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At Sage, we follow the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) principles of authorship to ensure fair and transparent credit for all authors involved in the research. Here are some key guidelines to consider when submitting your manuscript to a Sage journal:
All listed authors must meet the following criteria:
Note: Requirements 2 and 3 should not disqualify those who have made substantial contributions to the research. Please refer to individual journal requirements for authorship by reviewing the submission guidelines. Some Sage journals use CRedIT taxonomy to provide greater transparency to individual contributions to the research.
The author who submits the manuscript to the journal submission system becomes the “submitting author” and is responsible for adding appropriate authors who meet the criteria and providing accurate contact and affiliation information for all listed authors. In some cases, the submitting author can designate a co-author as corresponding author with their consent. The corresponding author assumes responsibility for the publication and is the main point of contact after publication.
Sage supports groups of authors such as those participating in a working group or consortia within our publications. We ask that groups be highlighted on the title page and that group members who can take responsibility for the work as authors are listed clearly. Those who form part of the group but do not fulfil authorship criteria may be listed in the acknowledgements section.
The primary affiliation for each listed author should be where the research was conducted. If an author moved during the period of research, the institution where most of the work was conducted must be listed. If an author wishes to list their current affiliation in the published article, this can be facilitated by adding a note on the article. The author group must ensure that the affiliations are accurate as they cannot be changed post-publication.
Any subsequent changes to the author list, addition or deletion of authors, and/or changes to the corresponding author must be approved by all listed authors by completion of the authorship change form. Incomplete forms will be returned to the author, and inappropriate reasons for authorship changes may result in rejection of the submission. Sage does not permit changes to authorship of any kind after the acceptance of a submission.
If a co-author dies prior to submission or during peer-review and the remaining authors agree to retain their contribution to the author byline, the remaining authors must seek approval from the deceased next of kin or a legal representative for publication. If the deceased author was the sole author of a submission, the Journal Editor and Sage will seek permission from next of kin of legal representative for publication.
If a co-author becomes unwell or incapacitated during the peer-review process such that they are unable to provide final approval for publication, Sage will make efforts to contact their next of kin for approval or place the submission on hold until the co-author is able to approve the publication. If the author group and Sage are unable to reach the co-author or their next of kin, we may choose to place their name within the Acknowledgements section.
If a Sage journal becomes aware of an authorship dispute during peer-review, the submission will be placed on hold until the dispute has been resolved. If the dispute remains unresolved, the journal staff may choose to return the manuscript to authors and inform the institution. If Sage becomes aware of an authorship dispute after publication of an article, we will refer the matter to the attention of the institution where the research was conducted or the listed institution of the corresponding author for investigation. Sage or any of its journals are not in a position to adjudicate any authorship disputes raised at any stage of the publication process.
At Sage, we recognize that author names and pronouns may change over time. If you need to update your name and/or pronouns on a published article, we are here to help.
Submitting your request
To request a name and/or pronoun change, please complete the form below and provide the following information:
Your request for the name and pronoun change
DOIs of the manuscript(s) in question
Confirmation for Sage to contact co-authors (optional)
Please note: Only name changes (eg, change in first name or surname) should be processed through this form. Errors in an author name (misspellings, missing/incorrect middle initial, missing/incorrect degrees, etc.) must be submitted as a postpublication correction request to the journal's Production staff or to and will not be processed through this form
Once you have completed the form, it will be sent to a dedicated inbox managed by no more than two or three employees at any given time for confidentiality and security.
Reviewing and approving article proofs
After receiving the request, we aim to prepare the revised proof of the article within 5-7 business days. If we do not have editable files, such as for older articles, this process may take longer. We will send the author a proof with the requested changes and ask them to review and approve it before publication.
Redelivery to databases
Once the corrected article is republished, it will be redelivered to indexing and abstracting databases used by the journal. Any PubMed entries will be updated manually by Sage. Please note that while we will redeliver the article, databases may vary in whether or how quickly they make the change on their end. Authors may also wish to update references as they appear in reference databases such as Mendeley and Web of Science.
We are committed to implementing these updates promptly and confidentially, recognizing the sensitivity of these requests. If you have any questions or concerns about our author's name change policy, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Request form for name changes (not errors) in published articles