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Group Processes

Group Processes

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

December 2012 | 1 504 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Issues related to group-based and -influenced behavior have always been at the heart of social psychology. What is generally considered the first experimental study in social psychology - Norman Triplett's 1898 attempt to explain why bicycling speed records were faster when measured in competition against others - was a demonstration of group-influenced behavior, and led to the development of the notion of social facilitation. The questions of how decision-making group members reach consensus, and whether they are a more effective vehicle for decisions than an insightful individual, remain popular 80 years after they were first introduced. Researchers in other disciplines are increasingly drawn to the group as a focus of study and of course, groups remain the standard decision-making unit for most important decisions in most societies.

It is against this backdrop of the rich history, modern development and future potential of the subject that this timely four-volume set has been created, with the intention that it becomes a unique go-to resource for researchers in the field. The four volumes are arranged schematically:

Volume 1: Group Performance takes a look at individual action in the presence of others.
Volume 2: Interdependence within Groups examines situations in which one is partially dependent on others for the magnitude of one's personal outcomes.
Volume 3: Decision-Making Groups explores group settings in which there is full collaboration in order to produce a single output.
Volume 4: Relations among Groups presents a set of articles on interaction between groups.

Robert Liden et al
Social Loafing
A Field Investigation

Jim Blascovich et al
Social 'Facilitation' as Challenge and Threat
Norbert Kerr et al
Psychological Mechanisms Underlying the Köhler Motivation Gain
Paul Paulus and Huei-Chuan Yang
Idea Generation in Groups
A Basis for Creativity in Organizations

Bernard Nijstad and Wolfgang Stroebe
How the Group Affects the Mind
A Cognitive Model of Idea Generation in Groups

Hoon-Seok Choi and LeighThompson
Old Wine in a New Bottle
Impact of Membership Change on Group Creativity

Matthew Hornsey et al
Group-Directed Criticisms and Recommendations for Change
Why Newcomers Arouse More Resistance Than Old-Timers

Greg Stewart and Murray Barrick
Team Structure and Performance
Assessing the Mediating Role of Intra-Team Process and the Moderating Role of Task Type

Jeffery LePine
Adaptation of Teams in Response to Unforeseen Change
Effects of Goal Difficulty and Team Composition in Terms of Cognitive Ability and Goal Orientation

Carl Watson, Martin Chemers and Natalya Preiser
Collective Efficacy
A Multilevel Analysis

Dong Jung and John Sosik
Group Potency and Collective Efficacy
Examining Their Predictive Validity, Level of Analysis and Effects of Performance Feedback on Future Group Performance

Roger Goddard
Collective Efficacy
A Neglected Construct in the Study of Schools and Student Achievement

Artemis Chang and Prashant Bordia
A Multidimensional Approach to the Group-Cohesion Group-Performance Relationship
Albert Carron et al
Cohesion and Performance in Sport
A Meta-Analysis

Franziska Tschan et al
Leading to Recovery
Group Performance and Co-Ordinative Activities in Medical Emergency-Driven Groups

Andrea Dixon, Jule Gassenheimer and Terri Feldman Barr
Identifying the Lone Wolf
A Team Perspective

Eric van Dijk and Riel Vermunt
Strategy and Fairness in Social Decision-Making
Sometimes It Pays to Be Powerless

Craig Parks, Lawrence Sanna and Susan Berel
Actions of Similar Others as Inducements to Co-Operate in Social Dilemmas
David De Cremer
Respect and Co-Operation in Social Dilemmas
The Importance of Feeling Included

Nir Halevy et al
Perceiving Inter-Group Conflict
From Game Models to Mental Templates

Jeffrey Joireman, Paula Van Lange and Mark van Vugt
Who Cares about the Environmental Impact of Cars? Those with an Eye toward the Future
Carsten De Dreu et al
The Neuropeptide Oxytocin Regulates Parochial Altruism in Inter-Group Conflict among Humans
Jean Decety et al
The Neural Bases of Co-Operation and Competition
An fMRI Investigation

James Rilling et al
Opposing BOLD Responses to Reciprocated and Unreciprocated Altruism in Putative Reward Pathways
Johan Karremans, Paul Van Lange and Rob Holland
Forgiveness and Its Associations with Pro-Social Thinking, Feeling and Doing beyond the Relationship with the Offender
Harry Wallace, Julie Juola Exline and Roy Baumeister
Interpersonal Consequences of Forgiveness
Does Forgiveness Deter or Encourage Repeat Offences?

