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Lynne Millward University of Surrey, UK
It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Lynne Millward who died of cancer in the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice in Farnham on Tuesday 6 March.
Lynne, who was a Reader in the psychology department, joined the University in 1993 initially as a research fellow working with Glynis Breakwell and Chris Fife-Schaw before taking up a lectureship in October of that year. She had previously worked as an occupational psychologist in a consulting capacity for Walpole Ltd after having taken her PhD at Kent and BA Exeter.
One of her first tasks as a lecturer was working with Dr Peter Wood to set up the MSc in Occupational and Organisational Psychology which, by virtue of their gaining BPS accreditation, became a very popular course with students and a great success that still runs nearly 20 years later. In recent years she took over as Course Director for the undergraduate psychology degree injecting new energy into the course and steering it through the major restructuring task of converting it into 15 credit format.
Lynne put a lot of effort into both her teaching and research but it is for her relationship with colleagues and students that she will be most remembered. She was extremely generous with her time and support and determined that students grow and develop. This was evident in the way she prioritised the students and made sure they had a good, fair and just experience whilst at Surrey.