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992 Results Found for "WE3"


Education and Treatment of the Impaired Driving Offender (DWC)

A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Impaired Driving Offender

Driving with Care (DWC) is an action-oriented, cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) program for persons convicted of driving while ability impaired (DWI). We invite you to learn more about this highly lauded DWC curriculum. 

Reviewer Rewards

We are grateful for all our reviewers, as this work really helps authors enhance and develop their papers and supports the integrity of the publishing process.

Taking Action on Diversity

Some steps editors can take to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within their journals


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is something that we care deeply about at Sage. We are aware that the publishing industry, including Sage, has much more work to do in order to better reflect the diversity of the world we seek to educate and inform. Our core Sage Journals DEI pledges are published here.

Open Access Position Statement

A long-term advocate of sustainable open research, we provide easy and innovative publishing routes for authors seeking to build momentum and increase their reach. Join the thousands of academics across the globe who choose us to share their research quickly and widely, and benefit from:

How often are unauthorized immigrant workers trafficked and abused?

Los Angeles, CA - Labor trafficking – or recruiting a person for labor through force, fraud, or coercion for involuntary servitude, debt bondage, or even slavery – has been a difficult problem to track among undocumented migrant workers. With unique access to a “hidden population” from one of America’s largest Spanish-speaking immigrant destinations, a recent study finds that more than 30% of undocumented migrant laborers in this area are victims of labor trafficking and 55% are victims of other labor abuses.

SAGE partners with Golden Goose Award to support seemingly peculiar research that makes a big impact

Los Angeles, CA - Leading independent, academic and professional publisher SAGE announces its partnering sponsorship of the 2014 Golden Goose Award. Conceived in 2012 by Congressman Jim Cooper (D-TN), the purpose of the award is to honor researchers whose federally funded work may not have seemed to have significant practical applications at the time it was conducted, but has resulted in significant benefits to society. The 2014 award recipients will be honored at the third annual Golden Goose Awards Ceremony on September 18 at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.

SAGE strengthens its social and health science journals collection with the acquisition of 19 journals

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announces the purchase of 19 journals from Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. With this acquisition, SAGE will publish journals in counseling, gerontology & aging, health & healthcare, education, anthropology, beginning in 2015.

Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. has published scholarly and professional journals and books in the social sciences and humanities for more than 50 years. Its collection focuses on the current trends in theory, research, and practice while paving new directions for researchers, instructors, and practitioners.
