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The SAGE Encyclopedia of Terrorism, Second Edition

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Terrorism, Second Edition

Edited by:
  • Gus Martin - California State University, Dominguez Hills, USA

June 2011 | 720 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Six years after publication of the first edition of the best-selling Encyclopedia of Terrorism, much has changed on the national security scene. Despite the dark promises of Osama bin Laden following the 9/11 attacks, the United States has not experienced any major domestic terror incidents. Al-Qaeda itself is believed to be a severely crippled organization. But while U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq--not to mention the arrival of the Obama administration, a new balance of power within Congress, and an increasingly fragile economic picture--have significantly affected the national security picture, the threat of economic chaos and massive loss of life due to terror attacks has not abated. Indeed, in July 2008 analysts pointed out that even a relatively small terrorist organization could present a dire threat, with some experts arguing that a biological, chemical, or even nuclear attack on a major U.S. city is all but inevitable. In this highly charged, rapidly shifting environment, we are pleased to present the The SAGE Encyclopedia of Terrorism, Second Edition, a thoroughly updated and expanded edition of the original, highly regarded reference work. Nearly 100,000 words of new material will be added, along with fully updated original entries, and expanded coverage. New introductory essays will explore the impact of terrorism on economics, public health, religion, and even pop culture. Ethical issues such as the role of torture in interrogations, competing notions of security versus liberty, and the debates over FISA legislation and Guantanamo Bay will also be covered. Two dozen entries on significant recent events—such as the London bombings, Chechen attacks on Russian interests, and the rescue of Ingrid Bettancourt—and some 60 additional new entries will restore the work as an up-to-the-minute, natural first-stop for researchers.

Yossi Almog, Jay Levinson
Forensics and Terrorism
Bader Araj, Robert J. Brym
Hall Gardner
International Relations and Terrorism
Tahmina Hadjer, Gerald Schneider
Economics and Terrorism
Brian Jackson
Training of Terrorists
Brenda Lutz, James Lutz
Brenda Lutz, James Lutz
Guildfor Four
Kenneth J. Ryan
Homeland Security, Office of
Kenneth J. Ryan
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Hamoud Salhi
Organization of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb
Hamoud Salhi
Al Shabab
Hamoud Salhi
Al-Masri, Abu Ayyub
Harold Scott
Intelligence Gathering
Brent Smith
San Diego Daniel Andreas
Aglaya Snetkov
Chechen Incidents
Mark Ungar
Death Squads
Lorenzo Vidino
Lindh, John Walker
Lorenzo Vidino
Padilla, Jose
Kris Brown
Bloody Sunday
Kris Brown
Decommissioning Process
Ikaweba Bunting
Lord's Resistance Army
Brian Burton
Iraq War
David B. Cook
Religious and Spiritual Perspectives
Stuart Croft
London Underground Bombings
Steven Emerson
New Terrorism
Kathryn Farr
Gender-Based Terrorism
David Glazier
Guantanamo Bay
Dipak Gupta
Khmer Rouge
Dipak Gupta
Communist Party of Nepal-Maoists
Mohammed Hafez
Afghan Arabs
Mohammed Hafez
Al-Qaeda in Iraq
Mohammed Hafez
Al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab
Mohammed Hafez
Ansar al-Islam
Mohammed Hafez
Chlorine Bombings, Iraq
Jennifer Holmes
Najib Lafraie
Afghanistan War
Benjamin Lieberman
Ethnic Cleansing
Samuel M. Makinda
Bashir, Abu Bakar
Samuel M. Makinda
Bali Nightclub Bombing
Erwann Michel-Kerjan
Insurance and Terrorism
Harvey Morley
Criminal Prosecutions of Terrorists
Marie Palladini
Long, William Andrew, Murder of
Rafael Reuveny
Black September
Bruce Riedel
9/11 Commission
Ann Robertson
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Ann Robertson
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Ann Robertson
Central Intelligence Agency
Ann Robertson
Justice Department, US National Security Agency
Ann Robertson
National Security Council
Ann Robertson
Ann Robertson
Special Air Service Regiment
Ann Robertson
Special Operations Wing
Ann Robertson
Ann Robertson
United Nations
Michael Ronczkowski
Gadahn Adam Yahiye
Kenneth J. Ryan
Interrogation Techniques
Kenneth J. Ryan
Rendition, Extraordinary
Kenneth J. Ryan
Torture Debate
Olga Semukhina
Popular Culture, Terrorism in
Mary Sisson
Mumbai 2008 Attacks
Mary Sisson
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan
Kenneth Stern
Phineas Priesthood
Joseph Szyliowicz
Airport Security
Rhiannon Talbot-English
Women Terrorists
Anna Lisa Tota
Madrid Bombings
Clive Walker
Law and Terrorism
Phil Williams
Zetas, Los
Leonard Zeskind
Fourteen Words, The
Leonard Zeskind
Christian Identity
Leonard Zeskind
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Leonard Zeskind
Racial Holy War
Leonard Zeskind
White Aryan Resistance (WAR)
Harvey Morley
Awda Al Aziz
Key features
  • Multidisciplinary and curriculum-driven. Sources, consequences, responses to, and modulation and prevention of terrorism are covered from the perspectives of varied academic disciplines: political science and international relations, criminology and sociology, social psychology, international law, etc.
  • Authoritative and comprehensive. Hundreds of signed entries by experts, both academics and professionals, cover traditional subjects and emerging ideas along with suggested readings to guide users to in-depth resources for further information. Many entries within the new edition move beyond news events and people with topical and conceptual foci intended to help students better understand the root causes and consequences of terrorism and terrorist activities.
  • Easy to use and search. Cross-references guide readers to related entries, the entire work concludes with a detailed index, and, although organized in A-to-Z fashion, entries also are grouped by broad themes according to a Reader's Guide in the front matter; these all combine to provide robust search and browse features in the electronic version.
  • Available in both print and electronic formats. Students will have convenient, easy access wherever they may be.
  • New broad, thematic essays by academic experts give readers a grounding on key areas informing the field, e.g., economics, diplomacy and foreign affairs, politics and democracy, religion and culture, security, etc.

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ISBN: 9781483305646

ISBN: 9781412980166

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