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Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies

Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies

eISSN: 1552356X | ISSN: 15327086 | Current volume: 24 | Current issue: 5 Frequency: Bi-monthly

Cultural Studies ó Critical Methodologies publishes peer-reviewed research articles, critical analyses of contemporary media representations, posthuman and new materialist inquiry, critical and performance ethnography, and creative non-fiction, among other areas of critical inquiry. Cultural Studies ó Critical Methodologies provides an explicit forum for the intersections of cultural studies, critical interpretive research methodologies, and cultural critique. The aim of the journal is to connect critical cultural studies research with a necessary focus on the practices, politics, and philosophies of inquiry that underpin the research act.

Published six times per year, Cultural Studies ó Critical Methodologies is an interdisciplinary journal drawing from those scholarly traditions in the social sciences and the humanities which are premised on a critical, performance-based cultural studies agenda. Preference is given to experimental, risk-taking manuscripts which reside at the intersection of interpretive theory, critical methodology, culture, media, history, biography, and social structure.

The mandate for this interdisciplinary, international journal is to move methods talk in cultural studies to the forefront, into the regions of moral discourse. The arrows that connect the two sides of our title designate this dialogical relationship between inquiry, critique, and methodological practice. Works will take up such methodological and moral issues as the local and the global, text and context, voice, writing for the other, and the presence of the author in the text. 

The commitment to imagine a more democratic society has been a guiding feature of cultural studies from the very beginning. Cultural Studies ó Critical Methodologies understands that the discourses of a critical cultural studies methodology are basic to any effort to re-engage the promise of the social sciences and the humanities for democracy in the 21st Century.

The mandate for this interdisciplinary, international journal is to move methods talk in cultural studies to the forefront, into the regions of moral, ethical and political discourse. The commitment to imagine a more democratic society has been a guiding feature of cultural studies from the very beginning. Contributors to this journal understand that the discourses of a critical, moral methodology are basic to any effort to re-engage the promise of the social sciences and the humanities for democracy in the 21st Century. We seek works that connect critical emancipatory theories to new forms of social justice and democratic practice are encouraged. Manuscripts which stand at the intersection of critical moral discourse, experimental, interpretative methodology, and cultural criticism are sought. Preference is given to texts which combine ethnographic, performative, and textual approaches to the study of popular culture, and include the media as well as the new communication and information technologies. Cultural Studies <-> Critical Methodologies transcends disciplines and crosses racial, ethnic, gender, class, and geographic and paradigmatic boundaries to produce an inclusive vision that is vital to today's interpretative practices in the human disciplines. 

Founding Editor
Norman K Denzin University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign, USA
Michael Giardina Florida State University, USA
Associate Editor for New Directions
James Salvo University of Florida, USA
Editorial Board
Tony E. Adams Bradley University, USA
Bryant Keith Alexander Loyola Marymount University, USA
Ahmet Atay College of Wooster, USA
Kakali Bhattacharya University of Florida, USA
Jack Z. Bratich Rutgers University, USA
Meagan Call-Cummings Johns Hopkins University, USA
Patricia Clough City University of New York Graduate Center, USA
CL Cole University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Henry Giroux McMaster University, Canada
Larry Grossberg University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA
Kelly Guyotte University of Alabama, USA
Daniel X. Harris RMIT University, Australia
Maggie MacLure Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Fiona Murray University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Joshua I. Newman Florida State University, USA
Carla Rice University of Guelph, Canada
Laurel Richardson Ohio State University, USA
Paula A. Saukko Loughborough University, UK
Ian Stronach Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Keyan Tomaselli University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Angharad N. Valdivia University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Devra J. Waldman Florida State University, USA
A. Lamont Williams San Jose State University, USA
Editorial Board Emeritus
Pertti Alasuutari Tampere University, Finland
Clifford G. Christians University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Herman Gray University of California-Santa Cruz, USA
Douglas D. Kellner University of California, Los Angeles, USA
D. Soyini Madison Northwestern University, USA
Cameron McCarthy University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Peter McLaren Chapman University, USA
Della Pollock University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA
Steven Seidman State University of New York at Albany, USA
  • Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • NISC
  • ProQuest: CSA Sociological Abstracts
  • ProQuest: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
  • SafetyLit
  • Scopus
  • It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of a true luminary in the world of academia, Norman K. Denzin. Please expect some delays in peer review as we transition through this difficult time. We appreciate your patience.

