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'The Classroom Instructional Framework in Early Number is research-based and provides a roadmap of not only the what, but the when and the how to teach all aspects of early number.
'Research informs practice in this easy to access resource. Each chapter gives educators practical, bite-sized assessments, linked to a host of activities that helps them target teaching and develop the firm foundations which are so vital for confident and competent mathematicians.'
'The new edition of Teaching Number in the Classroom with 4-8 year olds will provide much-needed support to teachers in laying vital foundations in number knowledge and understanding. The structured approach offers a wealth of rich and easily implemented classroom-based activities that work - thousands of teachers in Ireland attest to this!
Teaching Number in the Classroom connects research with practice, containing assessment tasks and learning trajectories to guide the educator. The dimensions of Progressive Mathematization and Guiding Principles deliberately engender greater mathematical sophistication for the child and increase the practitioner’s effectiveness.