John C Gonsiorek and James D Weinrich
John C Gonsiorek and James D Weinrich
The Definition and Scope of Sexual Orientation
John A W Kirsch and James D Weinrich
Homosexuality, Nature, and Biology
Is Homosexuality Natural? Does it Matter?
Richard C Pillard
Masculinity and Femininity in Homosexuality
James D Weinrich and Walter L Williams
Strange Customs, Familiar Lives
Homosexualities in Other Cultures
Gregory M Herek
Stigma, Prejudice, and Violence Against Lesbians and Gay Men
Rhonda R Rivera
Sexual Orientation and the Law
Charles Silverstein
Psychological and Medical Treatments of Homosexuality
John C Gonsiorek
The Empirical Basis for the Demise of the Illness Model of Homosexuality
Gerald C Davison
Constructionism and Morality in Therapy for Homosexuality
Douglas C Haldeman
Sexual Orientation Conversion Therapy for Gay Men and Lesbians
John C Gonsiorek and James R Rudolph
Homosexual Identity
Coming Out and Other Developmental Events
Letitia Anne Peplau
Lesbian and Gay Relationships
G Dorsey Green and Frederick W Bozett
Lesbian Mothers and Gay Fathers
Edmund F Dejowski et al
Partner Notification as an Instrument for HIV Control
John C Gonsiorek and Michael Shernoff
AIDS Prevention and Public Policy
John C Gonsiorek