Eco-Impacts and the Greening of Postmodernity
New Maps for Communication Studies, Cultural Studies, and Sociology
- Tom Jagtenberg - University of Wollongong, Australia
- David McKie - University of Waikato, New Zealand
November 1996 | 328 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Eco-Impacts and the Greening of Postmodernity is one of the first books to use cultural studies to reach a deeper understanding of the significance of the ecological issues in our lives. This groundbreaking book contrasts the visible impact of the ecological crises on popular culture with the less discernible academic responses. It explores such vital questions as: Can nature survive? How do academic disciplines engage with environmental crises? And, how do we map sustainable futures? The authors, Tom Jagtenberg and David McKie, bring a body of relevant literature into the debate--that stems from both cultural and environmental issues--as well as their own multidisciplinary perspectives on the subject.
Eco-Impacts and the Greening of Postmodernity provides a one-of-a-kind analysis of the impacts of the present environmental condition on culture. This volume's focus will be of special interest to students and professionals in cultural studies, popular culture, communication, and environmental studies.
The Death of Nature?
Ecological Exclusions
Re-Addressing Postmodernity and the Eco-Post
Changing Paradigms
Living in the Biosphere
Greening Media Studies
Aligning Media
Contours of Knowledge
Decentering Cartography