Ethics & Organizations
Edited by:
- Martin Parker - Bristol University, UK
November 1998 | 308 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Ethics and Organizations provides a rich and valuable overview of an increasingly important issue for management and organizations in contemporary society. Debates about equal opportunities, environmental responsibility, consumer redress, and corporate governance have given ethics a prominent place in the study of organizations in their social and natural environments. Within the organization, new management styles that seek to energize employees by manipulating their beliefs have highlighted the moral-ethical principles at issue in contemporary management. At the same time, debates around postmodernism and relativism have moved ethics to a new centrality in contemporary social theory. This volume addresses the questions that these and other developments raise for the study of management and organizations, from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Ethics and Organizations will be invaluable to advanced-level students and academics engaged in analyzing the moral, political, and ethical dimensions of organization theory and organizational practice.
Martin Parker
Ethics, The Very Idea?
Tom Sorell
Beyond the Fringe? The Strange State of Business Ethics
Edward Wray-Bliss and Martin Parker
Marxism, Capitalism and Ethics
Joanna Brewis
Who Do You Think You Are? Feminism, Work, Ethics and Foucault
Hugh Willmott
Towards a New Ethics? The Contributions of Poststructuralism and Posthumanism
Hugo Letiche
Business Ethics
(In-)Justice and (Anti-)Law - Reflections on Derrida, Bauman and Lipovetsky
Karen Legge
Is HRM Ethical? Can HRM Be Ethical?
John Desmond
Marketing and Moral Indifference
Rolland Munro
Ethics and Accounting
The Dual Technologies of Self
Glenn Morgan
Governance and Regulation
An Institutionalist Approach to Ethics and Organizations
Stephen Fineman
The Natural Environment, Organization and Ethics
Tony J Watson
Ethical Codes and Moral Communities
The Gunlaw Temptation, the Simon Solution and the David Dilemma
Peter Anthony
Management Education
Ethics versus Morality
Martin Parker
Against Ethics