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`[P]rovides a good introduction to the study of death, dying and bereavment' - Martality
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this is a highly recommended book for the 'Communication' module. The book offers practical advice and useful scenarios and includes a number of reflections, stories and literature. A fascinating read, which makes sense of this topic in a variety of ways.
This is an excellent book and considers death and dying in a variety of ways. Especially relevant are the issues relating to communication for this module. The topics are discussed with a great sensitivity and these are supplemented with a range of reflections, stories and literature. This is a very 'readable' book and very appropriate for health care professionals.
very interesting read, not ideal for the novice student nurse, benefical for post registration nurses undertaking a care of the dying or pallative care degree module.
Included some useful reading for course content
I have recommended that students look over this as a resource for the death and dying course. A comprehensive book covering essential material and less common topics. Gives students food for thought.
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