Volume One: Understanding Research-Informed Education
Dominic Wyse, Vivienne Baumfield, Nicole Mockler, and R. Martin Reardon
Part One: Defining and Theorising Research-Informed Education
Janice Tripney and David Gough
Chapter 1:Evidence ecosystems: A framework for understanding evidence use
Stephen Gorard and Wenqing Chen
Chapter 2: What is the way forward for research-informed education?
Gerry Dunne and Clíodhna Martin
Chapter 3: Epistemic Paternalism in Educational Research
Joyce I-Hui Chen, Jay Derrick, Sam Duncan, Geoff Hayward, Sam Jones, and Lorraine Smith
Chapter 4: Doing research or being researched? Debates on ‘Close-to-Practice’ research from the perspective of the Further, Adult and Vocational Education (FAVE) sector
Mel Ainscow, Claire Forbes, and Romina Madrid Miranda
Chapter 5: Using research to promote equity within education systems: roles, challenges and possibilities
Joel R Malin, Lucy Rycroft-Smith, and Vicky Ward
Chapter 6: The Role of Knowledge Brokering in Fostering Connections Between Educational Research, Policy, and Practice
Stephen MacGregor, Joelle Rodway, Chris Brown, and Alan Daly
Chapter 7: Knowledge Brokerage and Evidence-Informed Education Policy and Practice: A Social Network Perspective
Michael Singh, Li Xiaoli, Michiko Weinmann, Rod Neilsen, and Janice McGregor
Chapter 8: Postmonolingual research-informed education policy practices: Multilingual knowledge dialogues for democratic values
Pallavi Banerjee, Amanda Rigg, and Marina Altoe
Chapter 9: Degree awarding gaps by demographics in UK Universities
Part Two: Methodological Debates in the Field
Elaine Unterhalter and Colleen Howell
Chapter 10: Evidence, politics and the uncertainties of education and international development: Reflections on systematic reviews
Colin Cramer, Felix Schreiber, and Sebastian Röhl
Chapter 11: Systematic Research in Educational Sciences. A Methodological Overview
Sally Riordan and Steve Higgins
Chapter 12: Meta-Analysis in Education: history, purposes and challenges
Sylke V. Schnepf, Don A. Klinger, and Louis Volante
Chapter 13: International Comparison Testing, Measurement Issues, and Policy Considerations in a Post-COVID World
Alison Brady and Mary Richardson
Chapter 14: In grades we trust? Challenging beliefs about assessment in education
Steve Graham and Zoi A. Philippakos
Chapter 15: Reading and Writing Research and Educational Policy in the United States
Blake Cutler, Mark Rickinson, Lucas Walsh, Joanne Gleeson, and Genevieve Hall
Chapter 16: The use of research in education: A methodological discussion of quality use
Stephen Parker and Elizabeth Knight
Chapter 17: Problematising the use of interview data in research for educational policy and practice: beyond incorrigibility and ideology
Part Three: International Comparison and Educational Policy
Alison Milner and Christian Ydesen
Chapter 18: International Comparisons in Education: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Methodo-logical-Political Trajectories, Contributions and Debates
Greg Thompson and Anna Hogan
Chapter 19: The desire for markets: Privatisation, commercialisation, philanthropy and the publicness of schooling
Bob Lingard, Steven Lewis, and Jessica Holloway
Chapter 20: Governing teachers through data, and data as policy: The case of the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS)
Mark Ledger, Beng Huat See, Stephen Gorard, and Rebecca Morris
Chapter 21: Methodological challenges in researching teacher supply: Implications for research, policies and practice
Maria Nicholas, Elizabeth Rouse, and Shaun Rawolle
Chapter 22: International comparisons and reading education policies
Audrey Doyle and Anne Looney
Chapter 23: National Curriculum in a globalised context: the case of the Republic of Ireland
Richard Race and Susan Davis
Chapter 24: Inclusive Practice and Education: Comparing the Curriculum Policies of Wales and England
Volume Two: Implementing Research-Informed Education
Part Four: Effective policy and practice in national contexts
Mary Ryan, Terri Bourke, and Reece Mills
Chapter 25: Effective Policy Enactment in Australia: Enabling and Constraining Conditions for Policy Actors in an Era of Impact in Education
Guili Zhang, Kevin Wall, and Sarah Wall
Chapter 26: Highly Impactful Education Policies and Practices in China in the Past Two Decades
Saiful Malak and Jahirul Mullick
Chapter 27: Teacher education reform in Bangladesh: How far is inclusive education?
