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Paolo Boccagni University of Trento, Italy

Paolo Boccagni is an associate professor in sociology, University of Trento (Italy), and PI, ERC StG HOMInG.

He has done research on transnational migration and integration, social protection, care, diversity, and the “home-migration nexus”: the emotions, relationships, and practices associated with the experience of home, or the loss and the search for it, under circumstances of voluntary or forced migration.

Paolo has published in about 30 journals in migration studies, diversity, housing, social policy, and research methods. The latter include papers on collaborative ethnography (Qualitative Research, 2011), on methodological approaches to transnationalism (in Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, Edward Elgar, 2012), on the ethnography of transnational relations (International Journal of Social Research Methods, 2016), and on ethnography in migration and mobility studies (Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies, Springer, 2018coauthored with Mieke Schrooten).

His recent publications include Migration and the Search for Home (Palgrave, 2017).