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Nursing Science Quarterly

Nursing Science Quarterly

Theory, Research, and Practice

eISSN: 15527409 | ISSN: 08943184 | Current volume: 38 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly

Exclusive Focus on Theory, Research and Practice

Nursing Science Quarterly is unique in that it is the only journal devoted exclusively to the enhancement of nursing knowledge. Only Nursing Science Quarterly publishes original manuscripts focusing on nursing theory development, nursing theory-based practice and quantitative and qualitative research related to existing nursing frameworks, contributed by the leading theorists, researchers and nurse executives.

Keep Up To Date

Each issue of Nursing Science Quarterly includes authoritative, timely coverage of the latest in theory development, nursing research and practice. Regular features are devoted to: Theoretical Concerns, Research Issues, Practice Applications, Ethical Issues, Teaching-Learning Processes, Scholarly Dialogue Book Reviews and New Media International Perspectives.An Indispensable Reference for Students

In Nursing Science Quarterly graduate students have access to a rich source of theoretical and research ideas that can be directly related to practice.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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Nursing Science Quarterly (NSQ) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal devoted exclusively to the enhancement of nursing knowledge. The major purpose of the journal is to publish original manuscripts focusing on nursing theory development, nursing theory-guided practice, and quantitative and qualitative research related to existing nursing frameworks. In addition, NSQ publishes innovative ideas related to nursing science and person centered models of care.

Rosemarie Rizzo Parse, RN, PhD, FAAN Loyola University, Chicago, IL, USA
Editorial Office
Edwin-Nikko R. Kabigting, RN, PhD Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, USA
Nan Russell Yancey, RN, PhD Lewis University, Romeoville, IL, USA
International Advisory Panel
Amal W. Alanizi, RN, PhD King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Teodora Durate-Quilao, RN, PhD Webster University, Geneva, Switzerland
Emiko Endo, RN, PhD Musashino University, Tokyo, Japan
Ok Ja Lee, RN, PhD Konyang University, Seoul, Korea
Lina Ma, RN, PhD Retired, London, England, UK
Francoise Maillard-Struby, RN, PhD Webster University, Geneva, Switzerland
Anthony Welch, RN, PhD Central Queensland University, Australia
Editorial Board
Steven L. Baumann, RN, PhD Hunter College, City University of New York, NY, USA
Howard K. Butcher, RN, PhD Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA
Karen Carroll, RN, PhD Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Mi Jin Doe, RN, PhD Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Binghampton University, Johnson City, NY, USA
Kristine L. Florczak, RN, PhD Retired, Hammond, IN, USA
Teresa Hamilton, RN, PhD California Baptist University, Riverside, CA, USA
Constance L. Milton, RN, PhD Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA, USA
Mary R. Morrow, RN, PhD Purdue University Northwest, Hammond, IN, USA
Mario Ortiz, RN, PhD Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Binghampton University, Johnson City, NY, USA
Pamela G. Reed, RN, PhD, FAAN University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Sandra Schmidt Bunkers, RN, PhD, FAAN Health Connections, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Referee Panel
Amal W. Alanizi, RN, PhD King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Martha R. Alligood, RN, PhD East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, USA
Teri Aronowitz, PhD University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA, USA
Barbara Backer Condon, RN, PhD Briar Cliff University, Sioux City, IA, USA
Steven L. Baumann, RN, PhD Hunter College, City University of New York, NY, USA
Debra A. Bournes, RN, PhD The Ottawa Hospital, Ontario, Canada
Howard K. Butcher, RN, PhD Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA
Karen Carroll, RN, PhD Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Michael A. Carter, RN, DNSc, FAAN University of Tennessee at Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA
Pamela N. Clarke, RN, PhD, FAAN University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA
William K. Cody, RN, PhD, FAAN Independent Consultant, Nursing Education and Leadership, Charlotte, NC, USA
Teresa Dobrzykowski, RN, PhD Indiana University South Bend, South Bend, IN, USA
Mi Jin Doe, RN, PhD Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Binghampton University, Johnson City, NY, USA
Willa M. Doswell, RN, PhD, FAAN University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Jean Edward, RN, PhD University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA, USA
Kristine L. Florczak, RN, PhD Retired, Hammond, IN, USA
Ann Fronczek, RN, PhD Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Binghampton University, Johnson City, NY, USA
Tricia K. Gatlin, RN, PhD St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY, USA
Eileen Gigliotti, RN, PhD The College of Staten Island, Staten Island, NY, USA
Teresa Hamilton, RN, PhD California Baptist University, Riverside, CA, USA
Judith Hart, RN, PhD Retired, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Donna Hartweg, RN, PhD Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL, USA
Christine Jonas-Simpson, RN, PhD York University, Toronto, Canada
Emily Jones, PhD, RNC-OB, FAAN University of Oklahoma, USA
Edwin-Nikko R. Kabigting, RN, PhD Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, USA
Paula M. Karnick, RN, PhD Institute of Nursing Education, Desplaines, IL, USA
Carol Kostovich, RN, PhD Loyola University, Chicago, IL, USA
Amanda Kratovil, RN, PhD Purdue University Northwest, Hammond, IN, USA
Ok Ja Lee, RN, PhD Konyang University, Seoul, Korea
Lina Ma, RN, PhD Retired, London, England, UK
Francoise Maillard-Struby, RN, PhD Webster University, Geneva, Switzerland
Violet M. Malinski, RN, PhD College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, NY, USA
Constance L. Milton, RN, PhD Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA, USA
Gail J. Mitchell, RN, PhD York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Mary R. Morrow, RN, PhD Purdue University Northwest, Hammond, IN, USA
Kathleen M. Musker, RN, PhD Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, USA
Mario Ortiz, RN, PhD Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Binghampton University, Johnson City, NY, USA
F. Beryl Pilkington, RN, PhD York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Michele Poradzisz, RN, PhD Saint Xavier University, Woodridge, IL, USA
Pamela G. Reed, RN, PhD, FAAN University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Sandra Schmidt Bunkers, RN, PhD, FAAN Health Connections, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Christine Sieloff, RN, PhD Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA
Marlaine C. Smith, RN, PhD, FAAN Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA
Mary Stewart, RN, PhD University of Mississippi, Jackson, MS, USA
Susan G. Taylor, RN, PhD, FAAN University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA
Deborah S. Thoun, RN, PhD University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Vidette Todaro-Franceschi, RN, PhD Hunter College, City University of New York, NY, USA
Marian Turkel, RN, PhD, FAAN Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA
Lorraine O. Walker, RN, EdD, FAAN University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA
Anthony Welch, RN, PhD Central Queensland University, Australia
Danny G. Willis, RN, DNS, FAAN St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO, USA
Nan Russell Yancey, RN, PhD Lewis University, Romeoville, IL, USA
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