Editorial Introduction
Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont
A Stranger at the Gate
Nels Anderson
The Past and the Future of Ethnography
Patricia Adler and Peter Adler
Ethnography: Post, Past and Present
Paul Atkinson, Amanda Coffey and Sara Delamont
The Interactional Study of Organisation
Robert Dingwall and Phil Strong
Linking Data (extract)
Nigel Fielding and Jane Fielding
Towards A Peopled Ethnography
Gary Alan Fine
Beyond Groups
Japonica Brown-Saracino, Jessica Thurk and Gary Alan Fine
Participant Observation in the Era of 'Ethnography'
Herbert Gans
On Fieldwork
Erving Goffman
Erving Goffman's Sociological Legacies
John Lofland
Analyzing Field Reality (extract)
Jaber Gubrium
Accessing, waiting, plunging in, and writing: retrospective sense-making of fieldwork
Peter Magolda
Exchange and Access in Field Work
Paul Gray
From How to Why: On Luminous Description Pt 1
Jack Katz
From How to Why: On Luminous Description Pt 2
Jack Katz
Reminiscences of Classic Chicago: The Blumer-Hughes Talk
Lyn Lofland
Towards a Critical Ethnography: A re-examination of the Chicago legacy
Jim Thomas
Everett C. Hughes and the Development of Fieldwork in Sociology
Jean-Michel Chapoulie
A Meta-Ethnographic Approach and The Freeman Refutation of Mead
George Noblit and R. Dwight Hare
Stability and Flexibility
Patricia Adler and Peter Adler
Ethnographic Evidence
Michael Agar
The Hired Hand and the Lone Wolf: Issues in the use of Observers in Large-Scale Program Evaluation
Carl Florez and George Kelling
Four Ways to Improve the Craft of Fieldwork
Robert Emerson
'Déjà Entendu': The Liminal Qualities of Anthropological Fieldnotes
Jean Jackson
Alan Radley and Diane Taylor
Educational Ethnography as Performance Art: Towards a Sensuous Feeling and Knowing
Carl Bagley
Discipline and the Material Form of Images
Michael Lynch
Understanding Urban Life: The Chicago legacy
Lyn Lofland
Street Phenomenology: The Go-Along as Ethnographic Research Tool
Margarethe Kusenbach
"Just another Native?" Soundscapes, Chorasters, and Borderlands in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Brett Lashua
Doing Research in Cyberspace
David Jacobson
How I Learned What a Crock Was
Howard Becker
Ten Lies of Ethnography: Moral Dilemmas of Field Research
Gary Alan Fine
Problems in the Field: Participant Observation and the Assumption of Neutrality
Jeffrey Cohen
Collecting Data from Elites and Ultra-Elites
Neil Stephens
The Ubiquity of Ambiguity in Research Interviewing: An Exemplar
Cynthia Cannon Poindexter
Referencing as Persuasion
Nigel Gilbert
Contradictions of Feminist Methods
Sherry Gorelick
Jurors' Use of Judges' Instructions
James Holstein
Notes on the Nature and Development of General Theories
Anselm Strauss
Grounded Theory Method
Merilyn Annells
Analytic Ordering for Theoretical Purposes
Juliet Corbin and Anselm Strauss
Rediscovering Glaser
Kath Melia
Grounded Theory: Evolving Methods
Linda Robrecht
Premises, Principles and Practices in Qualitative Research: Revisiting the Foundations
Kathy Charmaz
Two Cases of Ethnography: Grounded Theory and the Extended Case Method
Iddo Tavory and Stefan Timmermans
Five Misunderstandings about Case-Study Research
Bent Flyberrg
The Personal is Political
Sherryl Kleinman
Qualitative Data Analysis
Amanda Coffey, Beverly Holbrook and Paul Atkinson
A Comment on Coffey et al
Raymond Lee and Neil Fielding
The Art(fulness) of Open-Ended Interviewing: Some Consdiderations on Analysing Interviews
Timothy John Rapley
Doing Narrative Analysis
Catherine Riessman
Narrative Turn or Blind Alley?
Paul Atkinson
Narrative in Social Work: A Critical Review
Catherin Kohler Riessman and Lee Quinney
The Use of Discovery Accounts
S. W. Woolgar
Beyond the 'Fetichism of Words': Considerations on the use of the Interview to Gather Chronic Illness Narratives
Nathan Miczo
'When Discourse is Torn from Reality': Bakhtin and the Principle of Chronotopicity
Stuart Allan
Having, and Being had by, "Experience": Or, "Experience in the Social Sciences after the Discursive/Poststructuralist Turn"
Bronwyn Davies and Cristyn Davies
Immersion vs. Analytic Ideals and Appendix
Sherryl Kleinman and Martha Copp
(No) Trial (but) Tribulations: When Courts and Ethnography Conflict
Rik Scarce
Whose Side Was Becker On?
Martyn Hammersley
Handing IRB an Unloaded Gun
Carol Rambo
Ethics and the Practice of Qualitative Research
Ian Shaw
'Becoming Participant': Problematizing 'Informed Consent' in Participatory Research with Young People in Care
Emma Renold, Sally Holland, Nicola Ross, and Alexandra Hillman
Researching Researchers: Lessons for Research Ethics
Rose Wiles, Vikki Charles, Graham Crow and Sue Heath
Reembodying Qualitative Inquiry
Margarete Sandelowski
Gender, Disembodiment and Vocation: Exploring the Unmentionables of British Academic Life
David Mills and Mette Louise Berg
Ethnographying Public Memory: The Commemorative Genre for the Victims of Terrorism in Italy
Anna Lisa Tota
Unsettling Engagements
Charles Fruehling Springwood and C. Richard King
Data Presentation and the Audience
Carol Warren
Can We Re-Use Qualitative Data Via Secondary Analysis? Notes on some Terminological and Substantive Issues
Martyn Hammersley
(Re)Using Qualitative Data?
Niamh Moore
Whose Cornerville is it, anyway?
Norman Denzin
Trash on the Corner
Laurel Richardson
The Gold Coast and the Slum Revisited: Paradoxes in Replication Research and the Study of Social Change
Albert Hunter
Methods of Writing Patriarchy
Dorothy Smith
Analytic Autoethnography
Leon Anderson
Comments on Setting Criteria for Experimental Writing
Patricia Ticineto Clough
Knowing your Place: Gender and Reflexivity in two Ethnographies
Fiona Gill and Catherine Maclean
Storying Schools: Issues around Attempts to Create a Sense of Feel and Place in Narrative Research Writing
Pat Sikes
Feminist Ethnography: Storytelling that Makes a Difference
Patricia McNamara
Quality Issues in Qualitative Inquiry
Clive Seale
Emerging Criteria for Quality in Qualitative and Interpretive Inquiry
Yvonna Lincoln
New Methods, Old Problems: A Sceptical View of Innovation in Qualitative Research
Max Travers