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"Eisner and Barone provide a formal explication for arts based research that is both timely and overdue. Their book does an exceptional job of describing the growth of arts based research in the social sciences and education. This work not only encourages researchers to think in new and fresh ways about their work, but it also serves as a primary text to introduce the underlying philosophy and potential contributions of arts based research to a range of professional fields. By cogently arguing for the use of aesthetic forms, Eisner and Barone challenge conventional notions of research.
"The book, written by the two most preeminent scholars in arts based research, is rich with examples of arts based research as well as with analyses of those examples. In this way, Barone and Eisner show rather than tell why those particular studies are important, how they are arts based research and the reasons the researchers engaged in their studies. For beginning scholars, the interwoven theories, purposes and rich examples will help them respond to similar questions about their own arts based research."
"An immediate classic! Authored by the two scholars who have established arts-based inquiry as an important form of inquiry, this new book is foundational to the field. It is based on decades of cutting-edge work by Eisner and Barone who have developed the approach of arts based research to its current status of an acclaimed, richly generative methodology, with a compelling presence in major research conferences and journals.
This will certainly be used in the programme as we encourage this approach - but not for everyone. The authors are, of course, authoritative, well-established figures in the field
An excellent compendium on a subject that is still making it's way in to mainstream. The book is well-structured and helps the read understand the different ways in which the arts can be used to faciliate and inform research. I also like the size of the book: big enough to present the array of elements that are found in arts-based research, and short enought to make it accessible for those who are new to the concept.
This is an excellent text that is very easy to understand; it is clearly written and intersperses the complex theoretical ideas with a series of engaging narratives, that teach the reader both methodologies and sensitive openness in research. My own area is PBR in the applied arts and fine arts; many of the awarenesses generated by the text are transferable to this area.
Very clear analysis of research related matters in the complex area of the arts.
Barone and Eisner have presented an excellent, accessible text that guides the reader through the a consideration of what constitutes arts based research and how it may be employed. They provide a helpful approach to reflecting on some of the realities of contemporary organisations and develop useful frameworks for how the arts based researcher may judge the quality of their efforts. A good foundational text with practical examples for all considering this mode of inquiry.
I'm working with students who are engaging a variety of contexts, and in the context of worship and liturgy, this is as close as I've come to a basic research methodology text.
Used as non-required text
Stimulating read which helps students to tease out relationships between arts and experiencing, arts as a means of discovery and the potential uses of arts based research as a form of social inquiry
good resource for students and researchers considering alternative methods
I will recommend it to my musicology colleagues. It is not aimed at music education specifically.
I am currently using this book with 3rd year Research Methods students. Its a good alternative to other more traditional types of research methods books
This book has been enlightening and thought-provoking. I will recommend it to students interested in considering what counts as research and its relationship to the arts.
This is an excellent text for anyone considering more artistic ways of presenting their data. A particular example is most memorable: the use of poetry to present a participants experience. This is an important text adding to the field of creativity in research.
Recommended for those interested in arts based and creative research methods. Covers methods neglected in other research methods texts.
Very useful for student doing research in Restorative Justice that used art for forgiveness.
I have a master's student in fine arts who is going conducting an Directed study with me and using this book as a foundation for his work.
A text that makes a definitive argument for art based research and justifies our raison d'etre. It is a contemporary and timely book with very useful examples that give the research context. New media and traditional forms are all covered.
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