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Praise for the second edition:
`This is a useful and interesting resource book for primary teachers and would help to develop their knowledge and teaching of science - I will certainly be using it to inform my planning and teaching of the subject' - Juliette Green, Primary School Teacher, Environmental Education
This book is a very useful reference book for student teachers, NQTs and experienced teachers in need of a bit of brushing up of their subject knowledge and further inspiration for models that can be used to support clear explanations of scientific concepts. Although published before the new national curriculum the book is clearly laid out in still relevant sections relating to working scientifically and to the subject knowledge which builds the foundations for biology, chemistry and physics.
A rich selection of experiments for science education, additional material on CD.
Comprehensive and up to date. A good additional text to support our PGCE students.
Understanding Primary Science is an easy to read text that make Primary level science accessible to BEd/BA Education students. We use it now as an essential text at UWS to help direct students development towards being more confident in the delivery of primary science within their own classroom practice.
I really good read full of practical ideas for school practitioners.
Useful text to support primary teachers in planning and delivering CfE.
recommended this book on students reading list
This will be invaluable as a support text for our primary B.Ed Students who are choosing to specialise in science. Our first year module 'science education with physics and chemistry' will involve students in enhancing their own physics and chemistry background knowledge, amongst other things. Wenham's text is comprehensive and covers all the topics relevant to a deeper understanding of those topics as set out in the Irish Primary School Curriculum for Science. Further diagrams might possibly enhance this text in any future versions.
An excellent all round look at subject knowledge and pedagogy - essential for the prospective primary school teacher
Added to supplental list
A very thorough explanation of the key issues with good examples used to explain concepts. Good layout - easy to find information.
This is a very useful text but the information is already covered in other texts we have adopted for this course. The inclusion of practical activities on the CD is a welcome asset. Scientific theories and concepts are discussed within the book, the information is easy to access and links to practice
Grea for addressing common misconceptions
This book is extremely useful for teacher trainees for background reading and the CD with all the experiments related to various topics does prove to be useful resource.
A useful addition to the core texts we currently use
This book is useful to our students studying on the BA Education Honours degree. It is well written and easy to access relevant information related to primary science for students who need their knowledge and understanding of primary science reinforcing.
I like the way that some of the concepts are linked to practical activities which trainees can undertake to support their learning.
The CD Rom accompanying this book is very useful with clear, well descibed and practical science investigations. Subject knowledge is readily accessed and the opening chapter is useful on investigative approaches.
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