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Handbook of Multicultural Competencies in Counseling and Psychology

Handbook of Multicultural Competencies in Counseling and Psychology

July 2003 | 672 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

Cultural differences affect the way people think, feel, and act. In an increasingly diverse society, multicultural competency in research and counseling is not merely a matter of political correctness. It is a matter of scientific and professional responsibility.

Handbook of Multicultural Competencies in Counseling and Psychology is the first book to offer the theoretical background, practical knowledge, and training strategies needed to achieve multicultural competence. Focusing on a wide range of professional settings, editors Donald B. Pope-Davis, Hardin L.K. Coleman, William Ming Liu, and Rebecca L. Toporek provide a compendium of the latest research related to multicultural competency and the hands-on framework to develop specialized multicultural practices.

Promoting an appreciation of cultural differences, this innovative text includes

    • A review of major measures of multicultural competency
    • An analysis of popular empirically supported treatments within the schema of multicultural competency
    • Information on multicultural competencies and accreditation
    • An overview of ethical implications
    • Teaching strategies to achieve multicultural competency

Handbook of Multicultural Competencies in Counseling and Psychology provides a comprehensive foundation for understanding and integrating multiculturalism in all areas of professional practice. Offering directions for growth and development, the editors and a distinguished group of contributors explore emerging issues within the field.

An indispensable resource for psychologists, social workers, school counselors, and teachers, this handbook is also an ideal supplementary text for students in counseling and clinical practice courses.

Joseph E. Trimble
Introduction to Section

Charles R. Ridley and Amy J. Kleiner
Ch. 1 Multicultural Counseling Competence: History, Themes and Issues
Debra Mollen Baker, Charles R. Ridley, & Carrie L. Hill
Ch. 2 Models of Multicultural Competence: A Critical Evaluation
Hardin L.K. Coleman, Romana A. Norton, Gina E. Miranda, Laurie McCubbin
Ch. 3 An Ecological Perspective on Cultural Identity Development
Sharon L. Bowman and Keisa D. King
Ch. 4 Gender, Feminism and Multicultural Competencies
George S. Howard
Ch. 5 A Philosophy of Science for Cross-Cultural Psychology
William M. Liu & Donald B. Pope-Davis
Ch. 6 Moving From Diversity to Multiculturalism: Exploring Power and Its Implications for Multicultural Competence
Hardin L.K. Coleman, Thomas Baskin
Ch. 7 Multiculturally Competent School Counseling
Romana A. Norton & Hardin L. K. Coleman

Romana A, Norton & Hardin L. K. Coleman

Romana A. Norton and Hardin L. K. Coleman
Ch. 8 Multicultural Supervision: The Influence of Race-Related Issues in Supervision and Outcome
Introduction to Section

Joseph G. Ponterotto & Jodi C. Potere
Ch. 9 The Multicultural Counseling Knowledge and Awareness Scale (MCKAS): Validity, Reliability, and User Guidelines
Michael D'Andrea
Ch. 10 An Update on the Multicultural Awareness/Knowledge/Skills Survey (MAKSS)
Hardin L. K. Coleman & Julie M. Hau
Ch. 11 Multicultural Counseling Competency and Portfolios
Rebecca L. Toporek, William M. Liu, & Donald B. Pope-Davis
Ch. 12 How Multicultural is Your Environment: Using the Multicultural Environment Inventory (MEI)
Joseph G. Ponterotto, Jaclyn Mendelsohn, & Lonette Belizaire
Ch. 13 Assessing Teacher Multicultural Competence: Self-Report Instruments, Observer Report Evaluations, and a Portfolio Assessment
Donald B. Pope-Davis, Rebecca L. Toporek, & Lideth Ortega-Villalobos
Ch. 14 Assessing Supervisors' and Supervisees' Perceptions of Multicultural Competence in Supervision using the Multicultural Supervision Inventory (MSI)
Introduction to Section

Hardin L. K. Coleman & Bruce E. Wampold
Ch. 15 Challenges to the Development of Culturally Relevant Empirically Supported Treatment
Gargi Roysircar, Robert Hubbell, & Gregory Gard
Ch. 16 Multicultural Research on Counselor and Client Variables: A Relational Perspective Conducting MCC Research
Dibya Choudhuri
Ch. 17 Qualitative Research and Multicultural Counseling Competency: An Argument for Inclusion
Shelley Ruelas
Ch. 18 Objectively Measured Multicultural Counseling Competencies:
A Preliminary Study
Ch. 18
Introduction to Section

Elizabeth M. Altmaier
Ch. 19 Multicultural Competence and Accreditation in Professional Psychology
Edward Delgado-Romero
Ch. 20 Ethic and Multicultural Competence
Patricia Arredondo & Jeannette Gordon Reinoso
Ch. 21 Multicultural Competencies in Consultation
Jean Lau Chin
Ch. 22 Multicultural Competencies in Managed Health Care
Amy L. Reynolds & Raechele L. Pope
Ch. 23 Multicultural Competencies in Counseling Centers
Madonna G. Constantine
Ch. 24 Multicultural Competence in Supervision: Issues, Processes, and Outcomes
Byron K. Hargrove, Maureen G. Creagh, & Deborah B. Kelly
Ch. 25 Multicultural Competencies in Career Counseling
Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy
Ch. 26 Multicultural Competence in School Settings
Thomas V. Merluzzi and Krupa Hegde
Ch. 27 Implications of Social and Cultural Influences for Multicultural Competencies in Health Psychology
Paul Leung
Ch. 28 Multicultural Competencies and Rehabilitation Counseling/Psychology
Eric C. Chen, Brett D. Thombs, & Catarina I. Costa
Ch. 29 Building Connection through Diversity in Group Counseling
Maria P.P. Root
Ch. 30 Racial & Ethnic Origins Harassment in the Workplace: Evaluation Issues & Symptomatology
Introduction to Section

Ernest D. Washington, Jr.
Ch. 31 The Multicultural Competence of Teachers and the Challenge of Academic Achievement
Genella M. Taylor & Stephen M. Quintana
Ch. 32 Teachers' Multicultural Competencies (K-12)
Alvin N. Alverez & Marie L. Miville
Ch. 33 Walking a Tightrope: Strategies for Teaching Undergraduate Multicultural Counseling Courses
Luis A. Vazquez & Enedina G. Vazquez
Ch. 34 Teaching Multicultural Competence in Counseling Curriculum
Thomas A. Parham & Lisa Whitten

Thomas A. Parham & Lisa Whitten

Thomas A. Parham &
Ch. 35 Teaching Multicultural Competencies in Continuing Education for Psychologists
Julie R. Ancis
Ch. 36 Teaching Multicultural Competencies Using the Internet and Other Technology
Donald R. Atkinson & Tania Israel
Ch. 37 The Future of Multicultural Counseling Competence
About the Editors
About the Authors
Key features
  • Ideal resource and reference for all those who need to understand the theoretical background
  • Up-to-date current knowledge on practice
  • Teaching and training strategies to achieve multicultural competence for yourself , your program, and institution.

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ISBN: 9781452266800

ISBN: 9780761923060

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