Memory and Testimony in the Child Witness
Edited by:
- Maria S. Zaragoza - Kent State University, Ohio, USA
- John R. Graham - University of Calgary, Canada, Kent State University, USA
- Gordon C. N. Hall - Kent State University, Ohio, USA
- Richard Hirschman
- Yossef S Ben-Porath - Kent State University, USA
Introduction to Judicial Process
Introduction to Judicial Process
November 1994 | 304 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
"This volume of carefully edited papers from psychological researchers in the United States and in Great Britain recounts the present state of this work. This is a useful over-view of the subject at today's date."
--AR Brownlie in Science & Justice
Comprehensive and carefully edited, this insightful volume is a must read for anyone involved with children's testimony. Leading scholars in the field examine and integrate research and practice on assessing and enhancing the quality of eyewitness testimony in children. The first section examines factors that contribute to the accuracy and reliability of such testimony, including the effects of extended delays, repeated questioning, and exposure to leading questions. The second section describes techniques that have been developed to improve the quality of children's testimony, such as anatomical dolls and interviewing techniques, and discusses their empirical and theoretical underpinnings. The final chapter focuses on policy issues, including psychological research to guide legal reform in accommodating child witnesses.
Interdisciplinary in nature, Memory and Testimony in the Child Witness should be in the professional toolkit of all psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and attorneys working with children's testimony. It also serves as a text in any graduate level course focusing on eyewitness memory, children's competence as witnesses, or psychology and the law.
Maria S Zaragoza
Sean M Lane
Robyn Fivush and Jennifer Shukat
Content, Consistency and Coherence of Early Autobiographical Recall
Debra Ann Poole and Lawrence T White
Tell Me Again and Again
Stability and Change in the Repeated Testimonies of Children and Adults
Amye R Warren and Peggy Lane
Effects of Timing and Type of Questioning on Eyewitness Accuracy and Suggestibility
Lynne Baker-Ward et al
How Shall a Thing be Coded? Implications of the Use of Alternative Procedures for Scoring Children's Verbal Reports
D Stephen Lindsay, Valerie Gonzales and Karen Eso
Aware and Unaware Uses of Memories of Postevent Suggestions
Jennifer K Ackil
Karen J Saywitz
Improving Children's Testimony
The Question, the Answer and the Environment
Ronald P Fisher and Michelle McCauley
Improving Eyewitness Testimony with the Cognitive Interview
Judy S DeLoache
The Use of Dolls in Interviewing Young Children
Ray Bull
Innovative Techniques for the Questioning of Child Witnesses Especially Those Who are Young and Those with Learning Disability
Karen L Chambers
Graham Davies and Helen Westcott
The Child Witness in the Courtroom
Empowerment or Protection?
Ann E Tobey et al
Balancing the Rights of Children and Defendants
Effects of Closed-Circuit Television of Children's Accuracy and Jurors' Perceptions
Rhona Flin
Children's Testimony
Psychology on Trial