International Wood Products Journal
Materials Science & Engineering
Publishes on wood science, engineering, and technology, aiming to advance the scientifical, technical, and practical knowledge of timber and wood based products.
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International Wood Products Journal publishes peer reviewed contributions on all aspects of wood science, engineering and technology, its processing and applications. The submission of original research papers, reviews and case studies is welcomed on any topic within this scope. However, the journal has a particular interest in the following aspects of wood technology, engineering and chemistry:
• Properties of wood: physical, mechanical, chemical and other properties that are important for wood products
• Testing and characterisation (methods and standards for mechanical testing, non-destructive assessment, and physical and structural characterisation
• Drying and wood-water interactions
• Wood degradation (biological, chemical and environmental degradation) and protection (including environmental, moisture and fire protection)
• Processing, machining and manufacturing
• Wood in structures, including design and construction
• Products (wood, wood based composites, fibre and particle products, laminates and other engineered wood products), and their properties, performance and applications
• Recycling, reuse and wood waste management and recovered wood as a resource
• Biomimicry (architecture, design and technology)
• Wood modification (chemical, thermal and combined methods)
• Life cycle assessment, Carbon sequestration and storage, Environmental impact, sustainability certification of wood products, and resource availability
• Logistics
• Economics and trade
• Education, training and skills
• The effects of wood products on wellbeing
International Wood Products Journal aims to advance and encourage the scientific, technical, practical and general knowledge of timber and wood based products.
Dr. Dennis Jones | Luleå University of Technology, Sweden |
Dr. Carmen-Mihaela Popescu | Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Romania |
Dr. Martin Ansell | University of Bath, UK |
Prof. Dr. Stavros Avramidis | University of British Columbia, Canada |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bader | Linnaeus University, Sweden |
Prof. Dr. Christian Brischke | Thünen Institute of Wood Research, Germany |
Dr. Magdalena Broda | Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland |
Prof. Dr. Zeki Candan | Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Turkey |
Prof. Dr. Terry Conners | University of Kentucky, USA |
Dr. Lawrence Cookson | Monash University, Australia |
Prof. Dr. Simon Cragg | University of Portsmouth, UK |
Dr. Carmen Cristescu | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden |
Dr. Simon Curling | BioComposites, UK |
Prof. Dr. Philip Evans | University of British Columbia, Canada |
Dr. Gerhard Grull | Holzforschung, Austria |
Prof. Dr. Callum Hill | JCH Industrial Ecology Limited, UK |
Prof. Dr. Mark Hughes | Aalto University, Finland |
Prof. Dr. Miha Humar | University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tetsuya Inagaki | Nagoya University, Japan |
Dr. Florin Ioras | Buckinghamshire New University, UK |
Dr. Mark Irle | Ecole Supérieure du Bois, France |
Prof. Dr. S. Nami Kartal | University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia |
Prof. Abdy Kermani | Edinburgh Napier University, UK |
Prof. Dr. Jaan Kers | Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia |
Prof. Hyun-Joong Kim | Seoul National University, Republic of Korea |
Assoc. Prof. Grzegorz Kowaluk | Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland |
Prof. Dr. Jalel Labidi | University of Basque Country, Spain |
Prof. Dr. Charalampos Lykidis | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece |
Dr. Hugh Mansfield-Williams | Element Materials Group |
Assoc Prof. Dr. Miyuki Matsuo-Ueda | Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan |
Dr. Graham Ormondroyd | Bangor University, UK |
Dr. Sabrina Palanti | CNR, Institute for BioEconomy, Italy |
Dr. Krishna K. Pandey | Institute of Wood Science and Technology, India |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Pfriem | Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Germany |
Dr. Andy Pitman | BM TRADA, UK |
Prof. Antonio Pizzi | Université Henri Poincaré, France |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniel Ridley-Ellis | Edinburgh Napier University, UK |
Dr. Morwenna Spear | BioComposites, UK |
Dr. Andreas Treu | NIBIO, Norway |
Assist Prof. Dr. David Trujillo | Coventry University, UK |
Prof. Dr. Yanjun Xie | Northeast Forestry University, China |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vjekoslav Zivkovic | University of Zagreb, Croatia |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.