How to Measure Survey Reliability and Validity
- Mark S. Litwin - UCLA-Division of Urology
UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles
Aimed at helping readers improve the accuracy of their survey, Litwin's book guides in assessing and interpreting the quality of their survey data by thoroughly examining the survey instrument used. The book also explains how to code and pilot test new and established surveys. In addition, it covers such issues as how to measure reliability (e.g., test-retest, alternate-form, internal consistency, inter-observer, and intra-observer reliability), how to measure validity (including content, criterion, and construct validity), how to address cross-cultural issues in survey research, and how to scale and score a survey.
"I found this work to be of very high quality with respect to both content and writing. It is commendable in terms of communicating and facilitating understanding of sometimes difficult concepts. It will make an excellent text for my introductory course on survey research and, I imagine, for many similar or related courses in the social sciences or education. All the pedagogical features, including the exercises, are excellent, and the level of writing throughout not only is appropriate for an introductory volume, but also engaging and lively."
--Daniel U. Levine, Department of Education, University of Nebraska