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Encyclopedia of Terrorism

Encyclopedia of Terrorism

December 2002 | 552 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

"The most comprehensive and up-to-date work available on this subject...Essential for all academic and larger public libraries."

"It is rare to find a reference volume both as timely and as well done as this effort. Considering the importance of its subject, its global and historical coverage, and its value to researchers, students, the general reader, and law enforcement, this book is a must for every library."

"This outstanding work on terrorism accomplishes something that no other book has. The Encyclopedia of Terrorism is not only comprehensive, but accessible and brilliantly organized. It is the most important reference piece available, on the most compelling topic of our times, written by the foremost no-nonsense expert in the business. A must read for citizen and practitioner alike."
--Professor Brian Levin, Director, Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism California State University, San Bernardino

"Kushner has gathered the type of information for which teen researchers are clamoring: biographies of key individuals, the histories of various terrorist groups both foreign and domestic, and a full discussion of specific incidents. . . . This work is ideal for libraries looking for a one-volume reference on this timely topic."

The Encyclopedia of Terrorism presents authoritative coverage of what is currently one of the world's most important topics. With more than 300 articles, the Encyclopedia provides detailed discussions of the who, what, where, when, and why of terrorism. Up-to-date and timely, the articles cover such topics as Al-Qaeda, biological terrorism, extremism, Saddam Hussein, jihad, Zacarias Moussaoui, and suicide bombers. Its concise, readable format and detailed chronology, photographs, maps, and charts make this an essential reference.

An internationally recognized expert on terrorism, Harvey Kushner has studied terrorism for more than three decades. He serves as a consultant on terrorism for an array of governmental and private agencies. In addition, his commentary appears regularly on Fox National News, CNN, the British Broadcasting Corporation, National Public Radio, Voice of America, and in articles in Reuters, The Associated Press, the Washington Post, and other newspapers and magazines worldwide. His expertise ensures that the entries, including contributions by other authorities in the field, are of the highest quality.

Key Features

  • More than 300 authoritative, in-depth articles
  • Extensive, balanced coverage of terrorist groups (such as the IRA), key events (including September 11), people, terms, and statistics, as well as biographical, historical, and geographical information
  • Cross-references to related entries at the end of each article
  • Comprehensive, global coverage
  • Valuable appendices include: list of government organizations, list of terrorist organizations, list of well known female terrorists, detailed list of further readings

Recommended Libraries

Public, academic, school, government, special, and private/corporate

Reader's Guide
Foreword by James Kallstrom
Entries A-Z
Appendix A: Locations of Terrorist Activity (Maps)
Appendix B: Web Sites
Appendix C: Chronology
Appendix D: Bibliography

Kushner (chair, criminal justice, Long Island Univ.), a noted terrorism expert and frequent guest on CNN, CNBC, and Fox News, here provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date work available on this subject. Begun a year before the 9/11 disaster, this guide presents more than 300 article-length entries, arranged alphabetically and covering such topics as terrorist groups, key terrorists, types of terrorism, and terrorist events (including 9/11). The work begins with an alphabetical list of entries, which are then categorized into 32 general topics in a handy reader’s guide. In the entries themselves, Kushner (along with a number of expert contributors) provides a solid, powerful collection of timely data on the who, what, where, when, and why of international terrorism. Each entry contains many cross references and a detailed list of suggested further readings, augmented by a large bibliography. The text is further enhanced by the addition of photographs and world maps highlighted with terror sites. Beyond its ample information on the Middle East, the book ranges worldwide to include profiles of animal rights activists, anti-abortion activists, and white supremacists. Finally, Kushner adds a useful chronological listing of key terrorist activities, beginning with the 1865 formation of the KKK and ending with the October 12, 2002 bombing in Bali. Kushner’s work easily updates Alex P. Schmid’s Political Terrorism, although Schmid’s bibliography is larger (but now dated), and greatly expands Harry Henderson’s Library in a Book: Terrorism. Essential for all academic and larger public libraries.


“Thoroughly researched and corroborated, Kushner’s book is an excellent addition to the many books published since September 11. Highly recommended.”


“Kushner has gathered the type of information for which teen researchers are clamoring: biographies of key individuals, the histories of various terrorist groups both foreign and domestic, and a full discussion of specific incidents. . . . This work is ideal for libraries looking for a one-volume reference on this timely topic.”


“It is rare to find a reference volume both as timely and as well done as this effort. Considering the importance of its subject, its global and historical coverage, and its value to researchers, students, the general reader, and law enforcement, this book is a must for every library.”

Reference & User Services Quarterly, American Library Association

"From antiabortion and animal rights groups to separatist movements and white supremacist groups, Kushner explains the origins, motivations and activities of terrorist organizations. . . . While by no means exhaustive, Kushner's guide will provide an excellent starting point for students and is far superior to much that was rushed into print in the wake of 9/11. This title is suitable for high school, public and academic libraries. "

John R.M. Lawrence, Reference Librarian
East Carolina University
Lawrence Looks at Books
Key features
  1. Authored by world renowned expert who brings the knowledge of a career studying terrorism and terrorist activities, along with a deep familiarity with the events and people involved in both World Trade Center attacks in 1993 and 2001.
  2. Comprehensive chronology in the back organized by calendar dates. Because many terrorists acknowledge a preceding event with terrorist activity, the calendar format makes these links clear and obvious.
  3. Writing style is very appropriate for the public and school library market.
  4. An excellent illustration program makes the book accessible to readers from high school on up.

Sample Materials & Chapters

Sample Entries

Entry List

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ISBN: 9780761924081

This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.