Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Mona Siddiqui - University of Glasgow, UK
July 2010 | 1 624 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Whether it's the Qur'an, Prophecy, ritual, law, politics, or gender in Islam, this collection of articles will give you a glimpse of some of the leading debates in these topics. Covering the last fifty years of western thought on Islam, this is an essential reading and reference tool for scholars of Islamic Studies and Religious Studies. The articles are intellectually bold and provide a comprehensive understanding of the different dimensions of Islam.
Understanding the Qur'an in Text and Context
Richard C. Martin
Qur'an as Spoken Word
William Graham
The Tasks and Tradition of Interpretation
Jane Dammen McAuliffe
The Dilemma of the Literary Approach to the Qur'an
Nasr Abu-Zayd
Structure and the Emergence of Community
Angelika Neuwirth
Sound, Spirit, and Gender in Surat al-Qadr
Michael Sells
The Light Verse: Qur'anic Text and Sufi Interpretation
Gerhard Böwering
Some Key Ethical Concepts of the Qur'an
Fazlur Rahman
The Will in the Qur'an
Frederick M. Denny
Themes and Topics
Dan Madigan
Readings of the Qur'an in London and Najaf: John Wansbrough and Muhammad Ba—qir al-Sadr
Chibli Mallat
History and Nostalgia: Reflections on John Wansbrough's The Sectarian Milieu
Norman Calder
Images of Muhammed in the Work of Iqbal: Tradition and Alterations
Earle H. Waugh
The Signs of Prophecy: The Emergence and Early Development of a Theme in Arabic Theological Literature
Sarah Stroumsa
Pre-Existence and Light: Aspects of the Concept of Nu—r Muhammad
Uri Rubin
The Story of the Portraits of the Prophet Muhammad
Oleg Grabar
Devotion to the Prophet and His Family in Egyptian Sufism
Valerie J. Hoffman-Ladd
Metaphors and Sacred History: The Genealogy of Muhammad and the Arab "Tribe"
Daniel Martin Varisco
The Quest of the Historical Muhammad
Francis E. Peters
Necessary Knowledge in Islamic Theology
Binyamin Abrahamov
Aspects of the Creed of Imam Hanbal: A Study of Anthropomorphism in Early Islamic Discourse
Wesley Williams
The Unknowability of God in al-Ghazali
David B. Burrell
Observations on the Muslim Concept of Evil
Gustave E. von Grunebaum
Divine Preordination and Human Hope a Study of the Concept of Bada' in Imam
Mahmoud Ayoub
Conditions for Meaningful Comparative Philosophy
Seyyed Hussein Nasr
Two Muslim-Christian Debates from the Early Shi'ite Tradition
David Thomas
Traditionist-Jurisprudents and the Framing of Islamic Law
Christopher Melchert
Dead Tradition: Joseph Schacht
Ze'ev Maghen
Was the Gate of Ijtihad Closed?
Wael B. Hallaq
Signs as Evidence: The Doctrine of Ibn Taymiyya (1263–1328) and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (D. 1351) on Proof
Baber Johansen
Islamic Law and Muslim Minorities
Khaled Abou el-Fadl
The Islamization of Criminal Law
Rudolph Peters
Why You Should Poison Your Husband: Note on Liability in Hanaf
Colin Imber
Mahr: Legal Obligation or Rightful Demand?
Mona Siddiqui
Ethical Presuppositions of the Qu'ran
George F. Hourani
Ethics in Medieval Islamic Philosophy
Charles E. Butterworth
The Answers of Applied Islamology
Mohammed Arkoun
The Essence of Religious Experience in Islam
Isma'il R. al-Faruqiq
The Aesthetic Reception of the Qur'an as Reflected in Early Muslim History
Navi'd Kermani
Islam and Art
Isma'il R. al-Faruqiq
Impurity/No Danger
Kevin Reinhart
The Hajj and the Study of Islamic Ritual
Marrion Katz
Financial Worship: The Qur'anic Injunction to Almsgiving
Jonathan Benthall
Eating and Fasting for God in Sufi Tradition
Valerie Hoffman
Miracles in Ši'i Thought: A Case-Study of the Miracles Attributed to Imam Ga'far al-Šadiq
Judith Loebenstein
Some Aspects of Mystical Prayer in Islam
Annemarie Schimmel
Rehearsed Spontaneity and the Conventionality of Ritual: Disciplines of "Salat"
Saba Mahmoud
On Scriptural Essentialism and Ritual Variation: Muslim sacrifice in Sumatra and Morocco
John R. Bowen
The Birth of the Prophet: Ritual and Gender in Turkish Islam
Nancy Tapper and Richard Tapper
Women, Saints and Sanctuaries
Fatima Mernissi
Mazar Festivals of the Uyghurs: Music, Islam and the Chinese State
Rachel Harris and Rahilä Dawut
Death, Funeral Processions, and the Articulation of Religious Authority in Early Islam
Muhammad Qasim Zaman
Women and Hadith Transmission: Two Case Studies
Asma Sayeed
Disciplining Wives: A Historical Reading of Qur'an 4:34
Manuela Marin
Muftis and Matrimony: Islamic Law and Gender in Ottoman Syria
Judith E. Tucker
Women in the Afterlife: The Islamic View as Seen from Qur'an and Tradition
Jane I. Smith and Yvonne Y. Haddad
Islamic Feminism and Its Discontents: Toward a Resolution of the Debate
Valentine M. Moghadem
Gendered Transformations: Beauty, Love, and Sexuality in Qajar Iran
Afsaneh Najmabadi
Internationalising the Conversation on Women's Rights: Arab Countries Face CEDAW Committees
Ann Elizabeth Mayer
Exploited by Whom? An Alternative Perspective on Humanitarian Assistance to Afghan Women
Sultan Barakat and Gareth Wardell
The Saudi Public Speaks: Religion, Gender and Politics
Monsoor Moaddel
The Political Concepts of Islam
Ira M. Lapidus
The Origins and Objectives of Islamic Revivalist Thought, 1750 - 1850
Ahmad Dallal
Rhetoric, Discourse and the Future of Hope
Richard W. Bulliet
Public Islam and the Problem of Democratisation
Robert W. Hefner
Three Islamic Strands in the South African Struggle for Justice
Farid Esack
Contentious Public Religion: Two Concepts of Islam in Revolutionary Iran - Ali Shariati and Abdolkarim Soroush
Behroz Ghamani Tabrizi
Globalization and the Politics of Religious Knowledge: Pluralizing Authority in the Muslim World
Peter Mandaville