    Cultural Studies <-> Critical Methodologies is an open–peer review, quarterly journal devoted to the interdisciplinary analysis of the relationship between cultural studies, cultural critique, and interpretive, methodological inquiry. The journal publishes open–peer refereed articles that experiment with new writing forms, including autoethnography, ethnodrama, ethnographic poetry, performance texts, creative nonfiction, interpretive essays, and cultural criticism. The journal welcomes critical, reflective essays as well.

    To submit the manuscript please access our online submission system at If you have difficulties, please contact us at There are no submission fees for this journal.

    Manuscript Preparation

    Manuscripts should be prepared using the APA Style Guide (Sixth Edition). All pages must be typed, double-spaced (including references, footnotes, and endnotes). Text must be in 12-point Times Roman. Block quotes may be single-spaced. Must include margins of 1inch on all the four sides and number all pages sequentially.

    The manuscript should include four major sections(in this order): Title Page, Abstract, Main Body, and References.

    Sections in a manuscript may include the following (in this order): (1) Title page, (2) Abstract, (3) Keywords, (4) Text, (5) Notes, (6) References, (7) Tables, (8) Figures, and (9) Appendices.

    1. Title page. Please include the following:

    • Full article title
    • Acknowledgments and credits
    • Each author’s complete name and institutional affiliation(s)
    • Grant numbers and/or funding information
    • Corresponding author (name, address, phone/fax, e-mail)

    2. Abstract. Print the abstract (150 to 250 words) on a separate page headed by the full article title. Omit author(s)’s names.

    3. Text. Begin article text on a new page headed by the full article title.

    a. Headings and subheadings. Subheadings should indicate the organization of the content of the manuscript. Generally, three heading levels are sufficient to organize text. Level 1 heading should be Centered, Boldface, Upper & Lowercase, Level 2 heading should be Flush Left, Boldface, Upper & Lowercase, Level 3 heading should be Indented, boldface, lowercase paragraph heading that ends with a period, Level 4 heading should be Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading that ends with a period, and Level 5 heading should be Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading that ends with a period.

    b. Citations. For each text citation there must be a corresponding citation in the reference list and for each reference list citation there must be a corresponding text citation. Each corresponding citation must have identical spelling and year. Each text citation must include at least two pieces of information, author(s) and year of publication. Following are some examples of text citations:

    (i)Unknown Author: To cite worksthatdo not have an author, cite the source by its title in the signal phrase or use the first word or two in the parentheses. Eg. The findings are based on the study was done of students learning to format research papers ("Using XXX," 2001)

    (ii)Authors with the Same Last Name: use first initials with the last names to prevent confusion. Eg.(L. Hughes, 2001; P. Hughes, 1998)

    (iii) Two or More Works by the Same Author in the Same Year: For two sources by the same author in the same year, use lower-case letters (a, b, c) with the year to order the entries in the reference list. The lower-case letters should follow the year in the in-text citation.Eg.Research by Freud (1981a) illustrated that…

    (iv) Personal Communication: For letters, e-mails, interviews,and other person-to-person communication, citation should include the communicator's name, the fact that it was personal communication, and the date of the communication. Do not include personal communication in the reference list.Eg.(E. Clark, personal communication, January 4, 2009).

    (v) Unknown Author and Unknown Date: For citations with no author or date, use the title in the signal phrase or the first word or two of the title in the parentheses and use the abbreviation "n.d." (for "no date").Eg. The study conducted by of students and research division discovered that students succeeded with tutoring ("Tutoring and APA," n.d.).

    5. Notes. If explanatory notes are required for your manuscript, insert a number formatted in superscript following almost any punctuation mark. Footnote numbers should not follow dashes ( — ), and if they appear in a sentence in parentheses, the footnote number should be inserted within the parentheses. The Footnotes should be added at the bottom of the page after the references. The word “Footnotes” should be centered at the top of the page.

