Women Transforming Communications
Global Intersections
Edited by:
- Donna Allen - Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press
- Ramona R. Rush
- Susan J. Kaufman
July 1996 | 400 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Written to share "herstories" with both women and men, Women Transforming Communications provides a one-of-a-kind account of the strategies for liberating communication systems from gender and cultural biases, especially in those areas in which women and minorities are traditionally excluded because of limited and controlled access. The renowned contributors to this reader fight fire with fire, using mass media communication such as newspaper, magazine, and television journalism, as well as communication research and scholarship, to ensure full inclusion of women and minorities in all areas. A platform for feminist discourse on topics such as pornography, grassroots communication, and culturally diverse organizations each chapter voices issues important to women entering the 21st century. Brought together, these voices clamor thunderously for definitive and positive social change.
This exciting work provides an account of the strategies for transforming communication systems that are not inclusive. Students and professionals in communication, media studies, sociology, women's studies, cultural studies and ethnic and gender studies will benefit by witnessing this account of history in progress.
Ramona R Rush
Websters and Spinsters
Ramona R Rush
Ten Tenets for Deeper Communications
Transforming Communications Theory and Research
Christy C Bulkeley
Transforming Faith in the First Amendment
Riane Eisler
Communication, Socialization, and Domination
The Replication of Violence and the Partnership Alternative
JoAnn Myer Valenti
Environmental Communication
A Female-Friendly Process
Edna F Einsiedel
Action Research
Implications for Gender, Development, and Communications
Frankie Hutton
Afrocentric, Archetypical Perspectives
Four Black Female Journalists
Anne Wilson Schaef
Return of a Native Daughter
Patricia Madoo Lengermann, Jill Niebrugge-Brantley, and Jane Kirkpatrick
Democracy, Technology, and the Public Library
A Feminist Sociological Analysis
Gloria Steinem
Revolutionary Circles within Larger Political Patterns
An Afterword to Revolution from Within
Annette J Samuels
Women, Ethnic and Language Minorities, and Mass Media
Judith Cramer
Uncovering the Media Coverage of Sport
Sandy Nelson
Suing the Sacred Cows That Fed Her
Susan J Kaufman
Surviving Auschwitz and the Media
A Mengele Twin's Media Voyage
Andrea Dworkin
Against the Male Flood
Censorship, Pornography, and Equality
Ramona R Rush
A Systemic Commitment to Women in the Academy
Barriers, Harrassment Prevent `Being All That We Can Be'
Kathryn Cirksena
Feminism after Ferment
Ten Years of Gendered Scholarship in Communications
Susan Holly Stocking and Julianne H Newton
The Wren, the Eagles, and the Assistant Professor
Mercedes Lynn de Uriarte
Demonstrations in Intellectual Diversity
Applied Theory to Challenge Campus Press Hegemony
Sharon A Russell
A Challenge to Traditional Media Technology in the Form of a Dialogue with an Absent Other
Pamela J Creedon
The Rib Syndrome
Rebels, Servants, and Victims
Paula Kassell
The Birth, Success, Death, and Lasting Influence of a Feminist Periodical
New Directions for Women (1972-1993-?)
Fran P Hosken
Women and International Communication
The Story of WIN News
Frieda Werden
The Founding of WINGS (Women's International News Gathering Service)
A Story of Feminist Radio Survival
Maria Suarez Toro
Feminist International Radio Endeavor - FIRE
Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi
Women Communicating Globally
Mediating International Feminism
Casey Miller and Kate Swift
Reclaiming Language
Jannette L Dates and Carolyn A Stroman
African American Women and Mass Communication Research
Barbara Straus Reed
Women at Hearst Magazines
A Case Study of Women in Magazine Publishing
Elizabeth Dodson Gray
Television's Transformative Role in Courtroom Justice for Women and Children
Florangel Rosario-Braid
Filipino Women in Communications
Breaking New Grounds
Peggy A Simpson
The Washington Press Club Foundation's Oral History Project
Getting Women Journalists to Speak of Themselves, for Themselves, for Herstory's Sake
Sara Stuart and Renuka Bery
Powerful Grassroots Women Communicators
Participatory Video in Bangladesh
Marlene G Fine
Multicultural Literacy
Communicating in Culturally Diverse Organizations
Donna Allen
Women and Technology
Transforming Communication and Democracy