Latin American Perspectives
Cultural Studies | Economics & Development Studies | Political Science & International Relations
Latin American Perspectives is a theoretical and scholarly journal for discussion and debate on the political economy of capitalism, imperialism, and socialism in the Americas. Most issues focus on a single problem, nation, or region, providing an in-depth look from participants and scholars throughout the Americas.
In six thematic issues per year, Latin American Perspectives provides
- Critical analysis and discussion of Latin America's political economy—capitalism, imperialism, and socialism
- In-depth articles about the movements, ideas, and conflicts shaping the course of events in the region
- Access to the voices of Latin America's critical intellectuals and leading activists
Latin American Perspectives offers a vital multidisciplinary view of the powerful forces that shape the Americas. Disciplines covered include:
- ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL ECONOMY: Neoliberalism and the struggle for alternatives, the internationalization of capital and production, the informal sector, fair trade
- INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: U.S. hegemony and Latin American challenges, grassroots globalization, regional integration, and international solidarity
- HISTORY: The trajectory of social and political movements, exile, Latin American and the international Left
- SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS: Class, migration, labor organization, new social movements, human rights
- GEOGRAPHY AND ECOLOGY: Struggles over the privatization of natural resources, the fate of the rainforests, tourism and ecotourism, shanty-towns and the urban environment
- ANTHROPOLOGY: Indigenous and Afro-Latin American movements and resistance, migration and transnational communities, ethnogenesis and borders
- WOMEN'S AND GENDER STUDIES: National feminisms, sexual identity movements, women in social movements, migration and gender, transforming family and domestic relations
- LITERATURE AND CULTURE: Manifestos and chronicles by leaders and participants in social movements, memory, mass and alternative media, censorship and the free movement of scholars, artists, and ideas
- CRITICAL THEORY: Testimonio reconsidered, cultural hybridity, critical pedagogy
- POLITICAL SCIENCE: Democratization, popular versus liberal democracy, civil society and the state, military regimes, and repression
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Latin American Perspectives is a theoretical and scholarly journal for discussion and debate on the political economy of capitalism, imperialism, and socialism in the Americas. The journal's objective is to encourage class analysis of sociocultural realities and political strategies to transform Latin American sociopolitical structures. The journal makes a conscious effort to publish a diversity of political viewpoints, both Marxist and non-Marxist perspectives, that have influenced progressive debates in Latin America.
LAP seeks writing that is clear and concise. Authors should keep in mind that the journal is interdisciplinary and avoid jargon and obscure language understood only by a narrow group of readers. Concepts with which readers may not be familiar and specialized terminology should be kept to a minimum and when used, should be clearly explained for non-specialist readers.
Ronald H. Chilcote | University of California, Riverside, USA |
William Bollinger | California State University, Los Angeles, USA |
Marjorie Bray | California State University, Los Angeles, USA |
Rosalind Bresnahan | San Bernardino, California, USA |
Frances B. Chilcote | Laguna Beach, California, USA |
Tomás Crowder-Taraborrelli | Soka University of America, USA |
Jean Hostetler Díaz | Riverside, California, USA |
Steve Ellner | Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela |
Alfonso Gonzales | University of California, Riverside, USA |
Hilary Goodfriend | Instituto de Geografía at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), México |
Timothy F. Harding | California State University, Los Angeles, USA |
Richard Harris | California State University, Monterey Bay, USA |
Jennifer Hughes | University of California, Riverside, USA |
George Leddy | Los Angeles Valley College, USA |
Nemer E. Narchi | El Colegio de Michoacán, Mexico |
Rhonda Neugebauer | University of California, Riverside, USA |
Jonathan Ritter | University of California, Riverside, USA |
Romina Robles Ruvalcaba | University of California, Merced, USA |
Ward Schinke | Riverside City College, USA |
Paulo Simões | California State University, Fullerton, USA |
Andrew Smolski | North Carolina State University, USA |
Miguel Tinker Salas | Pomona College, USA |
Joana S. Vasconcelos | Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil |
Kristi M. Wilson | Soka University of America, USA |
Tamar Diana Wilson | San José de Cabo, Mexico |
Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval | University of California, Santa Barbara, USA |
William Aviles | University of Nebraska at Kearney, USA |
Bernadete Beserra | Universidade Federal de Ceará, Brazil |
Julie Charlip | Whitman College, USA |
Gary Dymski | University of Leeds, UK |
Alberto Garcia | California State University, Northridge, USA |
Derrick Hindery | University of Oregon, USA |
Gary Hytrek | California State University, Long Beach, USA |
Sheryl Lutjens | California State University, San Marcos, USA |
Mônica Dias Martins | Universidade Estadual de Ceará, Brazil |
Stephanie Moore | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA |
Dolores Paris | El Colef, Tijuana, Mexico |
