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Action Research

Action Research
Improving Schools and Empowering Educators

Seventh Edition

June 2024 | 376 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Action Research: Improving Schools and Empowering Educators, Seventh Edition serves as a comprehensive guide on action research for both beginning and experienced educators. Instead of focusing on theoretical aspects of research, the book provides detailed yet practical information guiding readers step-by-step through the iterative process of action research in a classroom or school-based context. The text adopts a highly sequential manner, beginning with topic conceptualization, reviewing related research, designing the study, executing the investigation, developing an action plan, and ultimately disseminating and reflecting on the results. A distinguishing feature of this book is the integration of numerous relatable examples, hands-on exercises, case studies, and explorations of published action research entries to ensure material comprehension. Each chapter of this Seventh Edition has been updated with a new Action Research Case Study, featuring the move to virtual instruction for the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Throughout, the author has added more on alternative strategies for disseminating research and expanded discussion of research topics, problems, questions, data, and analysis. Additionally, the entire book has also been updated for the Seventh Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association to be current with the latest best practices in research.

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Part I • What Is Action Research?
Chapter 1 • Introduction to Action Research
Chapter 2 • Overview of the Action Research Process
Part II • How Do I Begin My Action Research Study?
Chapter 3 • Planning for Action Research and Reviewing Related Literature
Chapter 4 • Developing a Research Plan
Part III • What Do I Do With All These Data?
Chapter 5 • Collecting Data
Chapter 6 • Analyzing Data
Part IV • I’ve Got Results! . . . Now What?
Chapter 7 • Next Steps and Future Cycles: Developing an Action Plan
Chapter 8 • Writing an Action Research Report
Chapter 9 • Sharing and Reflecting
Appendix A. Sample Action Research Report: Differentiated Spelling: Using Small Group Instruction
Appendix B. Sample Action Research Report: Implementing Personal Devices in Math
Appendix C. Action Research Developmental Templates

"This is by far the finest textbook on this topic available."

Bill Morelan
Arkansas Tech University

"Excellent. Well organized and easy to follow. Students can use this book to learn and professors can use it to set up their courses."

Angelo J. Letizia
Notre Dame of Maryland University

This is a wonderful textbook, and it is not at all the reason I will not be adopting it. It is simply because I am not teaching EPRS 7900 (Methods of Research in Education) going forward, and other resources have since been adopted as a result.

Dr Natasha N. Johnson
Educ Policy Studies Dept, Georgia State Univ-Atlanta
September 27, 2024
Key features
  • The Seventh Edition introduces a new Action Research Case Study in each chapter, focusing on an educator coping with the shift to virtual instruction during COVID-19.
  • Discussion of COVID-19, its effects on the classroom, including remote learning, and new and developing research help place the methods in a contemporary and practical context.
  • Expanded introductory content helps students more easily grasp the scope and purpose of action research.
  • Alternative strategies for the dissemination of action research results such as social media, personal websites, videos, blogs, vlogs, and podcasts help students make their research more accessible.
  • Throughout, but especially in Chapter 8: Writing an Action Research Report, the book has been updated to the APA 7th Edition Publication Manual.
  • A discussion of the importance of the alignment between research topics, problems, questions, data, and analysis (TPQDA) helps ensure a smoother research process and usable results.
  • Two new and more current examples of educator-conducted action research in Appendix A and Appendix B more fully demonstrate the relevance and particulars of action research to students.
  • The text is organized by sequentially mirroring an action research study, presenting the process of designing and conducting an action research study. However, it is important to note that action research proceeds through this process in a cyclical manner.
  • Three Action Research Case Studies provide detailed scenarios of action research and extend throughout each chapter. In each chapter, the case study discussions continue from the previous section, highlighting the application of content as integrated into three practically based action research studies.
  • Numerous, detailed examples throughout the book, including examples provided by the author and from published action research studies, support students' understanding and bring content to life.
  • A helpful visual organizer for the main contents is found on the first page of each chapter, providing students with clear guidelines of what to anticipate.
  • A final Questions and Activities section found in every chapter can be used to extend student knowledge, understanding, and application.
  • Other pedagogical features include a bulleted summary in each chapter of its main points, a complete glossary of terms, a list of references, as well as a comprehensive subject and author index.
  • Three appendices include complete written reports of teacher-conducted action research projects, as well as developmental templates to guide the novice action researcher.

Sage College Publishing

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