academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingCulture CountsA Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology,Fifth EditionSerena Nanda, Richard L. WarmsPublished: October 2021From $49.00 Review copy availableInstructor Resource Site
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingCulture Counts - Vantage Learning PlatformA Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology,Fifth EditionSerena Nanda, Richard L. WarmsPublished: August 2021Review copy availableStudent Study Site
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academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingVideo Ethnography in PracticePlanning, Shooting, and Editing for Social AnalysisWesley Shrum, Greg ScottPublished: November 2016From $30.00 Review copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingFathering across Diversity and Adversity: International Perspectives and Policy InterventionsFirst EditionAndrea Doucet, Rosalind Edwards, Frank F Furstenberg, JrPublished: July 2009From $75.00
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academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingCultural Anthropology- Vantage Learning Platform13th EditionSerena Nanda, Richard L. WarmsPublished: March 2023Review copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingIntroduction to Action ResearchSocial Research for Social Change,Second EditionDavydd J. Greenwood, Morten LevinPublished: October 2006From $49.00 Review copy available