Transformation of Risk Analysis
James F. Short, Jr
Governmentality and the Risk Society
Pat O’Malley
Risk as a Forensic Resource
Mary Douglas
How Fair Is Safe Enough? The Cultural Approach to Societal Technology Choice
Steve Rayner and Robin Cantor
The Social Construction of Risk Objects: Or, How to Pry Open Networks of Risk
Stephen Hilgartner
Heading into the Unknown: Everyday Strategies for Managing Risk and Uncertainty
Jens O. Zinn
Edgework: A Social Psychological Analysis of Voluntary Risk-Taking
Stephen Lyng
Risk Rationalities in Contemporary Social Work Policy and Practice
Hazel Kemshall
The Rise and Fall of Risk Reporting
Jenny Kitzinger and Jacquie Reilly
The Institutional Origins of Risk: A New Agenda for Risk Research
Henry Rothstein
The Risk Management of Everything
Michael Power
The Limits and Variety of Risk-based Governance: The Case of Flood Management in Germany and England
Kristian Krieger
Risk Analysis and Risk Management: An Historical Perspective
Vincent T. Covello and Jeryl Mumpower
The Rise of the Regulatory State in Europe
Giandomenico Majone
The Hare and the Tortoise Revisited: The New Politics of Consumer and Environmental Regulation in Europe
David Vogel
Comparing Precaution in the United States and Europe
Jonathan B. Wiener and Michael D. Rogers
The Policy Implications of Different Concepts of Risk
Judith A. Bradbury
Technical and Democratic Values in Risk Analysis
Daniel J. Fiorino
Misunderstood Misunderstanding: Social Identities and Public Uptake of Science
Brian Wynne
Fear of Democracy: A Cultural Evaluation of Sunstein on Risk
Dan M. Kahan, Paul Slovic, Donald Braman and John Gastil
Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire: Behavioral Reactions to Terrorist Attacks
Gerd Gigerenzer
The Dangers of Hanging Baskets: “Regulatory Myths” and Media Representations of Health and Safety Regulation
Paul Almond
Safety Management and Public Spaces: Restoring Balance
David J. Ball and Laurence Ball-King
The Rise of Risk and the Decline of Politics
Steve Rayner
Science and the Precautionary Principle
Kenneth R. Foster, Paolo Vecchia and Michael H. Repacholi
The Precautionary Principle and the Uncertainty Paradox
Marjolein B.A. Van Asselt and Ellen Vos
Perceived Risk, Trust and Democracy
Paul Slovic
The Future Lies in Uncertainty
D.J. Spiegelhalter
Using Surveys in Public Participation Processes for Risk Decision Making: The Case of the 2003 British GM Nation? Public Debate
Nick F. Pidgeon, Wouter Poortinga, Gene Rowe, Tom-Horlick Jones, John Walls and Tim O’Riordan
Public Participation Methods: A Framework for Evaluation
Gene Rowe and Lynn J. Frewer