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Identifying and Enhancing the Strengths of Gifted Learners, K-8

Identifying and Enhancing the Strengths of Gifted Learners, K-8
Easy-to-Use Activities and Lessons

April 2007 | 136 pages | Corwin

"The projects are teacher tested and the ideas presented are challenging, creative, and fun. The author is very experienced and uses that experience to give proven and useful activities, evaluative tools, and rubrics for the gifted."
—Ken Klopack, Art & Gifted Education Consultant
Chicago Public Schools, IL

"The activities are wonderful—clearly explained, easy to administer, and entertaining."
—Frank Buck, Principal
Graham School, Talladega, AL

Challenge gifted students across the curriculum!

Educators can identify children's strengths early on and gain insight into each student's unique abilities by using the numerous ideas and informal assessments in this exciting guide. Gifted and talented specialist Ann Maccagnano offers K–8 teachers challenging activities and engaging lessons to develop and nurture gifted learners' talents.

Organized by skills, each chapter begins with analysis activities to immediately and informally assess students' current skill development. Enhancement activities then extend and enrich the content of the everyday curriculum. Teachers can select and implement any number of appropriate learning experiences to improve students' skills in:

  • Reading, writing, and oral communication
  • Creative and critical thinking
  • Interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence
  • Mathematics and visual/spatial awareness

Identifying and Enhancing the Strengths of Gifted Learners, K–8 is the ideal tool for educators to inspire gifted students to greater levels of academic and social success.

About the Author
1. Developing and Nurturing Gifted Students' Strengths
The Challenge of Challenging Curriculum

What This Book Offers

How the Book Is Organized

Using Analysis Activities

What to Do After Areas of Strength Are Identified

2. Language Arts
Analysis Activities

Enhancing Reading and Writing Skills

Enhancing Oral Communication Skills

3. Creative Thinking
Analysis Activities

Enhancing Creative-Thinking Skills

4. Critical Thinking
Analysis Activities

Enhancing Critical-Thinking Skills

5. Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Intelligence
Interpersonal Analysis Activities

Enhancing Interpersonal Skills

Intrapersonal Analysis Activities

Enhancing Intrapersonal Skills

6. Mathematics
Analysis Activities

Enhancing Mathematical Skills

7. Visual/Spatial Awareness
Analysis Activities

Enhancing Visual/Spatial Skills

8. Cross-Curricular Projects
Design Your Own Dream Room

Create a Company and an Advertisement

Design a WebQuest

Create a Slideshow Presentation

Independent Study

Create Interactive Computer Games Using Hyperlinks

Design a Piece of Artwork

All About Me Project

Create a Database

Design a Travel Brochure

Create a Squiggle Drawing

Hero Unit

The Radio Show

My Creative State

Additional Reading

"The projects are teacher-tested and the ideas presented are challenging, creative, and fun. The author is very experienced and uses that experience to give proven and useful activities, evaluative tools, and rubrics for the gifted."

Ken Klopack, Art & Gifted Education Consultant
Chicago Public Schools, IL

"The ideas in this book are great! Teachers are looking for ideas to work with children with diverse strengths and talents. This book offers those ideas."

Raynice Jean-Sigur, Assistant Professor
Kennesaw State University

"An extensive and useful collection of easily implemented lessons and activities that teachers will use often. In particular, I appreciated the rationale for providing unique educational experiences for gifted students."

Mary Johnson, Principal
Rabbit Creek Elementary School, Anchorage, AK

"The activities are wonderful. They are clearly explained, easy to administer, and entertaining."

Frank Buck, Curriculum Supervisor
Talladega City Schools, AL

"Provides teachers and student teachers with easy activities and lesson plans to be integrated into any school curriculum."

The Bookwatch, July 2007
Midwest Book Review
Key features
  • Helps K–8 teachers identify a student's areas of potential giftedness
  • Offers challenging and engaging lessons and activities
  • "Analysis Activities" to extend and enrich the everyday curriculum

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

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ISBN: 9781412942539