Hsu-Chan Kuo, Chu-Yang Chang, Jing-Jyi Wu, and Ying-Yao Cheng
Chapter 28: Effective Research-Informed Policy and Practice in National Contexts: Prioritising Creativity in the Heart of Taiwan’s Education
Sajid Ali, Afaq Ahmed, and Sohail Ahmad
Chapter 29: Generating and Implementing Research-Informed Policies in the Global South: Lessons from Teaching License Policy in Pakistan
Ingrid Gogolin and Nora Dünkel
Chapter 30: Effective Educational Policy and Practice In Germany: Good Intentions, Significant Constraints
David Egan and Anne Hodgson
Chapter 31: Research-Informed Education Policy And Practice In The Welsh Education System
Sylvia Schmelkes, Marisol Silva-Laya, Osiris Martínez-Valle, and Guadalupe Águila Moreno
Chapter 32: Equity Policies In Higher Education In Mexico: Achievements And Challenges Of Technological And Intercultural Universities
Sofia Malik and Carol Campbell
Chapter 33: The Quest for Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century: Knowledge Mobilisation for Research-Informed Education Policy and Practice in Canada
Elizabeth N. Farley-Ripple and Samantha Shewchuk
Chapter 34: Supporting effective policy and practice: Lessons from the United States
Part Five: Curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
Mark Priestley, Daniel Alvunger, Sinem Hizli Alkan, Stavroula Philippou, and Tiina Soini
Chapter 35: Understanding Curriculum Making by teachers: implications for policy as text and as practice
Allan Michel Jales Coutinho and William F. Pinar
Chapter 36: Understanding curriculum work in the context of international crises: An autobiographical praxis of becoming
Richard Pountney, Elizabeth Rata, and Diane Swift
Chapter 37: Exploring curriculum coherence and professional knowledge
Tim Cain and Anna Mariguddi
Chapter 38: The journey from research into practice (without public policy): the case of school music education
Jennifer M Gore and Sally Patfield
Chapter 39: Rethinking pedagogy: The central plank in school improvement?
Clair Andersen, Glenn Auld, Julianne Moss, Kitty te Riele, Tim Delphine, Tim Corcoran, Joanne O’Mara, David Hicks, and Emily Rudling
Chapter 40: Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student success in school: Beyond the Policy
Jodi Wainwright, Jitka Vseteckova, and Klaus-Dieter Rossade
Chapter 41: Digital language learning: the cognitive, affective and social rewards for older adults.
Catarina F. Correia and Dylan Wiliam
Chapter 42: Formative assessment
Grace Morris, Elena Novak, and Chia-Ling Kuo
Chapter 43: Research-Informed Practices of Creativity Assessments in K-12 STEM and Computer Science Education
Part Six: Practitioners and learners as researchers
Sara Hennessy, Ruth Kershner, Farah Ahmed, Elisa Calcagni, Ana Trigo-Clapés, Meaghan Brugha, and Christine Edwards-Groves
Chapter 44: Knowledge mobilisation through practitioner-led inquiry: A dialogic perspective
Christine Parker, Sandra Clare, Katherine Clark, Jennifer De Orta, Joanne Benford, and Felicity Dewsbery
Chapter 45: Transforming practice wisdom through practitioner research in early childhood
Kristin Vanlommel
Chapter 46: Evidence-Informed Educational Change: Conceptual Proposal for a Capacity-Building Model
Kyriaki Messiou and Nikolett Szelei
Chapter 47: Promoting inclusive pedagogies in schools through student voice and dialogues
Henryk Mizerek and Lidia Bielinis
Chapter 48: Education policy and knowledge. What if they could meet?
Christopher Chapman, Romina Madrid Miranda, Carlos Duque Artigas, and Milena Paez-Silva
Chapter 49: Acting Locally, Thinking Globally: An international Research-Practice Partnership for youth action
Julia Chen, Linda Lin, Caroline Nixon, and Dennis Foung
Chapter 50: Doubling Educational Effectiveness: Conducting Multidimensional Research to (Re-)Inform Curriculum Enhancement
Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan, Makie Kortjass, and Ntokozo Mkhize-Mthembu
Chapter 51: Self-Study as a Movement and Methodology for Inside-Out Educational Change: Foundations, Characteristics, and Exemplars
Janet Orchard, Victoria Bowen, and Amanda Williams
Chapter 52: Walking the talk: assessing the collaborative potential of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) for co-created classroom-based research