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Our expertise lies in seeking out and fully realizing potential revenue streams for our society partners. We aggressively develop commercial sales opportunities (primarily for our scientific and medical journals), including advertising, supplements, sponsorships, reprints, and translations. In addition, we focus on increasing revenues from subscriptions, consortia sales, and licensing. We can enhance your journal’s revenue flow while creating additional visibility for your journal content and your organization.
Sage offers its society partners a true global presence. Through enhanced visibility on Sage Journals, global marketing, an access program for developing countries, and particularly through consortia sales, we can achieve worldwide usage and reach for your journal. Across our platform we have tens of millions of downloads, which have been increasing every year.
Our production, design, and editorial support professionals will work closely with you to ensure that your journal is crafted to the highest standards and is produced on schedule. Quality, timely publication is key to increasing citations, subscriptions, renewals, and usage and will enhance the overall impact of your journal. This can be seen in our Impact Factor results which show us as a market leader in a number of disciplines.
Sage operates in a culture of openness and transparency. We never lose sight of the fact that it is your journal we are publishing and that we have an obligation to keep you, our partner, informed and updated. You will benefit from regular communication, updates, and reports to keep you informed of your journal’s performance, including detailed analyses in an easy-to-read and digestible format.