Frances McLernon et al
The Development of Inter-Group Forgiveness in Northern Ireland
Kees van den Bos and E.Allan Lind
The Psychology of Own versus Others' Treatment
Self-Oriented and Other-Oriented Effects on Perceptions of Procedural Justice

Jan-Willem van Prooijen, Kees van den Bos and Henk Wilke
Procedural Justice and Intra-Group Status
Knowing Where We Stand in a Group Enhances Reactions to Procedures

Michele Gelfand et al
Negotiating Relationally
The Dynamics of the Relational Self in Negotiations

Mara Olekalns, Jeanne Brett and Laurie Weingart
Phases, Transitions and Interruptions
Modeling Processes in Multi-Party Negotiations

Gerben Van Kleef et al
Power and Emotion in Negotiation
Power Moderates the Interpersonal Effects of Anger and Happiness on Concession-Making

Wolfgang Steinel, Gerben Van Kleef and Fieke Harinck
Are You Talking to Me?! Separating the People from the Problem When Expressing Emotions in Negotiation
Ilja van Beest, Henk Wilke and Eric van Dijk
The Excluded Player in Coalition Formation
Verlin Hinsz, R.Scott Tindale and David Vollrath
The Emerging Conceptualization of Groups as Information Processors
James Larson Jr and Caryn Christensen
Groups as Problem-Solving Units
Toward a New Meaning of Social Cognition

Gwen Wittenbaum, Andrea Hollingshead and Isabel Botero
From Co-Operative to Motivated Information-Sharing in Groups
Moving beyond the Hidden Profile Paradigm

Alan Dennis
Information Exchange and Use in Group Decision-Making
You Can Lead a Group to Information, but You Can't Make It Think

Deborah Gruenfeld et al
Group Composition and Decision-Making
How Member Familiarity and Information Distribution Affect Process and Performance

Kristina Dahlin, Laurie Weingart and Pamela Hinds
Team Diversity and Information Use
Andrea Hollingshead
Communication, Learning and Retrieval in Transactive Memory Systems
Diane Liang, Richard Moreland and Linda Argote
Group versus Individual Training and Group Performance
The Mediating Role of Transactive Memory

John Mathieu et al
The Influence of Shared Mental Models on Team Process and Performance
Janice Kelly and Sigal Barsade
Mood and Emotions in Small Groups and Work Teams
Thomas Sy, Stéphane Côté and Richard Saavedra
The Contagious Leader
Impact of the Leader's Mood on the Mood of Group Members, Group Affective Tone and Group Processes

Group Decision-Making and Communication Technology

Sara Kiesler and Lee Sproull
Jeanne Wilson, Susan Straus and Bill McEvily
All in Due Time
The Development of Trust in Computer-Mediated and Face-to-Face Teams

Carsten De Dreu and Michael West
Minority Dissent and Team Innovation
The Importance of Participation in Decision-Making

Jeffrey LePine et al
Effects of Individual Differences on the Performance of Hierarchical Decision-Making Teams
Much More Than G

Samuel Sommers
On Racial Diversity and Group Decision-Making
Identifying Multiple Effects of Racial Composition on Jury Deliberations

Dominic Abrams et al
Anti-Norm and Pro-Norm Deviance in the Bank and on the Campus
Two Experiments on Subjective Group Dynamics

Brendan McAuliffe et al
Individualist and Collectivist Norms
When It's OK to Go Your Own Way

Karen Gonsalkorale and Kipling Williams
The KKK Won't Let Me Play
Ostracism by Even a Despised Out-Group Hurts

Jean Twenge et al
If You Can't Join Them, Beat Them
Effects of Social Exclusion on Aggressive Behaviour

Mark Leary, Jean Twenge and Erin Quinlivan
Interpersonal Rejection as a Determinant of Anger and Aggression
Matthew Hornsey, Tina Oppes and Alicia Svensson
'It's OK If We Say It, but You Can't'
Responses to Inter-Group and Intra-Group Criticism

John Dovidio, Samuel Gaertner and Tamar Saguy
Commonality and the Complexity of 'We'
Social Attitudes and Social Change

Emanuele Castano, Vincent Yzerbyt and David Bourguignon
We Are One and I Like It
The Impact of In-Group Entitativity on In-Group Identification

Linda Tropp and Thomas Pettigrew
Relationships between Inter-Group Contact and Prejudice among Minority and Majority Status Groups
Serge Guimond and Michael Dambrun
When Prosperity Breeds Inter-Group Hostility
The Effects of Relative Deprivation and Relative Gratification on Prejudice

Brian Lickel et al
Vicarious Retribution
The Role of Collective Blame in Inter-Group Aggression

Vincent Yzerbyt et al
I Feel for Us
The Impact of Categorization and Identification on Emotions and Action Tendencies

Michael Johns, Toni Schmader and Brian Lickel
Ashamed to Be an American? The Role of Identification in Predicting Vicarious Shame for Anti-Arab Prejudice after 9/11
Jacques-Philippe Leyens et al
Psychological Essentialism and the Differential Attribution of Uniquely Human Emotions to In-Groups and Out-Groups
Amy Cuddy, Mindi Rock and Michael Norton
Aid in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
Inferences of Secondary Emotions and Inter-Group Helping

Bernd Simon, Stefan St rmer and Kerstin Steffens
Helping Individuals or Group Members? The Role of Individual and Collective Identification in AIDS Volunteerism

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ISBN: 9781446249314