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What Every Principal Should Know About Operational Leadership

What Every Principal Should Know About Operational Leadership

November 2005 | 200 pages | Corwin

Discover best practices for implementing efficient school management! 

While principals may understandably devote a great deal of attention to supporting the cultural and instructional needs of their schools, the core administrative challenge remains: managing the school's personnel, facilities, and financial resources. As the sixth volume of a seven-part series, What Every Principal Should Know About Operational Leadership provides an essential tool for new and veteran principals who want to run their school sites more efficiently and intentionally every day of the school year. Filled with best practice examples, resources, reflection and self-assessment opportunities, and implementation ideas, this guide also includes the following features:

  • Before we get started" questionnaire and response analysis
  • Case study and accompanying reflective questions
  • "What You Should Know About" section framing each chapter
  • Self-Assessment resource for determining effectiveness of cultural leaders 

This book covers the essentials for organization and time management, overseeing and evaluating facilities, handling the budget, addressing legal mandates, recruiting and evaluating personnel, working with an assistant principal, and enhancing communication in individual and group settings.

Other titles in this leadership series:


What Every Principal Should Know About Leadership
What Every Principal Should Know About School-Community Leadership 
What Every Principal Should Know About Strategic Leadership
What Every Principal Should Know About Collaborative Leadership 
What Every Principal Should Know About Instructional Leadership 
What Every Principal Should Know About Cultural Leadership 
What Every Principal Should Know About Ethical and Spiritual Leadership  

About the Author
Questionnaire: Before We Get Started...
1. Introduction
2. Best Practices in Getting Organized
3. Best Practices in Managing Facilities
4. Best Practice in School Finance and Handling the Budget
5. Best Practices in Human Resources Management
6. Best Practices in Communicating Effectively
7. Best Practices in Personal Management
Conclusion: Making Operational Leadership a Reality
Resource A: Realities of Operational Leadership: In-Basket Simulations
Resource B: Assessing Your Role in Operational Leadership
Resource C: An Annotated Bibliography of Best Resources

"An in-depth look at the best practices for managing facilities, school finances, human resources, and communication makes this title a must-read for new and veteran administrators."

Curriculum Connections, Fall 2006
School Library Journal

I will not teach this course this year. This text will be forwarded to the new instructor of record.

Professor James Gentilucci
Education Dept, Cal Polytechnic State Univ
October 2, 2016

Sample Materials & Chapters

Preface excerpt

Chapter 1 excerpt

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ISBN: 9781483361635

ISBN: 9781412915915