The Psychology of Women and Gender
Half the Human Experience +
Tenth Edition
- Nicole M. Else-Quest - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies
- Janet Shibley Hyde - University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA, University of Wisconsin, USA
January 2021 | 584 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
A psychology of women textbook that fully integrates transgender research, issues, and concerns
With clear, comprehensive, and cutting-edge coverage, The Psychology of Women and Gender: Half the Human Experience + delivers an authoritative analysis of classical and up-to-date research from a feminist, psychological viewpoint. Authors Nicole M. Else-Quest and Janet Shibley Hyde examine the cultural and biological similarities and differences between genders, noting how these characteristics can affect issues of equality. Students will come away with a strong foundation for understanding the dynamic influences of gender, sexual orientation, and ethnicity in the context of psychology and society. The Tenth Edition further integrates intersectionality throughout every chapter, updates language for more transgender inclusion, and incorporates new content from guidelines put forth from the American Psychological Association.
With clear, comprehensive, and cutting-edge coverage, The Psychology of Women and Gender: Half the Human Experience + delivers an authoritative analysis of classical and up-to-date research from a feminist, psychological viewpoint. Authors Nicole M. Else-Quest and Janet Shibley Hyde examine the cultural and biological similarities and differences between genders, noting how these characteristics can affect issues of equality. Students will come away with a strong foundation for understanding the dynamic influences of gender, sexual orientation, and ethnicity in the context of psychology and society. The Tenth Edition further integrates intersectionality throughout every chapter, updates language for more transgender inclusion, and incorporates new content from guidelines put forth from the American Psychological Association.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Why Study the Psychology of Women and Gender?
Sex, Gender, Transgender, and Cisgender
Sexism and Feminism
Themes in the Psychology of Women and Gender
Sources of Bias in Psychological Research
Feminist Alternatives to Biased Research
Chapter Previews
Chapter 2: Theoretical Perspectives on Gender
Psychoanalytic Theory
Social Learning Theory
Cognitive-Developmental Theory
Gender Schema Theory
Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology
Social Role Theory
Feminist Theories
Chapter 3: Gender Stereotypes and Gender Differences
Gender Stereotypes
Psychological Gender Differences
The Gender Similarities Hypothesis
Chapter 4: The Intersection of Gender and Ethnicity
Recurring Themes
Ethnic Group Labels
An Ethnic/Cultural Critique of Psychological Research
Guidelines for Research With People of Color
Cultural Heritages of People of Color in the United States
Gender Roles and Ethnicity
Mental Health Issues
Feminisms of Color
Chapter 5: Gender and Communication
Verbal Communication
Nonverbal Communication
How Women and Nonbinary People Are Treated in Language
Toward Nonsexist Language
In Conclusion
Chapter 6: Gender and Emotion
Gender Stereotypes About Emotions
Gender and Emotional Experience and Expression
Emotional Intelligence
Emotions Beyond the Binary
The Socialization of Gendered Emotions
Chapter 7: Lifespan Development
Emerging Adulthood
Later Adulthood
Chapter 8: Abilities, Motivation, and Achievement
Motivation: Expectancy-Value Theory
The Gender Gap in STEM
Chapter 9: Gender and Work
Pay Equity and the Wage Gap
Compensation Negotiation
Gender Discrimination and Workplace Climate
Leadership and the Glass Ceiling
Work and Family Issues
Chapter 10: Biology and Gender
Basic Physiological Processes
Sex Hormones
The Brain
Chapter 11: Psychology, Gender, and Health
Gender and Health
Reproduction and Health
Trans Health Issues
Chapter 12: Gender and Sexuality
Psychological Aspects of Gender and Sexuality
The Intersection of Gender and Race in Sexuality
Sexual Disorders and Therapy
Additional Therapies for Women’s Sexual Disorders
Gender Similarities
Chapter 13: Gender and Sexual Orientation
Queer Theory
Stereotypes and Discrimination
Lesbian Culture
Sexual Orientation Development and Fluidity
Mental Health Issues
Why Do Women Become Lesbian, Bi, or Straight?
Differences Between Lesbians and Gay Men
The Intersection of Sexual Orientation and Ethnicity
Chapter 14: Gender and Victimization
Rape and Sexual Assault
Intimate Partner Violence
Sexual Harassment
Human Trafficking
Child Sexual Abuse
Looking Forward
Chapter 15: Gender and Mental Health Issues
Alcohol- and Substance-Use Disorders
Eating Disorders
Gender and Psychotherapy
Chapter 16: The Psychology of Men and Masculinity
The Psychology of Men and Masculinity
The Gender Role Identity Paradigm
The Gender Role Strain Paradigm
Lifespan Development
Male Sexuality
Men of Color
Health Issues
Psychotherapy With Boys and Men
Chapter 17: Retrospect and Prospect
Future Research
Feminism Revisited
Re-Visioning Theory
The Continuing Feminist Revolution and Backlash
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Authors
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Online resources included with this text
The online resources for your text are available via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site, which offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank and editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides.