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Applied Ontology

Applied Ontology

Published in Association with IOS Press

eISSN: 18758533 | ISSN: 15705838

Applied Ontology focuses on information content in its broadest sense. As the subtitle makes clear, two broad kinds of content-based research activities are envisioned: ontological analysis and conceptual modeling. The former includes any attempt to investigate the nature and structure of a domain of interest using rigorous philosophical or logical tools; the latter concerns the cognitive and linguistic structures we use to model the world, as well as the various analysis tools and methodologies we adopt for producing useful computational models, such as information systems schemes or knowledge structures.

Applied Ontology is the first journal with explicit and exclusive focus on ontological analysis and conceptual modeling under an interdisciplinary view. It aims to establish a unique niche in the realm of scientific journals by carefully avoiding unnecessary duplication with discipline-oriented journals. For this reason, authors will be encouraged to use language that will be intelligible also to those outside their specific sector of expertise, and the review process will be tailored to this end. For example, authors of theoretical contributions will be encouraged to show the relevance of their theory for applications, while authors of more technological papers will be encouraged to show the relevance of a well-founded theoretical perspective. Moreover, the journal will publish papers focusing on representation languages or algorithms only where these address relevant content issues, whether at the level of practical application or of theoretical understanding. Similarly, it will publish descriptions of tools or implemented systems only where a contribution to the practice of ontological analysis and conceptual modeling is clearly established.

Applied Ontology aims at being a major publication forum for theoretical and applied research in a variety of topics, tentatively grouped together in research areas, examples of which are indicated in the list below.

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Applied Ontology is affiliated with the International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA).

In recent years, the dramatic growth of information and communication technologies has led to an increasingly interdisciplinary approach to research and development activities in these fields. To exploit the immense opportunities of widespread networks effectively, designers of modern information systems need to combine the precision of formal semantics with the needs of cognitive transparency, as they incorporate increasingly sophisticated and heterogeneous information content. The recent explosion of interest on ontologies is an important component of this trend. Researchers in disciplines such as knowledge engineering, information systems modeling, artificial intelligence, formal and computational linguistics, information retrieval, library science, and knowledge management have come to realize that a solid foundation for their research calls for serious work in ontology, understood as a general theory of the types of entities and relations that make up their respective domains of inquiry. In all these areas, attention has started to focus squarely on the content of information, rather than on just the formats and languages used to represent that content.

Applied Ontology focuses on information content in its broadest sense. As the subtitle makes clear, two broad kinds of content-based research activities are envisioned: ontological analysis and conceptual modeling. The former includes any attempt to investigate the nature and structure of a domain of interest using rigorous philosophical or logical tools; the latter concerns the cognitive and linguistic structures we use to model the world, as well as the various analysis tools and methodologies we adopt for producing useful computational models, such as information systems schemes or knowledge structures. Applied Ontology is the first journal with explicit and exclusive focus on ontological analysis and conceptual modeling under an interdisciplinary view. It aims to establish a unique niche in the realm of scientific journals by carefully avoiding unnecessary duplication with discipline-oriented journals. For this reason, authors will be encouraged to use language that will be intelligible also to those outside their specific sector of expertise, and the review process will be tailored to this end. For example, authors of theoretical contributions will be encouraged to show the relevance of their theory for applications, while authors of more technological papers will be encouraged to show the relevance of a well-founded theoretical perspective. Moreover, the journal will publish papers focusing on representation languages or algorithms only where these address relevant content issues, whether at the level of practical application or of theoretical understanding. Similarly, it will publish descriptions of tools or implemented systems only where a contribution to the practice of ontological analysis and conceptual modeling is clearly established.

Applied Ontology aims at being a major publication forum for theoretical and applied research in a variety of topics, tentatively grouped together in research areas, examples of which are indicated in the list below.

