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Research design is an essential element of any research that other important elements of research are reliant on it... Gorard, in this book, has provided a comprehensive view of the research design that may work as a guide for researchers through the journey of research.
This well-elaborated book does in no sense exclude traditional views on how to plan, organize and execute a research project, but tries to highlight the new approaches that can help a researcher develop his project as authentically as possible via the appropriate choice of the design for his research. The intended audience of this book can be wide as it can vary from beginners such as students; as it serves as an excellent textbook, teachers who can employ it in teaching, tutoring and working in his research; or workers in the field of research in social sciences.
The book combines being a good read for experienced researchers who want to remind themselves of how to design good quality, rigorous, research, with being an excellent introduction for those new to the field in how to plan and execute inherently useful research for any evidence base. It also strongly emphasises the ethics of research – why we should be clear about the purpose of the research and how we will analyse the data (not just data dredging for results). The book gives several examples of research that has been badly designed, and which could be damaging.
This is a landmark text in the neglected field of research design. Gorard provides a unique introduction to planning and executing a research project that is both grounded in well-established traditions and radical in its approach. Perhaps the most important methods text published in many yearsPatrick WhiteUniversity of Leicester
Great practical introduction
Very strong and clear with a positivist slant
An excellent well-laid out textbook reference in research methodology, highly recommendable to students and lecturers.
highly essential for the design of any research protocol for both novice and experienced researchers
Good basic guide. To be read with caution.
Gorard has an interesting perspective on research design, but I think this book would be too overwhelming for students. It's not broad enough to be an introductory text.
Research Design is a thought provoking read; it is especially helpful for students in their final year as they grapple with planning their dissertation. I have found the text useful to refer to in tutorials when students are planning their research design.
It is a very interesting book that will help researchers desing their research in the social sciences. I highly recommend it to anyone who is starting to write funding proposals. It will be one of my main reference books in the future writing for funding.
This is a clearly laid out book that really thinks about all the different elements of research design. It also addresses the limitations to various approaches and encourages readers to question their approaches and uses real world examples to explain concepts. A useful tool for researchers but might be aimed a little high for undergraduates.
An excellent and challenging book from Professor Gorard. Research design is a neglected area of education and this book challenges educators to reconsider its role within the research process.
This text gives a wide-ranging view of research design that can support students’ with their own projects. A recommended publication for students' studying their dissertation units.
Is a good resource fos students with different backgrounds and different research skills.
I cannot recommend this book to my students because it does not fit exactly the aims that we cover in our lessons. Nonetheless, I think It is a very useful text to go ahead on this topic and probably I suggest it as a complementary text to review.
An interesting lens on research design, would be of use for those undertaking a disseration project
Discusses a range of design and and the differences between them. Easy to read. Very good book
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