Daniel Polk | Morongo Valley, California, USA |
Cecilia MacDowell Santos | University of San Francisco, USA |
Richard Stahler-Sholk | Eastern Michigan University, USA |
Steven C. Topik | University of California, Irvine, USA |
Laura Velasco Ortiz | El Colef, Tijuana, Mexico |
Russell White | Kent, Washington, USA |
Heather L. Williams | Pomona College, USA |
Atilio Borón | Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Norma Chinchilla | California State University, Long Beach, USA |
Carmen Diana Deere | University of Florida, USA |
Hector Diaz-Polanco | UNAM, Mexico |
Joel C. Edelstein | New Jersey, USA |
Adolfo Gilly | UNAM, México, Mexico |
Martha Gimenez | University of Colorado (Emeritus), USA |
Georg M. Gugelberger | University of California, Riverside, USA |
Nora Hamilton | University of Southern California, USA |
Susanne Jonas | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA |
James Levy | University of New South Wales, Australia |
Michael Löwy | Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France |
Florencia Mallon | University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA |
José Nun | Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Mercedes Olivera Bustamante | CESMECA-UNICACH, San Cristóbal, Mexico |
James Petras | State University of New York, Birmingham, USA |
Jan Rus | CESMECA, San Cristóbal, Mexico |
Emir Sader | UFRJ, Brazil |
Hobart A. Spalding, Jr. | City University of New York, USA |
Steven Stern | University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA |
Mary Kay Vaughn | University of Maryland, USA |
Steve Volk | Oberlin College, USA |
Hilbourne Watson | Bucknell University, USA |
Paul Almeida | University of California, Merced, USA |
Álejandro Álvarez Béjar | UNAM, Mexico |
Thomas Angotti | City University of New York, USA |
Ricardo Antunes | UNICAMP, Brazil |
Robert Austin | Chile |
Florence Babb | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA |
David Barkin | UAM-Xochimilco, Mexico |
Marc Becker | Truman State University, USA |
Emelio Betances | Gettysburg College, USA |
Armando Boito | UNICAMP, Brazil |
Barry Carr | La Trobe University, Australia |
Julio Carranza Valdés | UNESCO, Montevideo, Uruguay |
James Cypher | Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Mexico |
Raúl Delgado Wise | Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Mexico |
Haroldo Dilla | Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile |
Elizabeth Dore | University of Southampton, UK |
Paul Dosh | Macalester College, USA |
Michael Dougherty | Illinois State University, USA |
Alex Dupuy | Wesleyan University, USA |
Susan Eckstein | Boston University, School of Medicine, USA |
Nicole Fabricant | Towson University, USA |
Linda C. Farthing | La Paz, Bolivia |
Adriela Fernandez | Purdue University, USA |
James N. Green | Brown University, USA |
Jawdat Abu El Haj | Universidade Federal de Ceará, Brazil |
John Hammond | City University of New York, USA |
Neil Harvey | New Mexico State University, USA |
Daniel Hellinger | Webster University, USA |
Rafael Hernández | ICAIC, Havana, Cuba |
Rosalva Aída Hernández Castillo | CIESAS, Mexico City, Mexico |
Clara E. Irazabal | University of Maryland, USA |
Daniela Issa | École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France |
Matthew Lorenzen | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico |
Joao Roberto Martins Filho | Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, Brazil |
Juan Carlos Monedero | Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain |
Adam Morton | The University of Sydney, Australia |
Sara Motta | The University of Newcastle, Australia |
Ronaldo Munck | Dublin City University, Ireland |
Kemy Oyarzun | Universidad de Chile, Chile |
Tania Pellegrini | Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil |
Anthony Pereira | Florida International University, United States |
Pablo Pozzi | University of Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Angel Quintero Rivera | CEREP, San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Bernardo Ricupero | Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil, Brazil |
William Robinson | University of California, Santa Barbara, USA |
Alfredo Saad Filho | Queen's University, Belfast, UK |
Kyla Sankey | Queen Mary University of London, UK |
Arturo Santamaria Gomez | Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, Mexico |
Verónica Silva | UNAM, Mexico |
Boaventura d. Sousa Santos | University of Coimbra, Portugal |
Anthony Spanakos | Montclair State University, USA |
Lynn Stephen | University of Oregon, USA |
Luís Suárez Salazar | Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba, Cuba |
Harry Vanden | University of South Florida |
Carlos Vilas | Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Roberta Villalón | St. John's University, USA |
Jeffrey Webber | York University, Canada |
Cliff Welch | Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil |
Kevin A. Young | University of Massachussets at Amherst, USA |
Marjorie Bray | California State University, Los Angeles, USA |
Rosalind Bresnahan | California State University, USA |
Steve Ellner | Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela |
George Leddy | Los Angeles Valley College, USA |
Tomás Crowder-Taraborrelli | Soka University of America, USA |
Kristi M. Wilson | Soka University of America, USA |
Aiskell Román | Riverside, California, USA |
George Leddy | Los Angeles Valley College, USA |
Frances B. Chilcote | Laguna Beach, California, USA |
Barbara Metzger | Laguna Beach, CA, USA |
James Lerager | Riverside, California, USA |
Alexander Scott | Riverside, CA, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.