Managing the Human Side of Change
Rosabeth Moss Kantor
Organizational Frame Bending: Principles for Managing Reorientation
David Nadler and Michael Tushman
Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail
John Kotter
Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory in the Field and in the Classroom: Notes toward a Model of Managed Learning
Edgar Schein
Organizational Change: A Review of Theory and Research in the 1990s
Achilles Armenakis and Arthur Bedeian
Strategic Change Leadership
Fiona Graetz
Leading Organizational Change
John Moran and Baird Brightman
Studying Organizational Change and Development: Challenges for Future Research
Andrew Pettigrew, Richard Woodman and Kim Cameron
A Survival Guide for Leaders
Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky
Change Management — or Change Leadership?
Roger Gill
From Leaders to Leadership: Managing Change
Mark Ahn, John Adamson and Daniel Dornbusch
Organisational Change Management: A Critical Review
Rune Todnem By
The Crucial Role of Leadership in Meeting the Challenges of Change
Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe and John Alban-Metcalfe
All Changes Great and Small: Exploring Approaches to Change and Its Leadership
Malcolm Higgs and Deborah Rowland
Organizational Change and Characteristics of Leadership Effectiveness
Ann Gilley, Heather McMillan and Jerry Gilley
Lessons from Leadership Theory and the Contemporary Challenges of Leaders
Montgomery Van Wart
Prompting the Transformation of Public Organizations
Paul Nutt
A Response to ‘Prompting the Transformation of Public Organizations’
Hal Rainey and Sergio Fernandez
Organizational De-Development
Paul Nutt
Kurt Lewin and Complexity Theories: Back to the Future?
Bernard Burnes
Complexity Theories and Organizational Change
Bernard Burnes
What Does It Take to Implement Change Successfully? A Study of the Behaviors of Successful Change Leaders
Malcolm Higgs and Deborah Rowland
Successful Change Leaders: What Makes Them? What Do They Do that Is Different?
David Miller
Bringing Humility to Leadership: Antecedents and Consequences of Leader Humility
J. Andrew Morris, Céleste Brotheridge and John Urbanski
Transforming Organisations for Organic Growth: The DNA of Change Leadership
Tom Karp
Building a Climate for Innovation through Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture
James Sarros, Brian Cooper and Joseph Santora
Culture and Organization Theory
Calvin Morrill
Getting to the Roots of Change: Performance Management and Organizational Culture
M. Bryna Sanger
Organizational Change: A Critical Challenge for Team Effectiveness
Elisabeth Goodman and Lucy Loh
Linking Change Drivers and the Organizational Change Process: A Review and Synthesis
Karen Whelan-Berry and Karen Somerville
No Going Back: A Review of the Literature on Sustaining Organizational Change
David Buchanan et al.
Building a Change Capability at Capital One Financial
Christopher Worley and Edward Lawler
From Change Management to Change Leadership: Embracing Chaotic Change in Public Service Organizations
Tom Karp and Thomas Helgo
Public Sector Leadership: New Perspectives for Research and Practice
Davide Christian Orazi, Alex Turrini and Giovani Valotti
The past, present and future of organization development: Taking the long view
B. Burnes and B. Cooke
Systems Thinking, Organizational Change and Agency: A Practice Theory Critique of Senge’s Learning Organization
Raymond Caldwell
Managing Successful Organizational Change in the Public Sector
Sergio Fernandez and Hal Rainey
Under What Conditions Do Public Managers Favor and Pursue Organizational Change?
Sergio Fernandez and David Pitts`
Motivated to Adapt? The Role of Public Service Motivation as Employees Face Organizational Change
Bradley Wright, Robert Christensen and Kimberley Roussin Isett
Understanding Organizational Reality: Concepts for the Change Leader
Keith Owen and A. Steven Dietz
Strategic Leadership: Values, Styles, and Organizational Performance
Suzanne Carter and Charles Greer
From Leadership-as-Practice to Leaderful Practice
Joe Raelin
Towards a Theory of Being-Centered Leadership: Multiple Levels of Being as Context for Effective Leadership
Louis Fry and Mark Kriger
“Trans-+-Form”: Leader- and Followership as an Embodied Emotional and Aesthetic Practice for Creative Transformation in Organisations
Wendelin Keupers
Leadership as Art — Leaders Coming to Their Senses
Claus Springborg
Exploring the Connections among Adaptive Leadership, Facets of Imagination and Social Imaginaries
Max Stephenson, Jr