    6. References. Basic rules for the reference list:-

    •  The reference list should be arranged in alphabetical order according to the authors’ last names.
    • If there is more than one work by the same author, order them according to their publication date – oldest to newest (therefore a 2008 publication would appear before a 2009 publication).
    • When listing multiple authors of a source use “&” instead of “and”.
    • Capitalize only the first word of the title and of the subtitle, if there are one, and any proper names – i. e. only those words that are normally capitalized.
    • Italicize the title of the book, the title of the journal/serial and the title of the web document.
    • Manuscripts submitted to XXX [journal acronym] should strictly follow the XXX manual (xth edition) [style manual title with ed].
    • Every citation in text must have the detailed reference in the Reference section.
    • Every reference listed in the Reference section must be cited in text.
    • Do not use “et al.” in the Reference list at the end; names of all authors of a publication should be listed there.

    Here are a few examples of commonly found references. For more examples please check APA(6th Ed).

    • Books:

    Book with place of publication--Airey, D. (2010). Logo design love: A guide to creating iconic brand identities. Berkeley, CA: New Riders.

    Book with editors & edition-- Collins, C., & Jackson, S. (Eds.). (2007). Sport in Aotearoa/New Zealand society. South Melbourne, Australia: Thomson.

    Book with author & publisher are the same-- MidCentral District Health Board. (2008). District annual plan 2008/09. Palmerston North, New Zealand: Author.

    Chapter in an edited book--Dear, J., & Underwood, M. (2007). What is the role of exercise in the prevention of back pain? In D. MacAuley& T. Best (Eds.), Evidence-based sports medicine (2nd ed., pp. 257-280). Malden, MA: Blackwell.

    • Periodicals:

    Journal article with more than one author (print)--Gabbett, T., Jenkins, D., & Abernethy, B. (2010). Physical collisions and injury during professional rugby league skills training. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13(6), 578-583.

    Journal article – 8 or more authors-- Crooks, C., Ameratunga, R., Brewerton, M., Torok, M., Buetow, S., Brothers, S., … Jorgensen, P. (2010). Adverse reactions to food in New Zealand children aged 0-5 years. New Zealand Medical Journal, 123(1327). Retrieved from

    • Internet Sources:

    Internet – no author, no date--Pet therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved from htttp://

    Internet – Organisation / Corporate author-- SPCA New Zealand. (2011). Your dog may be dying from the heat [Press release]. Retrieved from

    • Examples of various types of information sources:

    Act (statute / legislation)--Copyright Act 1994. (2011, October 7). Retrieved from

    Blog post-- Liz and Ellory. (2011, January 19). The day of dread(s) [Web log post]. Retrieved from

    Brochure / pamphlet (no author)--Ageing well: How to be the best you can be [Brochure]. (2009). Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Health.

    Conference Paper--Williams, J., &Seary, K. (2010). Bridging the divide: Scaffolding the learning experiences of the mature age student. In J. Terrell (Ed.), Making the links: Learning, teaching and high quality student outcomes. Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the New Zealand Association of Bridging Educators (pp. 104-116). Wellington, New Zealand.

    DVD / Video / Motion Picture (including Clickview&Youtube)--Gardiner, A., Curtis, C., & Michael, E. (Producers), &Waititi, T. (Director). (2010). Boy: Welcome to my interesting world [DVD]. New Zealand: Transmission.

    Magazine--Ng, A. (2011, October-December). Brush with history. Habitus, 13, 83-87.

    Newspaper article (no author)--Little blue penguins homeward bound. (2011, November 23). Manawatu Standard, p. 5

    Podcast (audio or video)--Rozaieski, B. (2011). Logan cabinet shoppe: Episode 37: Entertainment center molding [Video podcast]. Retrieved from

    Software (including apps--UBM Medica.(2010). iMIMS (Version1.2.0) [Mobile application software].Retrieved from

    Television programme--Flanagan, A., &Philipson, A. (Series producers & directors).(2011). 24 hours in A & E [Television series]. Belfast, Ireland: Channel 4.

    Thesis (print)--Smith, T. L. (2008). Change, choice and difference: The case of RN to BN degree programmes for registered nurses (Master’s thesis). Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.

