Longitudinal Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences Using R
- Jeffrey D. Long - University of Iowa, USA
This book is unique in its focus on showing students in the behavioral sciences how to analyze longitudinal data using R software. The book focuses on application, making it practical and accessible to students in psychology, education, and related fields, who have a basic foundation in statistics. It provides explicit instructions in R computer programming throughout the book, showing students exactly how a specific analysis is carried out and how output is interpreted.
"This text excels in the explanation of models with the side-by-side use of R, so the audience can see the models in action. There is a gentle coverage of the mathematics driving the models, which does not seem intimidating to a non technical audience."—William Anderson, Cornell University
I am currently trying to introduce this text to my course this spring, though I am getting some resistance. I'm finding that most of my students are not familiar enough with R and I can't devote enough class time to help them learn R AND learn about growth modeling. At least for now, considering how the course is structured, I plan to use it as a supplemental text.