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Latinx Experiences

Latinx Experiences
Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Edited by:

September 2023 | 504 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This reader introduces students to the variety and complexity of Latinxs' experiences in the U.S., and  prepares them for further study in this interdisciplinary field. The opening essay, written by the editors, offers a broad overview of the approximately 59 million people in the U.S. who identify as Hispanic. The rest of the book will consist of contributed essays from Latina(o)/Chicana(o) scholars on a range of subjects including immigration, citizenship, and deportation; racial identities; political participation and power; educational and economic achievement; family; religion; media and popular culture. Although the essays are written for lower-division undergraduates, they reflect many of the leading theoretical and methodological approaches in the field. The essays are unified by an intersectional approach, demonstrating how experiences and life chances of Latinxs are also shaped by gender, social class, sexuality, age, and citizenship status.

Maria Joaquina Villaseñor
Reading 1.1: Race and Latinxs in the United States
Nick J. Sciullo
Reading 1.2: The Racial Coding of Latinx Subjectivity in the Debate Surrounding Arizona’s SB 1070
Mrinal Sinha
Reading 1.3: Manhood in Context
Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo
Reading 1.4: Latinx, Identities, and the Matter of Choice (Or More Simply, All Identities are Chosen…with Consequences)
João B. Chaves, Rodrigo Serrão
Reading 1.5: Are Brazilians Latinx? Historical and Sociological Considerations
Sylvia Martinez, Amy J. Nuñez
Reading 1.6: “I always get deleted from the analysis”: Multiracial Latinx students navigating racial/ethnic identity
Heidy Sarabia, Laura Zaragoza, Jannet Esparza
Reading 2.1: Intersectional Vulnerability: Fragmented, Racialized, and Criminalized Illegality Among Mexican Undocumented Women in the U.S.
Mercedes Valadez
Reading 2.2: The Latino Male Threat: An Intersectional Assessment of Racialized and Gendered US Migration Control Strategies.
Roxana A. Curiel
Reading 2.3: (Un)Documented Narratives: Immigration Policies, Trauma Porn, and Migration Stories
Mayra Puente
Readings 2.4: “Essential Workers” or Sacrificial Labor? Applying the Concept of Racial Capitalism to Mexican Immigrant Farm Workers’ Disposability during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ruben Espinoza
Readings 2.5: Empacadoras: The Hidden Labor of Mexican Women in the Salinas Valley
Halyna Lemekh
Reading 2.6: Guatemalan Islet in Koreatown
Jessica Rodriguez-Montegna
Reading 2.7: Igniting Political Representation in Times of Threatening Rhetoric: Voices from Latinas of Immigrant Origin
Rafael Azeredo, Robert Mason
Reading 2.8: Latin Americans in Australia: Reconfiguring Community and the 'Visa' as a Constitutive Factor of Migrant Identity
Ana M. Mina Hernández
Readings 2.9: The Afro-Colombian Experience on the Pacific Coast of Colombia: Intersections of Structural Processes
Carolina Rocha
Reading 3.1: Brains and Brawn in Latino Film: McFarland, USA and Spare Parts
Jamie L. Palmer-Asemota
Reading 3.2: From ‘Good Immigrant’ to ‘Undesirable Refugee:’ Controlling Metaphors and the role of race and racism in the shifting (un)desirability of Cuban refugees in U.S. media
Daniel Morales Morales
Reading 3.3: Spiderman in the Rhizome: Miles Morales as more-than-human
Tisha Marie Reichle-Aguilera
Reading 3.4: A Confluence of Gestures: Negotiating Queer Latinx Home Space on Vida
Samina Hadi-Tabassum
Reading 4.1: Black and Latinx Communities in America: Building Coalitions and Alliances
Melissa J. Cuba, Rachel F. Gómez, Luciana C. de Oliveira
Reading 4.2: Language Matters: Experiences of Aggressions, Resistance, and Perseverance in Education
Izamar d. Ortiz-González
Reading 4.3: Carving Alternative Learning Sites as Resistance of Latinx Teachers in K-12 Settings
Robert G. Unzueta II, Rudy Medina
Reading 4.4: Oh, that's the Homie: A praxis of resiliency, accountability, kinship, and defiance
Mario Alberto Obando
Reading 4.5 Emotive Alchemies: Forging US Central American Student Activism, Curriculum and Community at CSU Fullerton and Beyond
Juvenal Caporale
Reading 5.1 Indigenous Spirituality: Rehumanizing Brown and Indigenous Men
Juan Gómez, Veronica "Ronnie" Miramontes, Rosaura Figueroa Mendoza, Alexis Magdaleno
Reading 5.2 The MILPA Collective: A Pedagogy of Ganas
Cynthia Martínez, Sarah Trocchio
Reading 5.3 Activating Ambiguity in Police Encounters: How Latinas/os/x Deploy Bodily Capital and What it Means for Cross-racial Solidarity
Rosalinda Godinez
Reading 6.1 Manos Que Enseñan [Hands That Teach]: Mexicana Campesina Mothers and Their Children Enacting the Pedagogies of Barbiar
Brianna Ramirez
Reading 6.2 Collective Survival, Love, and Resistance: The Spiritual Activism of Latina Undergraduate Daughters from Mixed Status Immigrant Families.
Ruby Osoria
Reading 6.3 (De)constructing the Latina Immigrant Mother Narrative and Challenging the Dichotomist Perspective of marianismo and “the unfit” Immigrant Mother
Sandra B. Castro
Reading 6.4: Together again: Challenges Encountered by Central American Mothers Upon Reunification with their Children
Gabriela Muñoz de Zubiria, Eric Chen
Reading 6.5: Navigating Concealable Stigmatized Identities and Status Disclosure Among Members of Latinx Mixed-Status Families
Betsabeth Monica Lugo
Reading 6.6: The Lived Religion of Mexican Immigrant Women
Christine Elizabeth Rosales
Reading 7.1: Radical Self-Love: A Spiritual and Visionary Everyday Practice of Resistance by Latina Women
Merylou Rodriguez
Reading 7.2: Demostración de la Lucha, Resistencia y Esperanza: Puerto Rican Women Student Activists at Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Julia Guadalupe Cuevas Guerra
Reading 7.3: The Latinx Experience: Breaking Through the Shadows of Oppression: A DACAmented Testimonio
Xamuel Bañales
Reading 7.4: Jotería Power: Transforming Language, Activism, and Knowledge
Barry L. Stiefel
Reading 8.1: A History of Latinxs in Heritage Preservation
Wendy Barrales
Reading 8.2: Nuancing Latinidad Through Visual Testimonios in a Women of Color Archive: Latina Girls and Matriarchs as Knowledge Producers
Liliana V Rodriguez
Reading 8.3: Poco a Poco Se Anda Lejos: Analyzing the Concept of Community Cultural Wealth through Dichos
Hortencia Jimenez
Reading 8.4: Latinx Food Cultures and Identities: Racialized Bodies and Culinary Borders
Omar Davila Jr.
Reading 8.5: Beginning and Ending with Borders: Abolition and Latinx Futures

Sage College Publishing

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