Out of the Darkness
Contemporary Perspectives on Family Violence
Edited by:
- Glenda Kaufman Kantor - University of New Hampshire, Durham, USA
- Jana L. Jasinski - University of Central Florida, USA
July 1997 | 344 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Featuring cutting-edge information from the international arena, Out of the Darkness pulls together into one seminal volume the work of emerging scholars and key figures in the field. Edited by Glenda Kaufman Kantor and Jana Jasinski, this book provides a comprehensive and interdisciplinary package of the newest generation of investigation and theory. Professionals and researchers in child welfare, mental health, and criminal justice fields will want to read this book to keep up with the latest controversial topics; international studies; theory, methods, assessment, and interventions; and ethical and cultural issues related to both child and partner abuse. Chapters address pressing questions such as: Is wife abuse declining? Are child homicides increasing? Does couple treatment work in violent marriages? From this volume several noteworthy findings emerge, including the wide variations in the forms, types, and consequences of abuse; the need for support and change in both victim and batterer behaviors; the overdue move toward expertise and sensitivity when dealing with affected populations; and much more.
Out of the Darkness makes a contribution to the field on a par with other classics. It is a must read for advanced students, researchers, practitioners, activists, and policymakers concerned with any or all aspects of family violence.
Glenda Kaufman Kantor and Jana L Jasinski
Murray A Straus, Glenda Kaufman Kantor and David W Moore
Change in Cultural Norms Approving Marital Violence from 1968 to 1994
David Finkelhor
The Homicides of Children and Youth
A Developmental Perspective
Terri L Weaver et al
An Examination of Physical Assault and Childhood Victimization:Histories within a National Probability Sample of Women
Evvie Becker-Lausen and Sharon Mallon-Kraft
Pandemic Outcomes
The Intimacy Variable
Catherine Itzin
Pornography and the Organization of Intra- and Extra-Familial Child Sexual Abuse
A Conceptual Model
Claudia Bernard
Black Mothers' Emotional and Behavioral Responses to the Sexual Abuse of Their Children
Gayla Margolin and Richard S John
Children's Exposure to Marital Aggression
Direct and Mediated Effects
Kathleen A Kendall-Tackett and John Eckenrode
The Effects of Neglect on Academic Achievement and Disciplinary Problems
A Developmental Perspective
Jason H Edwards and Karen C Rogers
The Traumatic Events Screening Inventory
Assessing Trauma in Children
Murray A Straus and Sherry L Hamby
Measuring Physical and Psychological Maltreatment of Children with the Conflict Tactics Scales
Heather N Taussig and Alan J Litrownik
Methodological Issues in Classifying Maltreatment
An Examination of `Protective Issue' Children
Sharon D Herzberger and Quentin H Rueckert
Attitudes as Explanations for Aggression against Family Members
Janice Joseph
Woman Battering
A Comparative Analysis of Black and White Women
Karen H Rosen and Sandra M Stith
Surviving Abusive Dating Relationships
Processes of Leaving, Healing and Moving On
Etiony Aldarondo and Glenda Kaufman Kantor
Social Predictors of Wife Assault Cessation
Pamela D Brown and K Daniel O'Leary
Wife Abuse in Intact Couples
A Review of Couples Treatment Programs
Edward W Gondolf
Expanding Batterer Program Evaluation
Maryse Rinfret-Raynor and Solange Cantin
Feminist Therapy for Battered Women
An Assessment
JoAnn L Miller and Amy C Krull
Controlling Domestic Violence
Victim Resources and Police Intervention
Edward W Gondolf, Kerstie Yllö and Jacquelyn Campbell
Collaboration between Researchers and Advocates
Elana Newman et al
Ethical Issues in Trauma Research
The Evolution of an Empirical Model for Decision Making
Gilles Rondeau et al
Ethical Dimensions of Intervention with Violent Partners
Priorities in the Values and Beliefs of Practitioners
Lisa Aronson Fontes
Conducting Ethical Cross-Cultural Research on Family Violence