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Practical Statistics for Nursing Using SPSS

Practical Statistics for Nursing Using SPSS

April 2016 | 408 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
A friendly and approachable guide to real-world statistics, Practical Statistics for Nursing Using SPSS® covers the most common statistical functions in nursing science using plain language. Students learn by doing, and an emphasis on this practical approach is seen throughout the book with each chapter structured to answer key questions: What statistical test should I use for this situation? How do I set up the data? How do I run the test? How do I interpret and document the results? Practice exercises include a vignette, codebook, and data sets ready for processing, enabling students to achieve mastery by carrying out actual statistical analyses.

Online resources for students are available at and include data sets for examples and exercises, fully developed solutions to all odd-numbered exercises, and thorough tutorial videos providing an overview of each statistical method, step-by-step guidance on SPSS® processing, and interpretation of results. Online resources for instructors include Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides for each chapter and solutions to all exercises.

Part I: Statistical Principles
1. Research Principles
Learning Objectives

Research Questions

Control and Experimental Groups

Rationale for Random Assignment

Hypothesis Formulation

Reading Statistical Outcomes

Accept/Reject Hypotheses

Variable Types/Levels of Measure

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises

Chapter 2 Samplng
Learning Objectives

Overview - Sampling

Rationale for Sampling

Sampling Terminology

Representative Sample

Probability Sampling

Nonprobability Sampling

Sampling Bias

Optimal Sample Size

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises

3. Working in SPSS
Learning Objectives

Overview - SPSS

Two Views: Variable View and Data View

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises

Part II: Summarizing Variables
4. Descriptive Statistics
Learning Objectives

Overview - Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

SPSS - Loading SPSS Data Files

SPSS - Descriptive Statistics: Continuous Variables (Age)

SPSS - Descriptive Statistics: Categorical Variables (Gender)

SPSS - Descriptive Statistics: Continuous Variable (Age) Select by Categorical Variable (Gender)

SPSS - (Re)Selecting All Variables

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises

Part III: Measuring Differences Between Groups
5. t Test and Mann-Whitney U Test
Learning Objectives

Overview - t-Test

Overview - Mann-Whitney U-Test

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises

6. ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis Test
Learning Objectives

Overview - ANOVA

Overview - Kruskal-Wallis Test

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises

Learning Objectives

Overview - ANCOVA

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises

Learning Objectives

Overview - MANOVA

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises

Part IV - Measuring Differences Over Time
9. Paired t-Test and Wilcoxon Test
Learning Objectives

Overview - Paired t-Test

Overview - Wilcoxon Test

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises

10. ANOVA Repeated Measures
Learning Objectives

Overview - ANOVA Repeated Measures

Variations of Longitudinal Design

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises

Part V - Measuring Relationships Between Variables
11. Correlation and Regression
Learning Objectives

Overview - Pearson Correlation

Overview - Spearman Correlation

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises

12. Chi-Square
Learning Objectives

Overview - Chi-Square

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises

13. Logistic Regression
Learning Objectives

Overview - Logistic Regression

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises

Part VI - Data Handling
14. Supplemental SPSS Operations
Learning Objectives

Overview - Supplemental SPSS Operations

Good Common Sense

Key Concepts

Practice Exercises



Instructor Teaching Site

Password-protected Instructor Resources include the following:

  • Editable, chapter-specific Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides that offer complete flexibility in easily creating a multimedia presentation for your course
  • Solutions to the all of the exercises in the book
Student Study Site

The Student Study Site includes:

  • Data sets for use with exercises
  • Tutorial videos demonstrating how to use SPSS to work with data
  • Solutions to the odd-numbered exercises in the book

I would highly recommend this text to anyone – students or faculty - with questions about statistics or SPSS. The brilliance of this text is its straight forward prose. Herschel Knapp does a fantastic job of articulating what one needs to know about specific statistical tests and how to effectively use SPSS to analyze data. The brilliance of this text is its straight forward prose.

Heather Carter-Templeton
The University of Alabama

The new textbook by Herschel Knapp, Practical Statistics for Nursing Using SPSS, is a useful text to supplement a basic research textbook for students being introduced to the research process. It provides a clear and concise explanation of commonly used statistical tests and builds skills related to the use of SPSS.

Jennell P. Charles
Clayton State University, College of Health, School of Nursing

This book is a very simple introduction into statistics. The author provides many very useful examples to help students comprehend difficult analyses. The SPSS examples and visuals are superior, as are the exercise at the end of the chapter.

Daniel Rodriguez
La Salle University
Key features


  •  Downloadable tutorial videos show an expert operating SPSS while explaining each processing step.
  • A reader-friendly style invites students to learn intricate concepts through straightforward explanations that facilitate independent comprehension and reduce frustration.
  • Visual aids, such as cartoons, graphics, and SPSS screenshots, accompany each concept to enhance understanding.
  • A single nursing-related example in each statistical chapter illustrates the process from beginning to end and includes access to the example data sets for students to process in SPSS as they advance through each chapter.
  • Exercises comprised of realistic vignettes with prepared data sets enable students to achieve mastery by actually running analyses and documenting the findings.
  • Guidance on using SPSS to accomplish some of the most common data processing tasks is provided in Chapter 14, including how to generate random numbers, sort and select cases, recode variables to facilitate more versatile processing, import non-SPSS data (comma and tab delimited ASCII text files, and Excel worksheets), and practice appropriate secured data storage protocols.

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 6

Chapter 13

Sage College Publishing

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