Foundational issues • Philosophical foundations of ontology • Basic ontological categories and relations • Ontology, epistemology, and semiotics
Specialized ontologies • Ontology of time, events and processes • Ontology of space and geography • Ontology of physics and physical objects • Ontology of biomedicine • Ontology of mental entities • Ontology of agents and actions • Ontology of organizations and social reality • Ontology of the information society • Ontology of business and e-commerce • Ontology of law • Ontology of history, culture and evolution
Ontology development and ontology-driven conceptual modeling • Methodologies for ontology development • Impact of ontological analysis on current modeling practices • Best-practice examples and case studies
Ontology management • Tools for ontology development, analysis and comparison • Comparison and evaluation of ontologies • Ontology management, maintenance, versioning • Methodologies for ontology merging, alignment, and integration • Semantic Web
Ontology and language • Ontology and natural-language semantics • Ontology and lexical resources • Ontology and terminology • Ontology learning techniques and their evaluation • Role of ontology in natural-language systems
Ontology, cognition, perception • Conceptual schemas, perceptual invariances and ontological categorization • Psychological experiments evaluating the cognitive adequacy of ontological categories
Ontology and content standards • Library science • Knowledge organization • Museums and cultural repositories • Multimedia content • Product descriptions • Process and service descriptions • Biomedical and other scientific terminologies
Innovative ontology-based applications

John A. Bateman University of Bremen, Germany
Janna Hastings University of Zurich, Switzerland
Founding Editors
Nicola Guarino National Research Council Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Italy
Mark A. Musen Stanford University, USA
Associate Editors
Philipp Cimiano Bielefeld University, Germany
Giancarlo Guizzardi University of Bolzano, Italy
Robert Hoehndorf King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Leo Obrst The Mitre Corporation, USA
Barry Smith Reinvent Technology, USA
Michael F. Uschold Reinvent Technology, Canada
Laure Vieu IRIT-CNRS, France
Editorial Board Members
Mara Abel Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
João Paulo Almeida Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Mauricio Almeida Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles Université Paul Sabatier, France
Adrien Barton IRIT-CNRS, France
Brandon Bennett University of Leeds, UK 
John Beverley State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Thomas Bittner State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Alex Borgida Rutgers University, USA
Stefano Borgo ISTC-CNR, Italy
Mathias Brochhausen University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, USA
Boyan Brodaric Geological Survey of Canada, Italy
Vinay K. Chaudhri SRI International, USA
Christiane Fellbaum Princeton University, USA
Roberta Ferrario Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Italy
Aldo Gangemi University of Bologna and ISTC-CNR, Italy
Pawel Garbacz The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
Yolanda Gil University of Southern California, USA
Dagmar Gromann University of Vienna, Austria
Michael Gruninger University of Toronto, Canada
Torsten Hahmann University of Maine, USA
Yongqun (Oliver) He University of Michigan, USA
Maria Hedblom Jönköping University, Sweden
Heinrich Herre University of Leipzig, Germany
Pascal Hitzler Kansas State University, USA
Krzysztof Janowicz University of California, USA
Ludger Jansen Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany
Paul Johannesson Stockholm University, Sweden
Gilles Kassel Jules Verne University of Picardie, France
Megan Katsumi University of Toronto, Canada
Maria Keet University of Cape Town, South Africa
Oliver Kutz Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Claudio Masolo ISTC-CNR, Italy
William E. McCarthy Michigan State University, USA
Hande McGinty Kansas State University, USA
Riichiro Mizoguchi Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Alessandro Mosca Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Fabian Neuhaus University of Magdeburg, Germany
Neil Otte Johns Hopkins University, USA
Chris Partridge BORO Solutions, UK
Oscar Pastor Lopez Valencia University of Technology, Spain
Maria Teresa Pazienza University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
Daniele Porello ISTC-CNR, Italy
Roberta Porzel University of Bremen, Germany
Daniele Radicioni University of Torino, Italy
Emilio Sanfilippo ISTC - CNR, Italy
Daniele Francesco Santamaria University of Catania, Italy
Marco Schorlemmer IIIA-CSIC, Italy
Selja Seppälä University College Cork, Ireland
Amit P. Sheth Wright State University, USA
Elena Simperl University of Southampton, UK
Veda Storey Georgia State University, USA
Walter Terkaj L’Istituto di Sistemi e Tecnologie Industriali Intelligenti per il Manifatturiero Avanzato, Italy
Nicolas Troquard Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Hans Weigand Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Bob Young Loughborough University, UK
Assistant Editor
Mihai Pomarlan Bremen University, Germany
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