    Thesis (online)--Mann, D. L. (2010). Vision and expertise for interceptive actions in sport (Doctoral dissertation, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia). Retrieved from

    Non- English reference book, title translated in English

    Real Academia Espanola. (2001). Diccionario de la lenguaespanola [Dictionary of the Spanish Language] (22nded.). Madrid, Spain: Author

    7. Tables. They should be structured properly. Each table must have a clear and concise title. When appropriate, use the title to explain an abbreviation parenthetically.Eg.Comparison of Median Income of Adopted Children (AC) v. Foster Children (FC).Headings should be clear and brief.

    8. Figures. They should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text and must include figure captions. Figures will appear in the published article in the order in which they are numbered initially. The figure resolution should be 300dpi at the time of submission.

    9. Appendices. They should be lettered to distinguish from numbered tables and figures. Include a descriptive title for each appendix (e.g., “Appendix A. Variable Names and Definitions”). Cross-check text for accuracy against appendices.


    As part of our commitment to ensuring an ethical, transparent and fair peer review process Sage is a supporting member of ORCID, the Open Researcher and Contributor ID. ORCID provides a unique and persistent digital identifier that distinguishes researchers from every other researcher, even those who share the same name, and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between researchers and their professional activities, ensuring that their work is recognized.

    The collection of ORCID iDs from corresponding authors is now part of the submission process of this journal. If you already have an ORCID iD you will be asked to associate that to your submission during the online submission process. We also strongly encourage all co-authors to link their ORCID ID to their accounts in our online peer review platforms. It takes seconds to do: click the link when prompted, sign into your ORCID account and our systems are automatically updated. Your ORCID iD will become part of your accepted publication’s metadata, making your work attributable to you and only you. Your ORCID iD is published with your article so that fellow researchers reading your work can link to your ORCID profile and from there link to your other publications.

    If you do not already have an ORCID iD please follow this link to create one or visit our ORCID homepage to learn more.

    Special Issue Proposal and Submission Guidelines

    When submitting a Special Issue proposal to Cultural Studies <-> Critical Methodologies, you must provide in writing:

    • a provisional title and abstract of 300-500 words on what the Special Issue intends to cover;
    • a rationale as to why this Special Issue is needed, what contribution it aims to make, if there have been any other special issues (or edited books) on this topic, etc.;
    • evidence of your qualifications to edit this Special Issue;
    • a proposed timeline to publication starting with the Call for Papers.

    When submitting the completed collection of manuscripts to serve as the Special Issue, you should keep in mind the following:

    • All manuscripts should have already been peer-reviewed and revised prior to submission;
    • The Special Issue guest editor/s must submit his/her/their editorial introduction at this time, which shows how each article manuscript connects to the mandate of the journal, connects the special issue to the relevant literature in the field, and so forth.
    • The Special Issue should not go over 60,000 words.

    Once we have received the completed Special Issue package of manuscripts, our office will conduct an internal review of each manuscript for content and clarity. Note the following:

    • Reviews of Special Issues will not begin until all of the manuscripts for the special issue, including the Introduction, have been received. For this reason, please do not submit the special issue in pieces; rather, submit them all at once.
    • We reserve the right to reject special issues and/or individual articles at any point in the review process. For this reason, guest editors should not communicate that submissions have been accepted at any point. Final Acceptance of a manuscript/special issue can only be granted by the Editor of the journal.

    All special issue proposals and queries should be directed to Michael Giardina,

    Submission of a manuscript implies a commitment to publish in the journal. Authors submitting manuscripts to the journal should not simultaneously submit them to another journal, nor should manuscripts have been published elsewhere in substantially similar form or with substantially similar content. Authors in doubt about what constitutes prior publication should consult the editor. Cultural Studies <-> Critical Methodologies is an open-peer review journal.

    If you or your funder wish your article to be freely available online to nonsubscribers immediately upon publication (gold open access), you can opt for it to be included in Sage Choice, subject to the payment of a publication fee. The manuscript submission and peer review procedure is unchanged. On acceptance of your article, you will be asked to let Sage know directly if you are choosing Sage Choice. To check journal eligibility and the publication fee, please visit Sage Choice. For more information on open access options and compliance at Sage, including self/author archiving deposits (green open access) visit Sage Publishing Policies on our Journal Author Gateway.

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