The Limits of Liminality: Capacities for change and transition among student travellers
V. Amit
Journeys to the Street: The complex migration geographies of Ugandan street children
Lorraine Young
Moving in Transition: Northern Ireland youth and geographical mobility
David Cairns
Performing the Global through the Local: Globalisation and individualisation in the spatial practices of young East Germans
Katharin Hörschelmann and Nadine Schäfer
Place Mapping with Teenagers: Locating their territories and documenting their experience of the public realm
Penny Travlou, Patsy Eubanks Owens, Catherine Ward Thompson and Lorraine Maxwell
Moving Stories: Using mobile methods to explore the everyday lives of young people in public care
Nicola Ross, Emma Renold, Sally Holland and Alexandra Hillman
Talk, Technologies and Teenagers: Understanding the school journey using a mixed-methods approach
Marion Walker, Duncan Whyatt, Colin Pooley, Gemma Davies, Paul Coulton and Will Bamford
Critical Moments: Choice, chance and opportunity in young people's narratives of transition
Rachel Thomson, Robert Bell, Janet Holland, Sheila Henderson, Sheena McGrellis and Sue Sharpe
Theory and Method in the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime
David Smith and Susan McVie
Fractured Transitions: Young adults' pathways into contemporary labour markets
Harriet Bradley and Ranji Devadason
Missing School: Educational engagement, youth transitions, and social exclusion
Robert Macdonald and Jane Marsh
Displaced Masculinities: Chavs, youth and class in the post-industrial city
Anoop Nayak
The Secret of Eternal Youth: Identity, risk and learning difficulties
Stephen Baron, Sheila Riddell and Alastair Wilson
Emotional Journeys: Young people and transitions to university
Hazel Christie
Futures and Memories
Young People's Time Perspectives: From youth to adulthood
Julia Brannen and Ann Nilsen
Timespans and Plans Among Young Adults
Michael Anderson, Frank Bechhofer, David McCrone, Lynn Jamieson, Yaojun Li and Robert Stewart
To Plan or Not to Plan? Young Adult Future Orientations in Two European Cities
Ranji Devadason
Family Contexts, Norms and Young People's Orientations: Researching diversity
Sarah Irwin
From Ethnography to Life History: Tracing transitions of school students
Tuula Gordon and Elina Lahelma
Children's Life Paths through Preschool and School: Letting youths talk about their own childhood - theoretical and methodological conclusions
Tullie Torstenson-ed
The Best Years of Your Life: Remembering childhood in autobiographical texts
Naomi Rosh White
Young People Mobilizing the Language of Citizenship: Struggles for classification and new meaning in an uncertain world
Jacqueline Kennelly and Jo-Anne Dillabough
Young People's Extra-Curricular Activities: Critical social engagement or something for the CV?
Rachel Brooks
Learning Selves and Citizenship: Gender and youth transitions
Tom Hall and Amanda Coffey
Beyond Apathetic or Activist Youth: 'Ordinary' young people and contemporary forms of participation
Anita Harris, Johanna Wyn and Salem Younes
In Preparation for Adulthood: Exploring civic participation and social trust among young minorities
Diann Cameron Kelly
Anti-Party Sentiment among Young Adults: Evidence from fourteen West European countries
Elina Kestilä-Kekkonen
The Online Citizen-Consumer: Addressing young people's political consumption through technology
Janelle Ward
Work and Welfare
Social Exclusion and the Transition from School to Work: The case of young people not in education, employment or training
John Bynner and Samantha Parsons
''I'm Still Scrubbing the Floors': Experiencing youth apprenticeships in Canada and Germany
Wolfgang Lehmann
Kids Working on Paulista Avenue
Martha Huggins and Sandra Rodrigues
Caregiver or Worker: Young women's contradictory experiences of provisioning
Sandra Tam
'We Had to be There to Make Sure it was What We Wanted': Enabling children's participation in family decision-making through the family group conference
Sally Holland and Sean O'Neill
Rural Runaways: Rurality and its implications for services to children and young people who run away
Myfanwy Franks and Haridhan Goswami
Out of Work and House and Home: Contested youth in an English homeless hostel
Tom Hall
Research Participation
Involving Young People as Researchers: Uncovering multiple power relations among youths
Nadine Schäfer and Richard Yarwood
Stirring Dangerous Waters: Dilemmas for critical participatory research with young people
Audrey Dentith, Lynda Measor and Michael O'Malley
Hearing out Children's Narrative Pathways to Adulthood: Young people as interpreters of their own childhoods in diverging working-class Scottish communities
Beth Cross
Young People's Constructions of Self: Notes on the Use and Analysis of the Photo-Elicitation Methods
Rosaleen Croghan, Christine Griffin, Janine Hunter and Ann Phoenix
Beyond the Standard Interview: The use of graphic elicitation and arts-based methods
Anna Bagnoli
Tuning-in to Teenagers! Using radio phone-in discussions in research with young people
Susie Weller
Structures and Style
'How Other People See You, It's Like Nothing That's Inside': The impact of processes of disidentification and disavowal on young people's subjectivities
Gill Valentine and Deborah Sporton
'Ivory Lives': economic restructuring and the making of whiteness in a post-industrial youth community
Anoop Nayak
Growing Up Bad: Black youth, 'road' culture and badness in an East London neighbourhood
Anthony Gunter
From the Margins to Mainstream? Representations of British Asian youth musical cultural expression from bhangra to Asian underground music
Rupa Huq
Subculture, Style, Chavs and Consumer Capitalism: Towards a critical cultural criminology of youth
Greg Martin
'University's not For Me - I'm A Nike Person': Urban, working-class young people's negotiations of 'style'
Louise Archer, Sumi Hollingworth and Anna Halsall
Middle-Class Struggle? Identity?work and leisure among sixth formers in the United Kingdom
Mary Jane Kehily and Rob Pattman
Bodies and Risk
Bodies on the Line: Identity markers among Mexican street youth
Elsa Herrera, Gareth Jones, Sarah Thomas de Benitez
Girl Power: Risky sexual behaviour and gender identity amongst young Spanish recreational drug users
Nuria Romo, Jorge Marcos, Ainhoa Rodriguez, Andrés Cabrera and Mariano Hernán
Challenging Childhoods: Young people's accounts of 'getting by' in families with substance abuse problems
Kathryn Backett-Milburn, Sarah Wilson, Angus Bancroft and Sarah Cunningham-Burley
When Alcohol Acts: An actor-network approach to teenagers, alcohol and parties
Jakob Demant
'Not the Swab!' Young men's experiences of STI testing
Jean Shoveller, Rod Knight, Joy Johnson, John Oliffe and Shira Goldenberg
Diets and Discipline: The narratives of practice of university students with type 1 diabetes
Myles Balfe
Local Embeddedness in a Global World: Young people's accounts
Pat O'Connor
The Unacceptable Flaneur
Hugh Matthews, Mark Taylor, Barry Percy-Smith and Melanie Limb
Risky Bodies at Leisure: Young women negotiating space and place
Eileen Green and Carrie Singleton
Doing Consumption and Sitting Cars: Adolescent bodies in suburban commercial spaces
Yuki Kato
Feeling the Noise: Teenagers, bedrooms and music
Sian Lincoln
Online Journals as Virtual Bedrooms? Young people, identity and personal space
Paul Hodkinson and Sian Lincoln
The Difference That Place Makes To Methodology: Uncovering the 'lived space' of young people's spatial practices
Jon Anderson and Katie Jones