Jodi O’Brien
Prologue: What is Real?
Part I: Introduction
Jodi O’Brien
Essay: The Nature of Humanness
Reading 1: Our Permanently Plastic Brains
Gina Rippon
Reading 2: What Do Memes Tell Us About Self and Time During the Pandemic?
Michael Flaherty and Cosima Rughinis
Part II: Language and Social Development
Jodi O’Brien
Essay: Shared Meaning as the Basis of Human Development
Symbol Use, Language, and Development
Reading 3: George Herbert Mead’s Self and Mind
Bernard N. Meltzer
Reading 4: Final Note on a Case of Extreme Isolation
Kingsley Davis
Language and Culture
Reading 5: Metaphors We Live By
George Lakoff and Mark Johnson
Reading 6: Translating Indigenous Sexualities
Manuela L. Picq and Josi Tikuna
Part III –Learning Social Identities and Social Scripts
Essay: Learning the Script: Socialization
Socialization and Reference Groups
Reading 7: Reference Groups as Perspectives
Tamotsu Shibutani
Reading 8: We Don't Sleep Around Like White Girls Do
Yen Le Espiritu
Naming and Feeling Experience
Reading 9: Becoming a Marijuana User
Howard Becker
Reading 10: The Development of Feeling Norms Underlying Romantic Love
Robin Simon
Part IV: Producing Social Selves
Jodi O’Brien
Essay: Who Am I? Developing Character
Significant Others, Social Context & Self Development
Reading 11: Looking Glass Self
Charles Horton Cooley
Reading 12: Why Do Teens Seem So Strange Online?
Danah Boyd
Reading 13: Life as the Maid’s Daughter
Mary Romero
Jodi O’Brien
Essay: Self as a Process of Contradiction and Conflict
Contradictions and Conflict in Self Development
Reading 14: Double Consciousness and the Veil
W.E. B. DuBois
Reading 15: A Reflection on Studying White Identity as a Native Person
Sofia Locklear
Reading 16: Queer Negotiations of Identity and Social Group Membership
Carla Pfeffer
Part V: Producing Social Life Through Interaction
Jodi O’Brien
Essay: Meaning is Negotiated through Interaction
Self-Presentation and Projecting the Definition of the Situation
Reading 17: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
Erving Goffman
Reading 18: Death as Theatre
Ronny E. Turner and Charles Edgely
Identity Work, & Emotional Labor
Reading 19: The Managed Heart
Arlie Hochschild
Reading 20: From Prowar Soldier to Antiwar Activist
David Flores
Reading 21: Panhandling Repertoires and Routines for Overcoming the Nonperson Treatment
Stephen E. Lankenau
Part VI: The Social Production of Reality
Jodi O’Brien
Essay: Building and Breaching Reality
Constructing Realities
Reading 22: Five Features of Reality
Hugh Mehan and Houston Wood
Reading 23: A Conception of and Experiments with “Trust” as a Condition of Concerted Stable Actions
Harold Garfinkel
Reading 24: Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
Paul Watzlawick
Maintaining the Status Quo and Constructing Change
Reading 25: The Persistence of Gender Inequality in Employment Settings
Cecilia Ridgeway
Reading 26: Bathroom Battlegrounds
Kristen Shilt and Laurel Westbrook
Reading 27: Challenging Racist Nativist Framing
Lindsay Pérez Huber